It is no secret that pregnancy is the most joyful event in the life of any couple. However, the joy of this event can easily be overshadowed by migraines, headaches and even fever. All this can not only spoil the mood of the future mother, and, consequently, all those around him, but also harm the baby.
"Ibuprofen" is a well-known drug to combat unpleasant symptoms, in the form of a headache and fever. However, is it possible to "Ibuprofen" during pregnancy? Undoubtedly, every expectant mother will ask herself this question if necessary to take medicine.
Ibuprofen: General Information
Let’s first understand what Ibuprofen helps in addition to the symptoms we know.
Ibuprofen is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug that was introduced in 1962. It is well tolerated by the human body and is a potent medicine. Its effectiveness lies in the ability to inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins) both at the central and peripheral levels.
It acts as:
- analgesic;
- anti-hyperetic;
- anti-inflammatory agent;
- moderate antiplatelet agent;
- weak immunomodulator (increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections).
Since Ibuprofen is one of the most effective drugs, it is available in a wide variety of forms:
- tablets;
- ointment;
- gel;
- rectal suppositories;
- oral suspension.
Indications and contraindications
So where does Ibuprofen help? As we all know, this is a good analgesic that eliminates fever during the flu and colds, as well as other types of pain caused by inflammatory processes in the cartilage, tendons and joints, which are both temporary and chronic. The drug helps to cope with pain and inflammation that were caused by various kinds of injuries, surgical interventions and other reasons (this includes muscle, toothache and headache, migraines, neuralgia, painful menstruation).
"Ibuprofen" is prescribed for the complex treatment of various diseases, however, it should be understood that this drug does not eliminate the cause, but only relieves painful symptoms.
Ibuprofen cannot be used for:
- hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
- erosion and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (in the remission stage, the drug is allowed after consultation with a specialist);
- inflammatory processes in the intestine;
- various bleeding disorders (hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis);
- various internal bleeding and hemorrhage (gastrointestinal, intracranial);
- liver failure and other liver diseases;
- renal failure and other kidney diseases;
- diabetes mellitus;
- lipid metabolism disorders;
- diseases of the heart, cardiovascular system.
Another column in some instructions for the use of this remedy is pregnancy, so the questions are: "Can Ibuprofen be used during pregnancy?" and “How to take it?”, future mothers are constantly faced.
In any case, before you start taking any drug, you should consult with a specialist.
Side effects of taking "Ibuprofen"
Like any drug, Ibuprofen can cause some unwanted effects:
- irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx, stomatitis;
- heartburn, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, epigastric pain, appetite problems;
- headache and dizziness;
- somatovegetative disorders, such as emotional instability, anxiety, nervousness and irritability, affective outbursts, insomnia, increased nervous irritability or, conversely, depressive and apathetic moods, clouding of reason and consciousness;
- rapid and labored breathing;
- decreased hearing acuity, the appearance of noise or ringing in the ears;
- double vision, dryness, irritation, blurred vision, swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes of an allergic nature;
- increase in blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbance;
- decreased glucose, anemia, bleeding disorder;
- cystitis, increased urine formation, edema;
- skin rash and itching, Quincke's edema, allergic rhinitis, anaphylactic shock;
- increased sweating.
Features of taking the drug during pregnancy
The most popular question for expectant mothers is: "Is it possible for Ibuprofen to be pregnant?" It is logical that there is no unequivocal answer to this question, since each pregnant woman is individual, and the nature of the symptoms in which it is necessary to take the drug is also different. Some believe that any medications used by non-pregnant women, including Ibuprofen, are not permissible for girls in the situation. Others believe that some drugs can still be used by expectant mothers.
In the instructions for the drug "Ibuprofen" of the column "pregnancy" often refers to contraindications. Also in such instructions, you can find a rather vague phrase - "the benefits of using the drug should exceed the potential risk to the fetus", which in turn completely shifts responsibility for side effects and undesirable consequences after using the drug to the patient.
It should be borne in mind that a single dose of the drug will not harm either the mother or the fetus, but only if this happens in the first and second trimester. Doctors strictly forbid taking the drug, even once, in the third trimester, starting from 28 weeks, as this can provoke a premature birth, due to the ability of the drug to affect the reduction of the myometrium (it inhibits the contraction of the muscles of the uterus). In addition, the continuous use of Ibuprofen can lead to a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid and disturbances in the development of the heart in the fetus, as well as to bone-facial defects.
If, however, the drug must be taken regularly to treat a non-gynecological disease in a pregnant woman, then the condition of the baby and the expectant mother should be constantly monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Pregnant women should consult with their obstetrician-gynecologist on any issue and, if possible, use folk remedies to get rid of headaches or fever instead of medication (ear massage, tea with raspberries, currants, linden, viburnum, etc.)
