Any project - whether it is building a building or creating some kind of mechanism, always starts with a drawing and a model. At this stage, you can identify all the shortcomings, nuances and advantages of the early stage of the project.
Previously, everything was done by hand. It was necessary to draw drawings and spend a lot of time on this. Project models were made of paper and other improvised means. Today, in the age of digital technology, computer graphics are widely developed. Due to this, it is possible to automatically recreate a digital model of the project of a building or mechanism to the smallest detail.
Drawings are easily made in specially designed programs for this. These include AutoCAD and Compass. Which is better from these applications and why? This will be described later. It is the AutoCAD and Compass programs that gained the greatest popularity in 2D and 3D modeling.
What is AutoCAD?
This is a program designed to create digital design documentation. Its use is rather extensive in various fields of science. In it, you can create objects and add them to the library, which allows you not to redo the repeating elements of the created project. It is enough to copy the element already in the library and add it where necessary. You can add various macros to activate moving elements, as well as to work with drawn structures, without even having to do programming before.
The AutoCAD program allows you to create various kinds of animations (give movement to static objects) and much more.
Files that AutoCAD works with
To understand what is better than AutoCAD or Compass, it is worth considering the files that these programs work with. Now let's talk about AutoCAD. The utility works with two types of DWG and DXF files. DWG is the most popular extension for storing digital drawings. DXF is also an extension for storing various kinds of circuits. However, unlike DWG, this extension is widely used in all computer-aided design systems, which makes it possible to change DFX format documentation not only in AutoCAD, but also in other programs of a similar kind.
For users of AutoCAD, a special addition was made in the form of the ability to fix existing projects using smartphones and tablets. It becomes convenient for those who are constantly on the road. At first glance, using AutoCAD through gadgets may seem rather inconvenient. However, the developers did their best, and the simple interface of the mobile versions of the programs also does not cause any difficulties when finalizing the project on the road.
Using AutoCAD provides the ability to work in 38 languages of the world. This allows you to consolidate the status of the international program for the development of mechanisms and design for AutoCAD.
What is a Compass?
Compass is a software product created by a Russian company to work on 3D projects and other digital drawing documentation. Depending on the installed version of the Compass program, you can create 3D models, drawings, individual projects, etc.
Basically, this software product is used to create any single part or assembly unit of the project.
"AutoCAD" and "Compass": which utility students choose
Each student of a technical specialty is faced with digital drawings or creating an entire project. He faces a difficult choice of which program to use for computer-aided design. Mostly students prefer either AutoCAD or Compass. A comparison of the features of the program, we will consider further.
Compass is the most easily digestible program than AutoCAD. This is due to the simple interface of the program. Also in “Compass” there is no need to make settings before use, as is necessary in “AutoCAD”.
Unlike AutoCAD, a Compass license costs a lot less. In addition, users of AutoCAD will have to seriously fork out for the purchase of additional libraries.
This allows students to give preference to a more cost-effective Compass. However, this option is suitable only for initial knowledge in the field of computer graphics design. For more serious projects, it is still better to choose AutoCAD.
What program is ideal for 3D modeling
What is better "AutoCAD" or "Compass 3D"? Regarding 3D modeling, the first utility is best suited. Unlike Compass 3D, AutoCAD has much more functionality. However, if you want to work with a clear interface, then Compass 3D certainly wins.
As for the speed of the project with extreme clarity, the above utility wins here. As soon as the question affects the quality of the project, as well as its multitasking, select AutoCAD. This is a world standard. Compass 3D is mainly used for designing something in Russia.
Since the document extensions for Compass and AutoCAD are different, the same file cannot be opened in another program. Then there was a need to convert Compass to AutoCAD.
You can, of course, look for all sorts of additional programs or services, but, it turns out, everything is much simpler. In fact, AutoCAD formats are supported by Compass without additional conversion. However, the first utility mentioned may not open a document made using the second program. In order to fix this, you need to know which extensions you can choose to save the document in Compass and which can open the AutoCAD program.
AutoCAD has only two readable and created extensions dwg and dxf. Therefore, to open a file created through Compass, you need to save it from the above formats.
How to change the extension of a saved document in Compass
Since Compass supports a fairly large number of extensions, you need to choose the one we need - dwg or dxf.
Instructions for changing the extension when saving the file in Compass:
- Create a drawing, project, part, etc.
- Go to the Main menu and click on "Save as ..."
- Choose the place where the document will be saved.
- Select the name of the saved document.
- Select the extension that is supported by AutoCAD (dwg or dxf).
- Click "Save."
Done. Now you have created a file that will open in both utilities discussed in this article.
Changing the format in Compass
Instructions for changing the Compass file extension, which is not supported by AutoCAD:
- Open the file through the Compass program.
- Go to the Main menu and click on "Save As ..."
- Select the desired location where the document will be saved.
- Choose a different name if necessary.
- Mark one of the desired extensions (dwg or dxf).
Done. The saved file can be opened in AutoCAD.
What is better "AutoCAD" or "Compass"? It turns out that the last named utility is better in terms of supported extensions (formats). Compass can be used as a kind of converter for computer graphics extensions and various types of drawings.
Next, consider the general differences between AutoCAD and Compass. The first utility differs from the second in having more functionality. In AutoCAD, you can add various libraries that extend the existing functionality. However, the most distinctive features of these programs are drawn in the work with 3D objects.
Compass uses a sketchy version of 3D modeling. Using the so-called sketching requirements, you can create absolutely any model. To create solid objects, special operations are used, for example, "Extruding an object according to a drawn sketch".
In AutoCAD, you first have to connect the libraries of solids, and only after that you can start 3D modeling and modification of objects. As for the assembly of models (comprehensive collection of finished parts), the Compass wins here in its ease of pairing.
For "AutoCAD" you need to add all the details of the integrated equipment in one export file. After that, it is necessary to load the resulting document with the details transferred into it and create the necessary mechanism or structure by moving and overlapping each other.
User reviews
Many people like the AutoCAD program and its features more. Users say that this utility is more functional. Although in recent years there are more fans at the "Compass". Students especially like this software product. In addition, as users say, Compass supports more formats (including AutoCAD), which is very convenient. But for work in construction companies, experts choose AutoCAD.
Now you can decide for yourself which AutoCAD or Compass is better. These utilities are very much alike in many ways. Most likely, for everyone, the choice of one of these programs will depend on the goals pursued. For example, if you want to work seriously and hope to move to work abroad, then here you should definitely choose and develop in the AutoCAD program. And not only because the functionality is much richer. It's just that this program in CAD is considered international because of its multilingual installation option.
Compass, in turn, is easier to use. Its functionality is exactly the same, plus or minus a couple of features. However, you don’t have to buy various libraries to make your project. AutoCAD uses only 2 native extensions (dwg and dxf), while Compass supports most of the existing formats for digital drawing. This is a huge plus, although the extension of a CAD document can be converted. As a result, everyone chooses what is best - "AutoCAD" or "Compass 3D." For simple operations and student use, the latter is preferred. However, in terms of reliability and relevance, AutoCAD wins.