Users with experience in computer hardware are well aware that there is nothing secondary in computing . Almost any failed part that makes up the system unit can lead to the inability to work with a computer. Today we’ll talk about the hard drive (hdd, screw,
hard drive). Also, we will examine in detail how and why the hard disk is checked and diagnosed., 2-3 , . , hdd , . . , . , hdd .
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perfection. And that's why. In 80% of cases, the wear on the surface of the magnetic plates inside the hard drive is so great that errors begin to appear, and a warning message does not appear. Developers can be understood - they sought to reduce the number of false positives, but, as often happens, they overdid it.
Diagnostics hdd is necessary if:
- the operating system works normally week / month, after which various software errors occur, temporarily resolved by reinstalling Windows;
- the speed of the hard drive has decreased significantly;
- The operating system often suggests performing a surface check for errors.
Diagnostics hdd is divided into two categories - a simple test by means of Windows and using specialized programs. We recommend that you use the first opportunity only if the cause of the error is obvious. For example, the operating system rebooted after a sudden power outage
or pressing the reset button. We open the shortcut “Computer”, on the necessary disk press the right mouse button and follow “Properties”. Then everything is obvious: "Service - Check for errors." Here it is proposed to select a verification mode: superficial, for system errors and a thorough, sector-based verification disk . Please note that the sector check will be started at the next Windows boot and will take some time.. Seagate Samsung Sea Tools, WD Hitachi – Data Lifeguard. hdd , , SMART. . / . , . , (repair). , .