How to translate a page into Russian: step-by-step instructions for popular browsers

– , . , . , , , . . , - , .

how to translate a page into Russian


, . , , . , . , ".".

«» , . , , . , . :

  1. , « ».
  2. « ».
  3. .

, .

, HTML-?

, . - , . . :

  • , « ».
  • «», « ».

automatically translate the page into Russian

- , , , « ».

«» . , , Shift. , , .

, , «». Google.

Google Chrome

IT- , Google , . Google . , Google Chrome . , :

  1. , .
  2. «». , .

, Google, «», . , « ».

translate the page into Russian google

, . « ». «» .

, , Google Chrome.

translate web page into Russian


, «», Mozilla Firefox, . . , «». . , :

  1. «».
  2. .
  3. « ».
  4. .
  5. « ""».
  6. .

, . :

  • Google Translate.
  • PageTranslator.
  • Translator.

So, if your browser does not know how to translate the page into Russian, then this problem can be easily fixed, thanks to our article. By the way, there is another popular browser that does not have a built-in translator - FireFox. And you need to act with him in the same way as with the last Internet assistant described above.

Thus, the problem of how to translate the page into Russian in the most popular browsers will now be solved for you.

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