How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding? How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a crib

The first months of his life, the baby sleeps most of the day. He does not have problems falling asleep at this time. A newborn wakes up to eat and look at the outside world. He usually falls asleep quickly after breastfeeding. Time passes, the child grows and there is a need to put him to sleep on his own. Children older than a year sleep restlessly, wake up and are asked to feed them to calm down. How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding? This article will discuss the causes of the situation and methods for solving it.

Do I need to wean a child from falling asleep in the chest?

If the baby falls asleep immediately after feeding, then do not retrain him while the baby is too small.

How to put a baby to sleep per month? Some mothers deliberately prevent the newborn from falling asleep under the breast, but resort to rocking. After all, this has its drawbacks. Up to the age of 1-1.2 years, the process of sucking is important for the child, because he has not yet completely switched to adult food, and alternative methods of falling asleep are not always suitable for the baby.

Good sleep is necessary for the child for harmonious development. Improper sleep organization, and unsuccessful attempts to make him sleep can lead to sleepless nights. This is fraught with the emergence of serious health problems in both the child and the mother.

How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding

Chronic lack of sleep can lead to a slowdown in the development of the child, a deterioration in his memory and moods. Mom may experience nervous breakdowns.

You do not need to immediately wean from falling asleep under the chest, it is important that this happens in stages.

Why is it necessary to gradually give up feeding before bedtime?

Why can't a baby fall asleep without a chest? During pregnancy, mother and baby feel complete unity with each other. When the baby is born, the connection does not go anywhere, but becomes stronger. Mom breastfeeds her baby, showing her love and care. Many women take great pleasure in this process. The kid is growing and becoming more independent. His diet is gradually changing, various mixtures and cereals appear in it. Along with this, one breastfeeding lasts longer than usual, because this is the opportunity for the baby to receive the mother’s love and care. Such feelings are very important for the baby, but its constant attachment to the breast becomes a real problem for her.

Weaning may be accompanied by hysteria and tears for the baby, and for mom - the inability to put to bed without a chest in sleepless nights. There is a vicious circle.

How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding? It is important to help the baby fall asleep on his own, which will be the next step in his development and will help mom relax at night.

Why does the baby fall asleep with breast?

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a crib? In the first time after birth, the baby constantly falls asleep with the breast. Thus, he feels protected. Gradually falling asleep with the breast turns into a ritual, without which the child can not do.

Sleeping baby

Why can't a baby fall asleep without a chest? Sometimes sucking turns into an emotional need, which is caused not so much by hunger, but by other factors:

  • After meeting many people, traveling and going on a visit.
  • Change the day. Feeding and rest should be carried out at a certain time.
  • Colds or teething pain.
  • Frequent conflicts in the family. After all, the baby is emotionally connected with her mother, so she feels all the differences in her mood.
  • With a lack of mother's attention (work, illness), the newborn tries to compensate for this with all available means.
  • If the child is overworked, he begins to cry and be capricious, and cannot fall asleep without a chest.
  • Discomfort arising from the operation of household appliances, extraneous noise.

All these reasons cause the baby to breastfeed in order to feel protected. Parents need to understand this in order to teach the baby to sleep on their own.

What is the daily routine for?

One of the most important steps is the organization of the alternation of the period of sleep and wakefulness in the child. When a baby eats and goes to bed at one time for a long time, he gets used to a similar daily routine, and is more disposed to the behavior expected from him.

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a crib

How to lay, sleep a baby? To do this, you need to start with the feeding regimen. Already in a year, a child begins to eat food from an adult table. Therefore, the family can start eating at the same time. Having set the hours of the meal, you need to determine the time of sleep. Gradually, the child’s body will itself ask to sleep, which will allow mom to choose the right moment for this.

Compliance with the daily routine will simplify the task of weaning the baby from the breast.

How to help your baby fall asleep on his own?

Before a night's rest, mom should create a kind of ritual. For example, you can remove toys together with the baby, this will mean that the time for games is over and it's time for sleep. Along the way, you can raise independence and discipline in the baby. In the afternoon before going to bed, it is best to take a walk in the fresh air. Before a night's rest, you can take a bath. Here the baby will spend his energy, enjoy water procedures.

How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding? Mom can sit next to the baby and apply a few little tricks:

  1. Motion sickness. This is not the best way, because subsequently the baby will have to wean from the process of motion sickness itself. If you stop doing this before the moment of deep sleep and put the sleeping child in the crib, he will wake up and need to be motion sick again.
  2. Lay the baby in a crib and pat on the head, avoiding the fontanel area.
  3. You can take the baby in your arms, press it to your chest and give a pacifier. The baby will feel protected and will fall asleep calmly.
  4. A great way to help fall asleep is white noise. It can be the sound of the surf, rustling leaves, etc.
  5. You can tell the baby a fairy tale or sing a lullaby, which is more suitable for older children.
  6. Sometimes mom resorts to a quiet conversation with the baby. The voice should be quiet and monotonous, you can communicate about everything in the world and even sometimes ask questions.

How to put your baby to bed without breastfeeding during the day

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a crib? To teach the baby to sleep himself, you can put a soft toy next to him. It is best when he falls asleep in his crib, which will allow him to get used to his room in the future. Do not charge your loved ones with a baby. It is best to do this to the mother herself, without departing from the baby. Then he will gain confidence that a loved one is nearby and will sleep peacefully.

