The fact that the human body is incredibly complex is not in the least doubt. Therefore, it is impossible to expect that all functions and systems will work like a watch, alas. Failures occur even in the most healthy person. However, not all of us pay attention to some disturbing symptoms. There are problems that are not customary to speak out loud. They are traditionally treated at home. One of them is constipation. Perhaps one cannot find a person who would not experience all the “charms” of this unpleasant phenomenon. But does everyone know what will happen if you do not poop for a long time? What are the consequences of prolonged constipation, and what should be done in this case?
Inconvenient problem
By the way, not only adults have to deal with constipation. Babies, especially newborns, are also at risk. After all, their body has to adapt to new conditions of existence. Food is not only a means to satisfy the life needs of a little man, but also significant stress, which every child fights in his own way. In some, the chair settles quickly enough, in others, the process drags on for months. In any case, if the newborn does not poop for a long time, this is a serious reason for visiting a pediatrician, who will tell you the correct solution to the problem.
With age, constipation can go away completely, but can become chronic. What will happen if you do not poop for a long time, it is better not to check it on personal experience. Medical studies show that frequent constipation causes intoxication of the body, leads to lethargy, apathy, poor appetite, lack of weight or its loss, and even contribute to the oncological diseases.
Caution! Danger!
Constipation itself is not a disease as such. There may be several reasons for this problem. First of all, doctors include in the list of possible "culprits" the patient's improper diet. This will be discussed a little further.
However, when the question of what will happen, if you don’t go for a long time, continues to worry, despite a balanced diet and the selection of a healthy diet, you need to carefully consider other possible causes of constipation. Fecal masses accumulate in the intestine gradually and are removed from the body when, due to pressure on the walls of the rectum, an impulse is supplied to the brain. This process may not occur if a person suffers from neurological disorders. Most often, the problem is observed in young children.
The psychological factor is not excluded. If once a child felt pain or simply unpleasant sensations during bowel movements, he does not think about what will happen if he does not poop for a long time. He simply refuses to sit on the pot. By restraining the natural urge to defecate, the baby provokes constipation and further exacerbates the situation. There are really serious diseases, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist in a medical institution. These include dysbiosis, intestinal abnormalities, Hirschsprung’s disease, dolichosigma, celiac disease, inflammatory and pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and disorders of the thyroid gland.
Food is our everything
Fortunately, the above diseases are an exception to the rule rather than the norm. While constipation has to be confronted by about a quarter of the population, in fact, the vast majority of patients have no serious pathologies. And the main treatment for them is diet correction. Children who have been introduced to the diet with something other than mother’s milk or adapted milk formula will find it easier to cope with intestinal problems. It is enough to eat foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, bran, cereals) and dairy products. First, there are the necessary fibers that cleanse the intestines like a brush. And in the “milk” contains beneficial bacteria necessary for the body. They help process, absorb and remove food from the body.
From small to large
Much more complicated is the situation with infants. It would seem that they get the ideal nutrition for the child's body. What can cause persistent constipation? When the baby does not poop for a long time, while his diet consists only of mother's milk, it is necessary to determine whether his stool is constipation. The individual characteristics of the body make some babies poop after each feeding. For others, it is enough to "go big" once or twice a day.
If the child does not feel discomfort, he is not tormented by gas, he eats well and gains weight, there is no reason for concern. Otherwise, it is important to balance his food. In the process of sucking, the child first receives more liquid and sweet milk, which contains a large amount of lactose, which plays a huge role in the development of the child's body. But the so-called "back" milk has great nutritional value. Due to the fact that the baby receives both, the “right processes” of food processing in his body take place.
Artificial moms also often wonder why a child doesn’t poop for a long time. In their case, the cause may be an improper mixture, lack of fluid in the body, dehydration. The problem must be solved with the supervisor. Often there is no difficulty. There is a lot of baby food on the shelves. And to choose the optimal mixture is not difficult. It’s quite simple to fill the liquid deficit: you can drink the baby with water, herbal teas or juices (when they reach 3-4 months of age).