Child development at 1 year and 4 months: physical, emotional and intellectual

The development of children at 1 year and 4 months is associated with major changes. The child becomes moody, he has his own tastes, preferences and interests. Speech is actively developing. The kid is able to remember events in the smallest details. Parents need to be patient while they grow up, because the baby will actively show its character. And most young mothers may not be psychologically prepared for this.

Skills and abilities

The development of children in 1 year 4 months is gaining rapid momentum. Usually a baby by 16 months:

Attempts to drink from a cup

  1. May get up from a lying position.
  2. Sitting leaning on a wall or holding on to a pen.
  3. He goes down and up the stairs by the handle.
  4. Tries to eat on his own with a spoon and drink from a cup. For crumbs, it is better to purchase a personal set of dishes for children.
  5. Reacts to the appeal to him.
  6. Fulfills simple requests, such as take, give, bring, look, etc.
  7. I remembered all the faces of relatives. Rejoices when he sees one of them.
  8. On average, a child speaks up to 10 words.
  9. If asked, then by name can show animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.
  10. Mastering sandbox games.
  11. Able to pour water from a bucket.
  12. Some children at this age may already ask for a pot.

Since the kids are very active in this age period, parents have to regularly monitor them. Sharp and household objects, chemical products (powders, cleaning products), as well as medicines, should not be left in accessible places. The sharp edges of the tables are best covered with special nozzles. Secure sockets, drawers and cabinet doors with locks.


As soon as the child reaches one year of age, he begins to show his character. The kid chooses what to eat on his own. He formed tastes and preferences. Therefore, until recently, your favorite dishes can be ignored by the crumbs.

Interest in toys

For the first time in this growing up period, parents notice that the child has become very moody. You need to have a lot of patience, because the baby will soon begin to change even faster. Perhaps a violation of the established schedule of food and sleep. Unexpected appetite at any time of the day is also the norm. Your task is to catch the mood, preferences and tastes of the baby. And then adjust the menu, sleep and rest time under it.

16 months is the age when a child walks on his own. The coordination of movements is already well developed, and the child rarely falls. But parents still need to follow every step of their beloved crumbs.

Intellectual development

The child is actively replenishing the vocabulary. Although children at this age still have few words to pronounce, memory absorbs all the information like a sponge.

Change of interest

Children try to imitate their parents when cooking or cleaning. There is an awareness of a certain independence. The memory is already well developed, and the child can remember the details of what happened even a couple of days ago.

Social life crumbs

The development of children in 1 year 4 months is a rather difficult period. You may notice that on the playground your child first began to assert his rights. He does not distribute toys, as before, but makes it clear that this is his thing, and he does not intend to share. The kid may not be interested in the games he played before. He increasingly wants to assert himself before his peers, even despite the fact that at this age the choice of activities and entertainment is small.

Emotions when familiar faces appear

At home, the baby may refuse dinner or lunch. In no case do not force your child to obey and fulfill your requirements. He must remain the right to choose. Offer him a few different dishes, let him choose. And based on your preferences, make a menu.

Do not worry, almost all parents are faced with a period of growing up baby. And only in your power to explain to the child the importance of regular and proper nutrition, as well as sleep and rest.

Key indicators of physical development

What a child can do at 1 year and 4 months, we examined. Now let's move on to physiological indicators:

  1. The growth of the crumbs is about 77-80 cm. It is worth noting that girls most often at this age are taller than peers. And also, the growth rate directly depends on heredity. If the parents are tall, then the baby can be ahead of the norm, and vice versa.
  2. The weight of the child in 1 year 4 months is from 10.5 to 11 kg. Girls most often weigh less than boys.
  3. Head circumference from 45 to 49 cm.
  4. The circumference of the chest varies from 47 to 53 cm.
  5. The teeth of a child aged 16 months should be at least 8. During this period, fangs are actively cut. The process is quite complicated, and the crumbs can have a fever, loss of appetite. Parents should take care in advance of acquiring a teether, as well as a special gel that has an analgesic effect on the inflamed gum crumbs.

