Antistatic for clothes: principle of operation and types

Clothing made of synthetic fabrics firmly entered the life of a modern person. Our outfits have become much stronger and more resistant to wear. However, when wearing such clothes, there are certain inconveniences. Static electricity appears on synthetic fabric .

antistatic for clothes

It causes cracking when worn and unpleasant sensations of weak electric shocks. How to avoid these phenomena? To solve the problem, it is necessary to use an antistatic agent for clothing.

Static electricity

A modern person can no longer completely abandon the presence in his wardrobe of clothing sewn from synthetic fabrics. Such materials are often used for lining jackets and skirts. Even in some natural fabrics, synthetic threads are often added.

antistatic for clothes Price

Static electricity appears when friction occurs between a person’s body and elements of his clothing. This phenomenon most often occurs on those products that are sewn from lavsan, nylon and kapron. Hair may adhere to clothing made from such fabrics. Dust settles more intensively on it, which makes such things not particularly attractive. How to deal with this? Most stores specializing in the sale of household chemicals offer customers a variety of tools that eliminate this problem.

What prevents static electricity?

Manufacturers of household chemicals offer customers antistatic clothing. Its main purpose is to eliminate charges from synthetic materials. There are antistatic agents in the form of sprays on sale. They are most convenient to use. In stores, you can also buy fabric softener, in which antistatic is added.

Which remedy is better?

Antistatic agents, produced in the form of sprays, are divided into two types. Means related to the first of them have a composition, one of the components of which is ethyl alcohol. Such an antistatic for clothes evaporates very quickly, but at the same time the thing retains its smell for a long time. Application of such a product should be done only in a well-ventilated room. In this case, it is advisable to wear the processed thing only twelve hours after the application of the antistatic agent.

how to replace antistatic for clothes

There is another type of means that relieve clothing from static charges. The related antistatic agents are water based. However, they are considered safe. Although can household chemicals be harmless?

A spray made on the basis of water remains on clothing for a long time. With antistatic agents of the first type, it is similar only to the presence of surface-active components in its composition. Due to the fact that such a spray from clothes does not evaporate for a long time, it can cause an allergic reaction. If skin irritation occurs after application of such an antistatic agent, then it should be immediately discarded. You can replace such a tool with a paste that dissolves in water, or with a fabric softener. Such antistatic agents are recommended even for children's clothing. When using them, the risk of allergies is almost zero.

How is the spray applied?

Antistatic should quickly process the entire inner surface in clothing. On the outside it is not applied. Watering the fabric is also not recommended. Spray should be applied from a distance of twenty centimeters. Antistatic can not simultaneously cover several things that will be in contact with each other (for example, a skirt and tights). Such processing will give the opposite effect to the desired one.

What brands of antistatic agents can be purchased in the distribution network?

The modern market of household chemicals has a huge amount of funds for removing static electricity from clothes. Every year, new brands are developed in which toxicity is reduced and comfort of use is increased. The convenience of antistatic agents lies in the pleasant smells that the manufacturer gives them. A variety of fragrances are available. But floral scents are especially popular.

do-it-yourself anti-static

The domestic manufacturer offers an antistatic for clothes "Lana" (spray). You can also purchase Russian means “Enchantress” and “Antistatic” (paste), children's conditioner “Fenichka”. The distribution network offers Israeli Bagi and the Japanese spray "Elegant Protection". The Ukrainian Free Style is also being implemented - an antistatic for clothes. The price of these funds ranges from 11 to 630 rubles and depends on the volume of packaging, as well as the specific manufacturer.

Do it yourself antistatic

Ethyl alcohol and hydrocarbon propellant, flavors and surfactants are included in the product intended for stripping discharges from clothing. Do-it-yourself anti-static for clothes with your own hands. To do this, pour lightly salted water into the spray bottle and add one or two drops of deodorant or cologne to the same place. The resulting solution in its action will be close to those funds that are sold as a spray.

How to replace antistatic for clothes? To remove static electricity, you can use a diluted hair conditioner (conditioner). In emergency situations, you can use skin cream. This cosmetic product, applied to the surface of nylon tights, will not allow the skirt to stick.

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