Types of huskies: description, nature, care

In our article we want to talk about such a wonderful breed of dogs, like husky. In general, this is a whole group of hunting breeds of a very long origin, which previously lived in the North European forest zone. Currently, huskies are very common in the taiga strip and have long been the best helpers of hunters. Different types of huskies are bred in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, in the northern regions of the United States. These dogs have a very strong hunting instinct, which allows them to be used for hunting at any time of the year in any weather conditions. With huskies they go hunting sable, squirrel, marten, wild boar, mink, deer, roe deer and other animals.

What characteristics do likes have?

As we noted earlier, huskies are a wonderful hunting sight. This is due to the fact that they have developed flair, sharp vision and hearing. The dog itself finds a beast or a bird and barks to let its owner know about it. The husky pursues the beasts quietly and silently, and at a new stop, it again signals the hunter. Ducks, for example, are etched from the reeds by dogs, and then they are shot. Pheasants in the same way kicked out of the bushes. And the husky game seeks already killed game and brings it to its owner.

types of huskies

When hunting ungulates, the dog pursues the prey, runs ahead and barks at it, thereby stopping and preventing it from moving on. Bear hunting takes place in a similar way. Laika finds the lair of the beast, and then with dexterous and quick grasp holds the beast and does not allow him to escape. Hunting huskies find shot animals on a bloody trail. Initially, these dogs were used only in the northern regions. But at present, huskies have begun to be used in the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, and other places.

The fact is that this type of dog is completely unpretentious, quickly attached to people. Laika can be safely kept in the city in the apartment, and in the village. Moreover, she will be able to adapt everywhere and will not lose her hunting properties. The only condition is that the dog needs to move a lot.

But with regard to food, huskies need half as much nutrition as other dogs with the same weight. Such a distinctive feature they developed in severe taiga conditions.

This breed can be considered one of the oldest among those that serve man. Like dog in space even before a man visited. You remember the famous Strelka and Squirrel! With their flight, they proved outstanding abilities, because it was not for nothing that they were chosen among the mass of other breeds.

An interesting fact is that to this day, huskies have retained features that testify to their close relationship with the jackal and the wolf.

Types of huskies

Depending on the scope of use of huskies, they are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Hunting.
  2. Driving - polar.
  3. Shepherds.

Further we will give a more detailed description of the likes of each type.

Hunting huskies

These are the most faithful and best helpers of hunters in the forests of northern Europe and Asia. According to seasoned people, when hunting, this breed is the best weapon, and much more reliable guns. Back in the distant nineteenth century, the famous Russian dog handlers made attempts to include a large number of huskies in separate pedigree groups. And this was done only for one purpose, in order to fix their excellent hunting abilities with the help of selection.

Riding, or polar huskies

This is the largest subgroup. Riding huskies carry not only people, but also goods in those places of the north where roads suitable for transport end, and off-roading begins. Dogs work in teams consisting of 8-13 animals. In addition, they are used to drive elk or mountain sheep and deer.

white husky

In those days when hunting for a polar bear was not banned, huskies proved themselves in this matter. The polar dog is a strong, hardy, with powerful bones animal. The height of male huskies at the withers is at least 60 centimeters. The animals have a very developed chest.

Shepherd’s Like

The original breed is the Nenets Laika, which is common in the northern regions of the Scandinavian Peninsula. This dog is small in size (at the withers males reach 45 centimeters). Their main protection in difficult climates is long hair. Where this group is used by people is evident from the name itself. Huskies are great helpers to shepherds. They have proved themselves well in the hunt for game, for bear and squirrel. An interesting fact is that when the hunting and shepherd’s husks are crossed, the offspring have undesirable signs of increased hunting instincts, which border on almost wildness. This is manifested in the uncontrolled pursuit of animals, bullying them to death with further devouring. In addition, crossbreeding very negatively affects the length of the coat. It becomes much shorter, which is unacceptable for severe cold.

Varieties of breeds

Currently, as a result of many years of work, a large breeding base of purebred animals has been created. Absolutely all modern types of huskies can be attributed according to the standard, which was approved back in 1947 at the All-Union Meeting, to one of the following breeds:

  1. Russian-European like.
  2. West Siberian Laika.
  3. Karelian-Finnish husky.
  4. East Siberian Laika.
  5. Nenets reindeer herding.
  6. Samoyed husky.
  7. Husky.

