How to wean a puppy to bite during the game?

For some people who decide to have a puppy, it is a complete surprise that their pet begins to bite. But this is not surprising. Look at young children: a six-month-old baby pulls pens to a variety of objects that fall into his field of vision, and reaching out, he often pulls them in his mouth. The child uses his fingers as a tool for understanding the world, but in dogs, only the jaws perform the function of the hands. Add to this the fact that little puppies have their teeth cut and their gums scratched - and now the picture is clear. There is only one thing left: thoroughly hide shoes and various objects from the puppy that he can gnaw on, raise the wire height unattainable for the dog and wait until the period of teething ends. But how to wean a puppy to bite for real when he not only nibbles your clothes and shoes, but also attacks you?

This behavior is okay if the puppy is less than six months old. But you should not let him bite you. The puppy bites in the game, having nothing against the fact that you bite him slightly. These are these dog games. But you are not a dog, and you cannot bite him. Therefore, if you continue to play with him when he flings his teeth, he will have a firm opinion that this is possible. But think: your dog is growing, and with it the muscle strength of its jaws. The day will come, and the bite will no longer be as harmless as a light bite of puppy's teeth. Therefore, you need to think ahead about how to wean a puppy to bite.

First of all, understand that the puppy does not bite from evil. Therefore, scolding for a puppy bite is pointless. He just won’t understand you: it was just so fun and good, but after a second he was being accounted for something. It's a shame, annoying! You can peep at the answer to the question of how to wean a puppy to bite while watching young dogs play. They run after each other, somersault, pull a rag in different directions and, of course, bite each other for different parts of the body. But what does a dog do when a playmate has bitten it painfully? She squeals and moves away from the offender, letting him know that they don’t play with that. Bite for some time sitting puzzled, but then concludes: you need to restrain the strength of the jaws. In general, dogs have extremely sensitive jaws. An adult dog feels the difference between slightly holding the object, a barely perceptible bite and cracking of the brain bone, but the puppy still does not see this difference. He must understand it, and his playmates let him know that he went too far. Next time he will be careful. Act like puppies: cry out loudly (even if it doesn’t hurt you at all), immediately stop playing and move away from the dog. After some time, you can return to the game.

It happens that such a method does not give much, and the playing-out puppy continues to bounce and dig into your arms and legs. How to wean a puppy to bite in this case? Take the example of adult dogs. They allow little puppies a lot, but do not tolerate when they bite them. If a small puppy bites her mother’s ear, she first squeals loudly, making it clear that she is in pain. If this has no effect and the puppy continues to bite, she grabs his teeth by the scruff of his neck, shakes it several times vigorously, growling, and leaves it. Or gently squeezes his nose with his teeth. Moreover, the puppy does not have the slightest wound. If your pet did not understand the first time that biting is not good, lift it by the scruff of your neck and, slightly shaking it, repeat several times in a low and strict voice (which sounds like a growl for a puppy): DO NOT BIT!

How to raise a puppy so that he does not have the habit of biting at all, does not even hurt at all? Buy him special toys in the vet shop and show that you can bite them, but in no case your hands, feet and clothes.

But what if your puppy is more than six months old, and he still bites? This is no longer a game, it is a claim to dominance. How to wean a dog to bite and show who is the boss in the house? Behave as a pack leader: do not let the dog sleep next to him; feed her only after you eat yourself; let her earn her food by fulfilling some command. The sooner you put the dog in place, the easier it will be to build relationships with her in the future. As a last resort, invite a professional training instructor.

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