German Pointing Dog: breed description

In our article we want to talk about a dog breed such as the German Pointing Dog. Everyone knows about the existence of hunting breeds, but why are they called “cops”?

Pointing dogs

Since ancient times, a dog has helped a person in many matters. The German Pointing Dog belongs to the group of hunting dogs used for catching game birds. Where did the term "cops" come from? This is the name of those animals that lie in front of a found bird. Dogs at first, thanks to their instinct, searches for prey, stops in front of it, and then, at the command of the hunter, headlong rushes forward to frighten it away under a shot. Dogs track down the shot bird and bring it to the owner. As a result of careful selection and training, the stance in these dogs became a hereditary phenomenon.

German pointing dog

Pointing dogs are very common. In the FCI classification, they occupy the entire 7th group, which, in turn, is divided into island and continental animals. In our article, we want to talk about such continental dogs as the German Pointing Dog Drathaar, Shorthair Kurzhaar, and Long-haired Pointing Dog. All of them have many similarities, but at the same time they are different breeds.

German Shorthair: Breed History

The German Short-haired Pointing Dog was obtained as a result of selection already at the end of the nineteenth century in Germany. She was most adapted to hunting in this country. For selection, we used English pointers, several species of short-haired Pointing dogs and Old German birds.

The result was a German cop with a good complaisant character, gentle and non-aggressive, while being easily trained. Such valuable qualities were combined in one animal. But traditional German dogs were characterized by heaviness and slowness, but these shortcomings were completely eliminated in the new breed, which gained incredible popularity.

Breed description

The German Shorthair Pointing Dog is also called the Kurzhaar. This is a very energetic strong dog with an excellent physique. It is quite suitable for hunting various game and even fox and hare. Representatives of such a breed as the German Shorthair Pointing Kurzhaar, very intelligent dogs, it is easy to drag them into the living creatures or game that interests you. With a little patience, you get a beautiful dog. An obedient and balanced animal is strongly attached to the owner. It loves to play with children. There is absolutely no aggression in the dog. But she needs training and is required to load. It is easy to keep at home.

German Pointing Dog Drathaar

The German short-haired Pointing Dog (photo is given in the article) is always energetic, the dog runs about, which is strength, but at the same time has good watchdog skills. Of course, the dog will not bite, but it will certainly bark loudly.

Color animals

The German Pointing Dog Kurzhaar (photos are given in the article) can have the following color: coffee or peppermint, with speckles, with gray hair, white with coffee stains, black with marks of the same shades. Usually the dog’s head is a milky coffee color. Perhaps the presence of fawn marks.

Kurzhaar character

The German Pointing Dog needs constant loads, otherwise this may affect behavior. Representatives of this breed are prone to dominance and need a master with a strong-willed character who can establish their own leadership in relationships. In a person who is not able to do this, the dog can turn into an uncontrollable animal.

Kurzhaar is a very intelligent animal. And the combination of unbridled energy and mind obliges the dog to be always busy not only physically, but also mentally. Training the simplest teams brings the animal pleasure, as well as physical activity.

German pointing dog

A dog that grew up in a house with other pets, gets along well with them in adulthood, but due to hunting instincts, small animals can be considered by dogs as fun or as an object of hunting.

The dog breed German Pointing Dog (Kurzhaar) is distinguished by the fact that its representatives very poorly tolerate loneliness. In no case should you leave the animal for a long time alone. Kurzhaar is one of the very noisy rocks. For this reason, from an early age, pets should begin to be taught when to bark and when not to.

Kurzhaar Care

The German Pointing Dog can live in any climate. But do not forget about the necessary loads for it. The animal is very fond of society, but its play with children should be watched, because an overly active animal can knock down a child. Unlike many sports breeds, the Kurzhaar is rarely sick. One can safely say that the Kurzhaar is a super breed. Animals perfectly participate in sports competitions. They can not only run, but also jump well.

Dogs have a water-repellent coat that does not get dirty. Therefore, representatives of the breed require minimal care. But still periodically the hair needs to be combed out. Despite the fact that the breed is short-haired, dogs molt strongly.

Drathaar: breed history

The German Pointing Dog Drathaar is currently one of the most popular hunting breeds in the world, including in its homeland in Germany. Such universal love is understandable because the dog is universal. She can work not only in the field, but also in the forest, on the water, and at the same time she is an excellent companion. This is a beautiful dog.