Russian-European Laika

This breed has medium height, strong and dry build. The muscles are very developed. The height of the animals at the withers: males - 58 centimeters, females a couple of centimeters less.

dog like in space

The head of the Russian-European husky is dry, wedge-shaped, wide in the cranial part. The muzzle is pointed, with dry, compressed lips. The eyes of the animal are clear, lively and cheerful. They are medium in size. All members of the breed are brown. Ears - protruding, small, highly placed on the head, have the shape of a triangle with sharp tips.

The paws of the husky are straight. But the tail is high and bent with a ringlet or sickle towards the back. With a quick run, the ring spins. In a calm state, the tail can also be lowered down.

The coat of this breed is very thick, straight and coarse, but with a soft undercoat. On the neck, shoulders and withers, the pile forms a chic, magnificent scruff and collar. On the limbs and head, the hair is slightly shorter. On the hind legs, the hair is longer and forms panties. The tail is pubescent evenly along the entire length, only on the lower side there is a longer pile. There is a white husky, black, red, piebald and zonal.

The Russian-European breed was formed on the basis of hunting dogs of the northern regions. The animal is quite universal, it can be dragged by its owner literally on any beast. But you need to understand that husky puppies can differ in character and behavior.

Laika West Siberian, East Siberian

Laikas of the West Siberian breed are of medium height, strong, dry build. Compared with the Russian-European West Siberian husky has a more elongated shape. The height of the animals reaches 60 centimeters. The muzzle of the animal has a wedge-shaped shape, the ears resemble an elongated triangle, they are erect and high set. The eyes are round and brown in all shades of hair.

The animal has a muscular developed body. The hind legs are slightly wider apart than the front legs. The tail is bent by a ringlet. The coat is coarse and straight, but with a soft undercoat. There is a white husky, black, red, brown, zonal. This breed is most suitable for hunting large animals. As a rule, it is trained on a certain type of animal. By the way, this is the most hardy breed of all huskies. And the most common abroad. The dog has large sizes and attractive appearance, as well as outstanding mental abilities. It was bred on the basis of local breeds, fully formed only in the seventies of the twentieth century.

west siberian east siberian husky

As for the East Siberian breed, the dog of this species is very powerful (the largest of the huskies). She helps to hunt large animals, while she herself can hold them until the owner comes. Due to her physique, she is adapted for very hard work in the difficult conditions of the mountain Siberian taiga.

Now the number of representatives of this breed is diverse. Husky puppies and young individuals develop much more slowly than young animals of other breeds. While the animals are young, they hunt famously for squirrels, but with age they are more interested in sable. East Siberian huskies are excellent prey for ungulates and bears.

Karelian-Finnish breed

Karelian-Finnish husky of small stature, very mobile and strong. The height of the animal is only 48 centimeters. Outward signs are very similar to other breeds. Forests of Eastern Europe, as well as Trans-Urals, are considered to be the birthplace of dogs. Karelian-Finnish dog is very mobile and has a strong hunting passion. Very responsive to education. Since the animal has increased excitability, a soft and even relationship is required from the owner. This breed is very touchy. If the owner punished his ward at least once, then the animal will remember this forever and will never trust it again.

Nenets breed

Nenets husky is the only breed in the world created specifically for grazing deer. Brought her Nenets, whose life is based on reindeer husbandry. The breed is presented in two forms: short-legged and ordinary. Short-legged dogs cannot move quickly on loose snow in the spring. They are used mainly during calving, they do not scare little deer, but also do not let them get lost and fight off the herd. Dogs are covered with long hair, it protects them well from colds and midges.

Samoyed breed

Samoyed - a dog from a husky breed. She is very beautiful, but too independent. In addition, he loves open spaces, on which he feels excellent. If we talk about the merits of the breed, then the Samoyed is not only a beautiful dog, but also smart, obedient, it is very devoted to its owner.

Karelo Finnish Laika

The disadvantages include some independence of the nature of the animal. If you decide to get such a dog, then you need to consider that it needs long active walks. In addition, the animal must be displayed for training on a training ground.

Special care requires dog hair. It needs to be combed regularly. And when wet, thoroughly wipe with a towel. The undercoat sheds once a year, then a huge amount of wool appears everywhere.

Historical excursion

What is amazing about the history of the breed is the fact that little is known about it. Laika has long lived in lordly houses and was an ordinary animal, to which no one paid special attention. It was the most ordinary dog. Names for huskies were the simplest, as for any other animal.

Samoyed dog

The name of the breed itself appeared not so long ago. Previously, it had a different name. An interesting fact is that the oldest image of a husky dates back almost a thousand years. And the animal is captured on the frescoes of the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin - the main temple of Kievan Rus. And since then, there was no more information in the literature about these dogs until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Previously, the ancestors of huskies were kept on free rights, and no one considered it necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the breed. This was reflected in the appearance of the dogs, as they lost their characteristics. Nevertheless, now there are a variety of types of huskies. And each variety has its own story.