Daytime sleep

How to put a baby to sleep without breastfeeding during the day? It is best to feed the baby not in bed, but on a chair or chair. The first attempts to put the baby to sleep on their own are best spent in the afternoon.

In the daytime, the child is busy with games, walks, so you can catch the moment when the child wants to sleep and put him in the crib. Asleep so once, the child will be able to do it again on his own. Gradually, this process will become a habit and laying the baby will no longer cause trouble to parents.

Feeding a baby before bedtime

How to put a baby to sleep during the day? Parents should understand that the first time the baby will not constantly sleep in his crib. It will take a lot of effort and time to teach the child to sleep independently.

What to do with a night's sleep?

How to stop feeding your baby before bedtime? If the baby fell asleep several times on its own during the day, then parents can try to do this at night. It is important that the child is full before bedtime. Pediatricians advise to feed the baby tightly at 6 o’clock in the evening with dinner, and immediately before nightly rest, give baby kefir, milk or yogurt. It can be not only a drink, but also porridge. It is important that the child does not go to bed with a full stomach.

Before going to bed, you need to take a bath, the temperature of which should be no more than 34-36 degrees. Cool water will help the baby fall asleep faster. Soothing herbs can be added to the bath: chamomile, lemon balm, string or chamomile. This is done if the child is not allergic to these plants.

After all the procedures, you can put the child to bed by repeating the ritual used during the day. To do this, mom can sing a song or read a fairy tale.

In order for the child to sleep soundly at night, the following tips should be adopted:

  • set the exact time when the baby will go to bed;
  • determine the place where his dream will occur;
  • if the child sleeps for a long time in the afternoon, then it is better not to allow this and to wake him;
  • the temperature in the room should not be more than 22 degrees, and humidity above 70%;
  • the child’s mattress should be rigid, and the pillow should not be up to 2 years old;
  • for a sleeping child, you need to choose a quality night diaper;
  • An active baby day helps him fall asleep quickly.

How to put a baby to sleep during the day

Sometimes a child wakes up at night, what measures should parents take in this case? There are some simple guidelines.

Baby waking up at night

How to put a baby to sleep at night? If the baby woke up at a later time and does not want to sleep:

  1. When a child wakes up in the middle of the night and cries, then his stomach may hurt. You need to put it on the changing table and do exercises that relieve gas. You can give a special cure for colic.
  2. Body temperature increased, sometimes it occurs when teeth appear or with a cold.
  3. Often, a stuffy nose interferes with sleeping. It is necessary to clean it, instill a saline solution.
  4. You can again try to put the baby to sleep by shaking it a little.
  5. The baby can be fed, so you do not need to completely abandon night feedings.
  6. If the child is not hungry, then you need to give him a dummy.

Breasts are sometimes confused day and night, so parents need to choose the right tactics so that the child sleeps soundly at night.

Night feedings

When the baby learns to fall asleep on its own, then the mother can stop breastfeeding completely. This is not a prerequisite; every family has a choice. It is important to understand that stopping night feeds will result in a lack of milk. At this time, the mother’s body receives information about how much milk her baby needs. Therefore, night feedings must be completed last. In this case, parents must make the right decision.

How to put your baby to sleep without breastfeeding? When the baby learns to fall asleep on its own, the need for breast milk will disappear completely. However, you need to understand that for young children, breast sucking is not only an instinct, but the need for stronger contact with the mother. Therefore, stopping night feeding, a woman should make up for the missing by close contact with the baby.

What is not recommended?

How to put a newborn baby to bed? It is quite difficult to do this, but if you do everything calmly and consistently, you can succeed. Parents should know what should not be done so as not to harm the baby’s nervous system:

  • Screaming at the baby. After all, he himself is very upset because he is not given a chest. Nothing in the world can replace this loss for a child.
  • Say that he is already grown, so he should not suckle. The baby will begin to think that when he grows up they can take something else. Better to say that mom has no milk.
  • Do not start excommunication if the child is sick. After all, he is already feeling bad, and the mother’s breast remains the main method of comfort. In addition, antibodies are present in milk that will help the baby cope with the disease.
  • Leave it with strangers. After all, the child must understand that even if he does not suckle, his mother will always be with him.
  • Comply with the requirements of the baby. At first, after weaning, he will throw up tantrums, hoping for a return of feedings. Mom should not make concessions, because in this case the child will understand that there is an alternative.

If the infant was sleeping in its crib before the night feeding was stopped, then the mother should not transfer it to her. Otherwise, you will have to go through such a complicated procedure as returning the child to the crib.

How to put a newborn baby to bed

The main thing is that during this entire period mom should be completely calm. After all, children feel her emotional state, and anxiety can be transmitted to the baby. A calm and friendly mother for a child means that the situation is normal and nothing bad happens.

To teach a baby to sleep without breastfeeding, it will take a lot of perseverance and patience. The whole process should take place gradually and sequentially. If you teach to fall asleep infants without breast milk, then subsequently he transfers complete weaning from the breast calmly. During this period, parents, and especially mother, should behave with restraint, which in the same way affect the child. As a result, the baby will quickly fall asleep on its own and will not wake up at night.

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