German Shorthair Pointing Dog

The German Pointing Dog Drathaar was bred at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany. For its selection, already existing breeds of cops were used. Initially, the founders of the new species wanted to get a well-built animal suitable for a variety of types of hunting.

Years of hard work led to the goal, and at present the German Pointing Dog (Drachtaar) is one of the best. The dog works well on the trail, raises game, confidently makes a stand, works on water, in the forest and on the field, brings prey.

Drathaar: breed description

The German Wire-haired Pointing Dog Drathaar is very intelligent and extremely active, but at the same time infinitely devoted to the owner. Such a dog must constantly do something, it is especially pleasant for her when her friend works, and she can help him with this. Idleness and lack of load can make the dog uncontrollable, therefore it is very important to involve him in active activities. Drathaar puppies are very energetic, but at the same time slightly irritable, they mature by the age of two.

Dogs begin to bark excessively if they are worried or bored. In addition, the animal is prone to fear separation from the owner, and therefore does not like to be alone for more than several hours. If due to work you are rarely at home, then such an animal will not suit you.

German Shorthair Pointing Dog Photo

German Wire-haired Pointing Dog is a difficult breed to train. As a rule, a puppy needs to train intensively for a couple of months. Animals of this breed are strongly attached to the owner and at the same time can be jealous. Drathaar can be a great watchman and a pretty good defender. But for families with kids, such a dog is not a good option, although living with children get along well with older children. Drathaaras usually dominate other animals in the house, but get along well with them. They are great hunting companions. The dog has a wonderful scent that allows it to track down prey, indicating its location, and bring it to its owner. Drathaaras are energetic and resilient; they are good for hunting not only on land, but also on water.

The coat in dogs of this breed is short, but very stiff. Color can be different: brown or black with gray hair, with spots and marks on the chest. Drathaar is a dry, strong animal, with well-developed muscles. A feature of its structure is a pronounced eyebrow, mustache and beard. The eyes in dogs are usually brown, and in young individuals they may be yellow, but they darken with age. Dogs reach a height of 68 centimeters.

Animal care

Drathaar is easy to care for. It is worth highlighting a couple of important points. During molting, the wool must be plucked and combed a couple of times a week. If necessary, the dog should be bathed using a special shampoo. You need to take care of your eyes, claws and teeth.

Drathaar is pleased if the owners seek to make his life active and spend a lot of time with him on the street. An ideal content option is a house near a lake or other body of water.

Drathaars live an average of 12 to 25 years. They are very hardy and strong. Nevertheless, they are susceptible to diseases such as dysplasia, otitis media. However, do not be afraid of this. With good care and proper nutrition, the risk is minimized.

German Shorthair Pointing Dog Kurzhaar

Dogs can be fed with prepared foods and homemade products. Dry feeds are believed to have several advantages. For example, a person does not know exactly how to organize a balanced diet of his pet, and in the finished feed everything is already selected in the right proportions. In addition, the use of such food allows you to avoid infection of the pet with all kinds of infectious diseases. In the case when the owner wants to feed the animal homemade food, it is good to use cereals with meat products, vegetables and sour-milk products. Puppies need to be fed in small portions, but an adult dog needs only two feedings per day.

Langhaar: breed history

The German Long-haired Pointing Dog appeared as a result of the crossbreeding of Drathaar, Kurzhaar and the Water Spaniel. In addition, in the representatives of this breed you can also find the blood of Irish setters, Gordon and German quail dogs. Back in the 10-11 centuries, people knew the quail dog, which looks very much like a modern langhaar. Currently, dogs of this breed are distinguished by excellent hunting data. They can be used to catch any game.

Animal character

Good-natured langhaars are not only wonderful hunters, but also wonderful companions. Since the animal needs regular loads, it takes part in team games with pleasure, and also has fun with children. The German Pointing Dog is used for any kind of hunt, as she has a wonderful scent. Once it was used for hawk and falconry. Elms, swamps and impenetrable swamps are not afraid of such a dog. In the nature of the animal there is persistence within reasonable limits, thanks to which it tracks the prey to the end. As a result, the dog will certainly bring prey to its owner. Such amazing quality is appreciated by hunters all over the world. It is for this reason that the langhaar is so popular at the present time, when hunting is just entertainment, and not a means of obtaining food. To this day, the dog has not lost its primitive skills, but at the same time it is an affectionate pet with an extraordinary mind.

dog breed German Pointing Dog

Langhaar has a good character. He is infinitely devoted to his family. An interesting fact is that a dog of this breed does not become attached to one person, but loves absolutely all family members. The kindness of such dogs is passed down from generation to generation, despite the fact that attempts were made at the time to slightly harden the character. There is absolutely no aggression in the character of the langhaar. He can direct his anger on the hunt to achieve prey, but it does not apply to the owners in any case.