Pregnancy: instructions and dosages
The instructions for Ibuprofen during pregnancy depend on the form of release of the drug that is used. Tablets and suspensions are forbidden to take in the 3rd trimester, and in the 1st and 2nd trimester only with the permission of the doctor. Ointment is used only locally. Candles can be used without fear, as they are prescribed even to children.
Apply the drug only after eating. Pregnant women are prescribed 400 mg of the active substance per day, and a single dosage should not exceed 200 mg. Depending on the form of release of the drug, it will be 1 tablet or 10 ml of suspension.
Therefore, depending on the nature of your pain, a suitable form of release is chosen. If you have a fever or a headache, then pills, suspension or suppositories are more suitable, and if the pain is in the cartilage or joints, then use an ointment.
Ibuprofen ointment
This form of the drug is prescribed for traumatic inflammatory processes in tissues, cartilage, joints. A pregnant woman may experience these sensations due to the increasing load on the musculoskeletal system and a lack of calcium, as well as due to chronic inflammatory processes in the tissues and manifestations of neuralgia.
Many argue that the use of Ibuprofen ointment during pregnancy has a less negative effect on the fetus than the use of tablets. But even a drug in this form is strictly contraindicated in the last stages of bearing a child.
"Ibuprofen" for children
For children, this drug is released in the form of suppositories and suspensions. Everyone knows that drugs for children are the least harmful, therefore, in some cases, Ibuprofen is prescribed for children during pregnancy. The dosage of the active substance in suppositories and suspensions is reduced, so the "potential harm" is minimized.
1st trimester: is it possible or impossible?
The advisability of taking "Ibuprofen" in the first trimester is a debatable issue. According to some reports, a constant intake of the drug until the 12th week of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage. At such an early date, the reception of "Ibuprofen" can be easily replaced by such means and procedures as vitamin tea, healthy sleep, massage of acupuncture points (whiskey, earlobes), walks in the fresh air.
The use of the drug in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy
The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the calmest. The baby is already entrenched in the uterus, all the main organ systems are in place, the mother’s immune system no longer recognizes the fetus as a “foreigner” and does not seek to expel it. Now the baby will develop and grow. However, at any stage of pregnancy you need to be careful, especially when taking medication, since you can harm the baby at any week. As for the intake of Ibuprofen, it would be wiser to refuse to take it. This drug is able to disrupt the development of a more formed fetus in the later stages, not to mention the second trimester. But still, in the second trimester, the drug is sometimes prescribed for use.
Features of taking "Ibuprofen" in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy
Many mothers believe that in the third trimester the baby is not afraid of anything, because he already has his own immune system. However, it is not. Some factors, including the use of Ibuprofen, can cause disturbances in physical and mental development even in the late stages of gestation. "Ibuprofen" is able to penetrate the fetal cardiovascular system and cause impaired development of the heart and blood vessels. In recent months, Ibuprofen is able to influence the date of birth.
As mentioned above, the drug inhibits labor, therefore, a situation of fetal overload may occur. In some cases, taking "Ibuprofen" can lead to the birth of a premature baby prematurely. It is better to replace Ibuprofen with preparations containing paracetamol and papaverine (No-Shpa, Panadol, Drotaverin). If, nevertheless, Ibuprofen cannot be replaced and you cannot do without it, then the condition of the mother and child is constantly monitored by ultrasound.
Can I replace Ibuprofen with Paracetamol?
It has long been proven by many studies that Paracetamol is a harmless drug taken during pregnancy. Of the contraindications for this drug, only hypersensitivity to its components, alcoholism and impaired kidney and liver function. "Paracetamol" is used by pregnant women with toothache or headache, as well as at elevated temperature.
In this case, another question arises: “What is better during pregnancy:“ Paracetamol ”or“ Ibuprofen? ”If you compare these two drugs, the first is less harmful and dangerous, but the second is stronger.
Which drug is better to choose will be prompted only by the doctor who will select the medicine knowing everything about your condition and the baby’s health. Remember that you can not self-medicate anyone, especially expectant mothers. For any question you may have, contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.
"Ibuprofen" during pregnancy: reviews
Reviews about taking "Ibuprofen" during the bearing of a child can be found different. Some say that compared to Paracetamol, Ibuprofen helped better and faster, therefore, fewer tablets were needed. Others write that they nevertheless replaced Ibuprofen with Paracetamol so as not to harm the child. Still others say that it is contraindicated to endure pain of any nature during pregnancy, therefore it is better to eliminate it quickly and in a timely manner, using Ibuprofen. Fourth, the doctors themselves prescribed this drug for migraines and severe rheumatoid pains. Fifths prefer to use the children's "Ibuprofen" to minimize harm to the fetus.
So we answered the question: "Is it possible for Ibuprofen to be pregnant?" In any case, remember that self-medication is dangerous for everyone, without exception, so before taking any drug, whether Ibuprofen, Paracetamol or No-Shpa, you need to consult your gynecologist.