Adaptation in kindergarten. How to help your child cope with a new environment?

Adaptation in psychology - the ability of any organism to adapt to new conditions and the environment. During this period, a lot of physical and mental forces leave. This process takes place individually for everyone, and in many respects depends on the personal qualities of a person.

adaptation in kindergarten

Adaptation in kindergarten in a young child can take place in different ways. If he gets used to the new situation after 1-2 weeks, then it is considered easy. Normally, this process takes up to 2 months. If a child gets used to kindergarten more time, then it is a question of complex adaptation. In this case, it is better to seek the help of a psychologist.

Adaptation in kindergarten is easier for children aged 3-4 years. However, not all parents have the opportunity to spend so much time at home with their child. Therefore, most often acquaintance with a kindergarten takes about 2 years.

The choice of a preschool institution should be taken very seriously. You can talk with teachers and listen to reviews of parents whose children attend a kindergarten they like. It is necessary to observe the situation from the outside, as the general atmosphere in the team is also very important.

If possible, you should opt for a preschool near the house, so the road will not tire the child, and it will be possible to sleep in the morning for a little more time.

In the presence of some diseases in the baby, it is better to give it to a specialized kindergarten, where specialists work. In such institutions, the necessary classes and medical procedures are carried out.

adaptation in psychology

Adaptation in kindergarten will be less painful if the child is prepared, and new conditions do not make big changes in his usual life.

Psychologists advise starting to teach children a few months before the first visit. Such preparation is as follows:

1. It is necessary to teach the child to live according to the regime of kindergarten. So it will be easier for him to wake up in the morning. Also, special attention should be paid to daytime sleep.

2. It will be easier for a child if he knows how to hold a spoon, and his diet is close to the kindergarten menu. Seeing the usual food on a plate, he will eat with great pleasure.

3. Otherwise, it is also worth accustoming your son or daughter to independence: to ask and even sit on the pot yourself, dress and shoe.

4. The child must be able to communicate and get acquainted. To help the baby, you can often visit the sites where his peers play. Shared games with them allow the child to easily find a common language with children in the future.

5. The health of the baby must be strengthened. Often, children in kindergarten, starting to attend it, often get sick. This is due to the new viruses that they encounter. A significant influence is also exerted by stress. It is able to lower immunity.

children in kindergarten

Adaptation in kindergarten may also be accompanied by a change in behavior at home. The child becomes moody and refuses to do the usual things. Scold him for this is not worth it.

During this period, it is necessary to try to spend more time with the child so that he feels that his parents love him, and visiting a kindergarten is just entertainment.

If the baby does not tolerate the moment of parting with his mother, then dad or grandmother can take or pick him up.

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