Comic competitions for high school students for the autumn ball

For the festive evening to be held at the highest level, you should think over and prepare a scenario in which there will definitely be fun games, ironic contests and comic competitions. And what wise experts will advise to hold competitions for high school students for the autumn ball? The most important thing is that the participants have fun, so that the event leaves the most pleasant memories in their memory.

competitions for high school students for the autumn ball

Dance competition

Comic dance contests for high school students for the autumn ball can open the evening program. You can spend it in the form of the game "sun-rain." As a props, you will need large umbrellas, such as those used on beaches or near ice cream refrigerators. The conditions are such that, according to the leader of the "rain", everyone should hide under umbrellas, and at the command of the "sun" - to run out and continue dancing. The host also believes: “One, two, three!” - and removes from the game those who do not have time to hide. Three or four children walk randomly in the hall with umbrellas so that the children do not try to “reserve” a place during the dance closer to the umbrella.

Then, competitions for high school students (2013th did not differ from the previous ones) can be complicated by the fact that the leader announces the number of people who can hide under one umbrella. All the "extra" are eliminated from the game. First you can call the number 10, the second time - 5, and the third - 3. The remaining 9 or 12 people will continue to compete - from them you can choose the “king” and “queen”.

competitions for high school students

The choice of the "king" and "queen" of the ball

Interesting are phased competitions for high school students for the autumn ball, which are tours of a larger one. Assistants from among the guests are sure to stand out to help young people, and high school guys come to help the girls.

Competitions for high school students for the autumn ball "Autumn Outfit"

The host offers young people who volunteered to compete for the title of “King of the Ball” and “Queen of Autumn” the first round, which is called the competition of fashion designers.

They are given the props - several rolls of toilet paper, from which an autumn outfit should be built for his assistant or assistant. During the demonstration, the designer must announce the motto of her masterpiece and explain how the model is associated with the fall.

If a girl decides to make a bow tie for her assistant and fastens it to the young man’s neck (it is very funny if the young man is not in a shirt, but in a T-shirt), then she can explain her choice of “model of outfit” like this: “Sure, someone recalls that in the fall butterfly larvae are wrapped in cobwebs or leaves, turning into pupae. Toilet paper is perfect for this purpose! ”

competitions for high school students

Someone will try to make bows out of paper and hang them on their model’s dress, explaining the outfit with the phrase: “An autumn ball happens only in the fall, and a beautiful lady’s ball gown is unthinkable without a luxurious bow!”

Someone will think of making a veil out of paper and explain that autumn has long been considered the time of weddings. And what is a wedding without a veil?

Autumn Thumbnails

Theatrical contests for high school students are always the highlight of the evening. You can invite the contestants to choose a “ticket” - an autumn sheet with the task written on it. Sample tasks for pantomime miniatures:

  1. A thirsty hedgehog collects mushrooms and fruits on needles.
  2. The bear is preparing for hibernation - equips the den.
  3. The hamster drags supplies into the mink in cheek bags.
  4. Cranes before leaving, dance their farewell waltz.
  5. The squirrel hides nuts and mushrooms in the hollow - it makes a supply of food for the winter.

Huge medals should be made for the winners, they can be awarded in several nominations. And the King and Queen should be put on the heads of the crown.

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