Humanity has long plunged headlong into PC games. Games - life simulators - allow us to get a second attempt and build "our" fate as we want. There are many different applications that allow us to feel like a different person, and sometimes God.
Actually, this game needs no introduction. A legendary series with many additions that takes you beyond reasonable limits. You will be able to create a family and manage all aspects of her life, from work and study to travel, communication and death. You will go a full life path, build your dream home, leave the heirs and continue to play for them already. And, with luck, your dynasty will live a very long time.
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The Guild
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2016 . . , . .
Good life
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. Singles. , . , - . - . , .
7 Sins - 2005 . , . , , . , .
-. , , . , .
- " 3" LoveCity 3d. . . . . , . .
? " " . , , , , - . , , , Age of Empires . - , .
Spore - -. , , , . ?
Age of mythology. , . 100%. , , , .
Skyforge. . -. , . "" , .