Remember that each child is individual. You should not panic if your indicators deviate a little from the established norms. If your baby is active, eats well and sleeps peacefully, then you have no reason to worry.

Daily routine

Of course, at 16 months, the children have not yet set the daily regimen. But try to adhere to a specific schedule. This approach has a positive effect on the development and work of the whole organism. Yes, and it will be easier for a young mother to plan her schedule of affairs.

Educational games

Consider the approximate mode:

  1. Rise.
  2. Charging to rhythmic music with mom.
  3. We wash and clean our teeth.
  4. Breakfast time.
  5. We use educational toys for kids.
  6. Walk in the fresh air.
  7. We have lunch.
  8. Daytime sleep (on average, children aged 1-2 years sleep about 2 hours).
  9. An afternoon snack.
  10. Games aimed at development and motor skills.
  11. Walk in the fresh air.
  12. Dinner.
  13. Reading fairy tales, studying fruits, flowers, animals, etc. The baby should be as relaxed as possible. Avoid overexcitation with active games before bedtime.
  14. Sleep.

As for swimming, parents themselves choose the time. Bathing a baby is enough 1 time before bedtime and every time after the toilet in a big way. In winter, try to bathe less often, just take a warm shower and regularly wash your baby.

Educational games and activities

A child in 1 year and 4 months is absolutely ready for games. Kroha perfectly understands the information that parents convey to him. Therefore, in order for the baby to develop better, each mother needs to devote time to the development of thinking.

Manifestation of independence

  1. Have a tea party with toys. You can purchase a plastic set of dishes for children in the store. Arrange the toys near the table, put cups in front of them. Fill the kettle with water. Let the baby pour all imaginary tea on its own.
  2. Exercise together. Comment on each exercise.
  3. Sculpt sand figures, build castles and use small plastic toys as residents of the sand valley.
  4. The game of mother and daughter. A great alternative to constantly explaining to the child that it is necessary to brush your teeth and wash yourself. Let the child independently clean the doll’s teeth, wash it, etc. Soon, the baby will understand how important these procedures are.
  5. Involve the baby in joint cleaning and cooking. This is especially true for toys and books that children do not particularly like to clean up after themselves.
  6. Read books. Discuss colorful pictures.

Do not scold the baby if on the court he refuses to play with other children or share his toys. Accept this, instincts are still actively involved in a child at this age, and he does not want to give his own to someone.


16 months is the age when a child begins to eat on his own. The baby is trying to pick food with a spoon and gently bring it to his mouth without any help.

Eats independently

By this age, it is advisable to feed the baby about 4 times a day. Pay attention to the appetite and the portion you eat. If the baby has eaten a lot, offer him additional kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese or milk. When purchasing dairy products, look at their shelf life. It is very important to know that dairy products with a natural composition are stored for no more than 5-7 days.

Eating a child in 1 year 4 months involves a transition to a common table, but given the limitations and needs of the kids. It is necessary to feed the baby at the same time. The interval between meals should be 3-4 hours.

Do not be afraid to give your child pieces of fruit, such as an apple. After a year of age, the baby learns chewing skills. Of course, the main diet is mashed food, but adding a small amount of unmilled products is also necessary.


The daily routine is set and sleep time becomes stable. Happy baby sleeps from one to three hours. It takes 12 hours to sleep at night. These indicators can deviate for 1-2 hours, which is also the norm and depends on the individual indicators of the crumbs.

It is worth noting that there are children who play actively throughout the day. They can sleep during the day every 3 hours of wakefulness. The rest of the babies can be in this state for about 5 hours.

If the child does not sleep well, this is most likely due to poor health. In all other cases, the baby was not active during wakefulness and was simply not tired.

Every child is different! The development of children in 1 year 4 months is different. Someone started walking independently earlier than their peers, and someone already at the age of 16 months has a good vocabulary.

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