How to care for a husky?

A good hunter should go unnoticed for prey. It is for this reason that most huskies do not have any specific smell. Animals were bred specifically for the most difficult work in harsh conditions, and therefore they can easily adapt to almost any climate.

If we talk about caring for a dog, then only wool requires special attention. It must be combed regularly, especially during moulting in the fall and spring. But you need to bathe the dog very rarely, thoroughly washing the shampoo.

But the most important thing in taking care of a husky is the obligatory long walks every day.

The nature of huskies

Laika has an amazing character and a unique hunting mind. The dog can calculate the situation a few steps forward, and therefore it is completely not vulnerable to hunting. However, the animal’s mind and ingenuity are not limited only to hunting, because it’s not for nothing that the husky dog ​​was the first to go in space, even ahead of humans.

By nature, these dogs are free and love wide open spaces, long walks with hunting. On the one hand, animals of this breed become very attached to their owner, and on the other hand, hunting habits can overpower, and therefore, having found a company from another dog, a husky can run to hunt, forgetting about the person.

In hunting, the animal does not just help the owner, but takes on the main, leading role. In fact, she herself searches for, barks the prey. She knows exactly how and what to do. It distracts attention to itself and thereby gives a person the opportunity to aim.

Laika does not hunt for herself; she works only for her master. And in case of serious danger, he can even sacrifice his life for the sake of saving a person. Most of the dogs on the hunt just grab the bear by its coat to detain him until the arrival of his master. But if a person is in great danger, then the husky is already tearing the beast for real, to divert attention to itself and take a hit.

Puppies of huskies need to be taught to pets from childhood, otherwise in adulthood they will certainly hunt them. Dogs are very friendly to people and become the most beautiful watchmen. Likes like to play with children, but kids still need to be kept away from them.

like Price

A good owner should appreciate all the extraordinary abilities of the animal, as well as the unusual nature of its character, and treat the dog with love and respect. Laika is a special breed. Even training and coaching is different for her than for other species. To teach this dog, you need to arrange a competition of huskies, letting her work with an experienced partner. It is impossible to train a dog too actively and persistently. It just gets a lot worse. Such is the opposite effect. The basis of her training is proper education from childhood. You need to talk with the puppy, explain to him how to behave. The dog needs to be convinced that you completely trust her.

How to choose a nickname for like?

As you yourself understand, nicknames for huskies are just as important as their name for a person. Since this is a northern breed, then the nickname can be selected accordingly. For example, you can select everything that is associated with snow, cold, ice, north. But you should not go in cycles only in this direction when choosing a nickname. There are many options. Just strain your imagination. Here are some good examples:

  1. For males - Agnay, Ice, Altai, Iceberg, Balu, Baikal, Bars, Buran, Buda, Buyan, Gray, Dam, Thunder, Wind, Fierce, Nordic, Nord, Gray, North, Sayan, etc.
  2. For females - Aurora, Aza, Agna, Alma, Storm, Squirrel, Blizzard, Diva, Dara, Eshka, Haze, Winter, Weasel, Ilma, Moon, May, Blizzard, Llama, Nora, Runa, Fairy tale, Taiga, Soya, Tyra , Taya.

How much does a like cost?

How much does a like cost? The price of dogs is formed on the basis of many factors. For example, from the nursery in which it is grown, from the feeds that adults and puppies feed on. An important parameter in the formation of prices is eye color and color, as well as breeding lines, parental titles, etc. There are a lot of components.

If you decide to buy a dog, then do not chase cheapness. Take a look at the beginning, how much does a like cost. Price is not the main indicator by which to choose an animal. There are such animal farms where puppies are simply bred for sale without showing a good attitude to animals. In such places you can buy a dog cheaper, but you should not do this.

And if the breeder carefully looks after and takes care of the animals, feeds them correctly, then he will not sell his ward cheaply.

You can’t buy a puppy without seeing its parents, as well as its habitat. If the animal is sold without a pedigree, then you should definitely make sure which breed its parents are.

There is another important point. You need to understand that a purebred breed will cost more, but a mestizo husky will cost less. Mestizos are obtained by random mating and crossbreeding with other breeds. However, their characteristics may differ from those of the thoroughbreds. Prices for such puppies can be very different: from 500 rubles to 5 thousand.

As for purebred huskies, an adult dog will cost no less than twenty-five thousand rubles, and the price of puppies starts at ten thousand rubles.

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