How to treat sore throat with breastfeeding: treatment options, review of approved drugs, pediatrician advice

Angina with breastfeeding - this is very unpleasant! Mom almost canโ€™t take any medicine, but the disease must be treated, otherwise there can be serious complications. What to do? Stop breastfeeding and take care of your health? But then, the baby will not receive the substances so necessary for him, which are only in breast milk, and are necessary for the growing body. From the article you will learn how to treat sore throat with breastfeeding, pharmacy drugs that are safe for the baby, but effective for angina, and proven folk remedies. You will see in the article the advice of doctors (general practitioners, pediatricians, including the well-known Komarovsky).

Symptoms of a sore throat

how to treat sore throat

Not everyone can distinguish a sore throat from the usual severe sore throat with acute respiratory infections and SARS. We offer you to find out exactly how the disease manifests itself:

  • weakness, general malaise are felt;
  • there is severe chills, fever is possible;
  • a strong increase in body temperature - above 38 and even 39 degrees;
  • tonsils are very inflamed, acquire a bright red color, with purulent tonsillitis on bright red tonsils there is a white plaque with a purulent hue, ulcers;
  • sore throat is given to the neck, ears, headache;
  • the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw become dense, sore, inflamed.

A sore throat is a sign of a developing disease, and it does not appear immediately. Usually, with sore throat, a sore throat is felt in the morning, radiating to the ears and neck. After 3-7 hours, body temperature rises, its precursor is severe chills, trembling, a person freezes, he needs a lot of blankets. The appearance of pus on the tonsils can be both on the same day, and in the next 2-3 days.

As soon as you feel these symptoms, immediately call a doctor at home! In no case should one engage in self-medication, since you will harm not only yourself (improper treatment leads to complications), but also lactation, the health of the child, who can receive the same medicines through milk. The specialist will prescribe a course, tell you how and how to treat a sore throat with breastfeeding.

Should breastfeeding continue?

Many mothers, sick, begin to worry about the health of their child. Worry about the possibility of contracting a baby with a sore throat should not bother you - just follow the safety rules. Put a bandage on your face when you are in contact with the child, do not kiss him, wash your hands thoroughly before touching the baby. Breastfeeding should not be stopped, because with milk the child receives immunity to the disease.

Breastfeeding is stopped only in case of serious fungal infections, which include mastitis. You also need to stop feeding the baby milk if the mother is prescribed very strong and dangerous antibiotics for the baby. With angina, while breastfeeding, antibiotics are also prescribed, and those that are allowed when feeding babies with mother's milk are described below.

A lot of fluid

Drinking plenty of water, decoctions, tea, compotes, fruit drinks and juices is the first recommendation of doctors. The liquid works in the human body as antifreeze in the car - it helps to reduce the temperature, cools. In addition, a large amount of fluid removes toxins from the body, and dehydration is prevented.

Bed rest

Spray for the throat

A baby in her arms is constant care, care, movement. The baby in the arms of a sick mother is an aggravation of the situation, a slowdown in the healing process. The woman herself now needs care and care no less than a baby. A constant feeling of fatigue, general malaise, drowsiness - all this is the result of the disease. Since the patient must rest and sleep, it is necessary to observe bed rest until recovery, otherwise complications may occur, the elimination of which will require more effort and time.

Ask for help in caring for the child and the housework from relatives and close people. Now itโ€™s important for you to lie down, get better, and this will require at least 2-3 days. During this time, the body will begin to intensely fight the disease due to the generated immunity. You will feel better, the temperature will not rise so high, the sore throat will become weaker.

What antipyretic drugs can I take?

heat pills

Purulent sore throat is always accompanied by high temperature. When breastfeeding, it is difficult to choose medications that will remove the fever, but will not harm the baby. And yet there are those, they must be taken as necessary to lower the body temperature.

Such medicines as Ibuprofen, Ibuklin (the same as Ibuprofen, only more expensive, but the tablets have a shell which protects the stomach), "Paracetamol". According to reviews of people with tonsillitis, it is better to take "Ibuklin" or "Ibuprofen" - the action begins faster, and the tablets themselves have an additional anti-inflammatory property, which is important for angina.

Local antiseptics


Be sure to gargle with the treatment of tonsillitis recommends Dr. Komarovsky. Angina with breastfeeding is treated with local antiseptics, which are allowed for nursing mothers. You can deal with pathogenic microflora with drugs such as Furacilin, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin.

While there are no such antiseptics, you can use just warm, slightly salted water - this will also help. Rinses are carried out at least 4 times a day, after the first there is a decrease in pain.

