The socket for installing the LGA 1155 central processors is Socket, which has radically changed the alignment of forces in the segment of PC chips. If until that moment there was relative parity between Intel and its eternal rival, AMD, then this particular product in 2011 tipped the scales in favor of the first of them. The substantially redesigned semiconductor chip architecture allowed for phenomenal processor performance, and the integrated video adapter helped build even more affordable entry-level PCs.
Platform announcement and its development
This hardware platform was relevant from 2011 to 2013. She replaced the LGA 1156 connector , LGA 1150. LGA 1151. 6- , Core. LGA 1155. Socket , 7- . , . , . 32, 22 100-200 .
Socket 1155 :
61. . , .
67 75. , .
Z68 Z77. «» , (, ).
, 2 Socket 1155. 1155 . ( 3- ) ( 22). - i7. 26 37 2- 3- . 8 , ( 3- 8 ) .
«» , . i7 i5. 4 , — 6 , . 25, 24 23 (2- ) 35, 34 33 ( 3- ). i3. 2 4 . 21 32. Pentium ( G8XX G2XXX) Celeron (G16XX G18XX).
, LGA 1155. Socket . . Intel Core. Socket 1155 , . — , LGA1151. .
, 2011 1155. Socket . , 5 , . . . , .