The dog is very sociable, she is eager to meet new people and animals. But if the owners do not pay enough attention to her, then she may begin to be jealous, because she also needs a portion of affection and warmth. The animal loves to frolic in the air with a ball and children, whom he loves. The pet needs an active owner who will regularly walk it and deal with it, especially if the dog lives in the apartment. By the way, even animals adapt to city life very quickly.

Langhaar: breed description

For langhaars, wool is very important. It is quite thick and protects the dog from cold, heat and moisture, which makes the dog hardy when hunting. Dogs reach at the withers 69 centimeters. And the weight can vary from 25 to 35 kilograms (weight depends on gender). Since the dog has a decent weight, its diet must be carefully thought out. It is necessary to strictly monitor the state of its bone and muscle system. The animal’s muscles are dry, elastic and develop very quickly. And bones need to consume additional calcium, which should be contained in food.

The head of the animal has an elongated shape with hanging ears. The eyes are located symmetrically, the tail is set high and has a straight shape. Photo of a German gundog vividly demonstrates the strength and beauty of the breed. Langhaar is a wonderful pet that can become not only the guard of the whole family, but also a reliable friend.

Breed features

Dogs of this breed are few in the whole world and are quite rare, and therefore inaccessible to irresponsible breeders. They have no genetic diseases. Sometimes only problems with the ears can occur, but this can be very simply avoided by regularly cleaning them. Langhaars are very easy to train and are a universal breed. They are kind and affectionate. They treat their family with special devotion. But they express distrust to strangers, and therefore they cope well with the roles of watchman and security guard.

Langhaar Care

For a langhaar, it is undesirable to live in an apartment, he needs room. The dog’s coat is quite long, so care is needed. It should regularly be combed with a large comb, with particular attention given to the chest and legs.

Advantages of all German Pointing Dogs

Over the long history of mankind, the requirements for dogs next to people have changed. This also applies to hunting breeds. As a result of selection, dozens of very different highly specialized breeds were obtained. German cops are continental species and are used for hunting game. Their main task is to find prey hidden in the grass, thickets and make it fly up under the shot of its owner. Very often, the same dog searches for and brings the bird after a shot. In addition, sometimes gundogs are trained to work in reeds when duck hunting is planned .

German longhair pointing dog

German cops (kurtshaar, drathaar, langhaar) are the most popular breeds of the hunting breed, distinguished not only by good professional qualities, but also by their good kind disposition, for which such dogs are appreciated. Indeed, at present, hunting has long ceased to be a means of survival, and the qualities of a companion are also valued in a devoted friend. In addition, the balanced disposition of German gundogs makes it possible to use them during hunting in harsh conditions, for example, in swamp swamps, where it is quite difficult to search for prey, and the dog requires obedience, the ability to really expend energy and time.

An interesting fact is that in Western Europe, German cops are used not only for their intended purpose, but also for hunting animals, although initially they are supposed to work only with game. This once again proves the fact that in the modern world, dogs need much more qualities than once. If during breeding there was a definite task - to get a strong and hardy dog ​​that copes well with hunting birds, now all the same animal should be a good and faithful friend for humans, a protector and a watchman. These qualities are fully possessed by German cops. Of course, there are certain, but insignificant differences between the langhaar, kurtshaar and drathaar, and yet they all enjoy well-deserved love and popularity among dog lovers. In this case, especially breeders highlight the Langhaar breed, the ancestors of which, as we have already mentioned, are the kurtshaar and drathaar. The fact is that it is the langkhars that are considered the most universal animals. And this is due to the fact that they work well in almost all conditions, even the most difficult. But at the same time they are incredibly kind and loyal to the whole family, and not to one person, which is very important. And in terms of disease, the breed is the least moody. Such a wonderful pet is simply impossible not to love.

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