Sprays for angina

Sprays that are used immediately after rinsing or during a break will help speed up the healing process. Due to local effects, medications do not affect the child, but still only those that are allowed to nursing mothers can be used.

In the treatment of angina with breastfeeding, the following sprays are allowed:

  • Hexoral;
  • "Bioparox";
  • "Cameton";
  • Ingalipt.

Lozenges and lozenges


Such drugs also significantly help in the treatment of tonsillitis. Lollipops are made on the basis of essential oils, antiseptic agents, herbs. They temporarily reduce sore throat, due to which the general condition improves. You can dissolve pills for sore throat quite often, every three hours, which is very convenient for angina.

How to treat sore throat with breastfeeding? What lozenges will not harm the baby and lactation? According to the international directory E-Lactancia, the following candies are completely safe for nursing mothers and their babies:

  • Strepsils
  • "Sebidin";
  • Stop Angin;
  • "Faringosept";
  • Septolete.


antibiotics for angina

Angina is a disease of bacterial origin, and its treatment requires the use of potent antibiotics. How to treat purulent sore throat with breastfeeding? We will also have to start taking antibiotics, because without them the pathogenic microflora will continue to multiply, the infection will spread, and serious complications will appear.

An incompletely cured disease threatens to develop into chronic tonsillitis (this is a pathology of the tonsils, which increase in size, and inflammation constantly passes through them). Angina can remind of itself several times a year, it is only necessary to slightly cool, pick up ARI or ARVI.

But the worst thing for nursing mothers is the infection of the breast lobes, which occurs in the absence of an adequate treatment for the disease, which is fraught with the development of infectious mastitis.

What to treat a sore throat with breastfeeding, the therapist will tell you, self-medication is strictly prohibited. Your doctor may prescribe the following antibiotics:

  • Sumamed
  • Amoxicillin;
  • "Cefazolin";
  • Ampioks;
  • "Azithromycin";
  • "Oxacillin";
  • Roxithromycin;
  • "Cephalexin".

The therapist may prescribe a different medicine, then check with him the possibility of combining with breastfeeding.

The antibacterial drugs prescribed in the article are absolutely harmless to the child, so you need to undergo the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor (at least 7 days). You canโ€™t interrupt the course, even if you feel like a completely healthy, cured person. The fact is that an incomplete course can cause only temporary remission, after which there will be a relapse, and the disease can strike with renewed vigor.

Next, we talk about how to treat purulent sore throat during breastfeeding with folk remedies. It is worth remembering that not a single prescription of traditional medicine can replace the course of an antibiotic, so treatment is carried out jointly. Only tinctures and decoctions of the disease can not be defeated.

Gargling with decoctions of herbs

folk remedies

How to treat sore throat with breastfeeding? Komarovsky recommends rinsing the throat with infusions of healthy herbs every two hours. Folk remedies have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects, they are completely safe for mothers and babies, do not harm lactation.

Gargling with sage, pharmacy chamomile or a mixture of these herbs helps:

  1. Brew a tablespoon of the collection in a glass of boiling water, after cooling, strain, rinse the throat with tincture.
  2. Immediately prepare the glass for the next rinse, cover it with a lid so that dust does not settle.

Herb Juice:

  1. Prepare the juices of the following plants separately: plantain, coltsfoot, cabbage.
  2. For one rinse, you need to take one tablespoon of each juice, dilute in half a glass of warm water.
  3. Gargle 5 times a day.

Wormwood infusion:

This gargle is excellent in combating pathogenic bacteria and germs, and helps relieve inflammation. The taste is not pleasant, it is bitter, but it acts quickly, the pain is relieved well. If you decide how to treat purulent sore throat with breastfeeding, then this gargle tool should definitely be tried.

  1. A tablespoon of wormwood (it is advisable to take only foliage) should be poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let the grass infuse for 40-60 minutes, then strain.
  3. Gargle with tincture at least 4 times a day.

Other folk remedies


Gooseberries and honey. The tool is anti-inflammatory, reduces body temperature. It is used both for oral administration and for gargling.

  1. Scroll through the meat grinder gooseberries, squeeze the juice.
  2. For oral administration: in 1/3 cup of the obtained juice, add a teaspoon of honey, drink three times a day.
  3. To rinse: dilute gooseberry juice 1/1 with boiled water, rinse 4-5 times a day.

Carrots and honey. It is used when rinsing, it helps to quickly relieve sore throat, reduce inflammation.

  1. In 1/3 cup boiled, warm water, add half a glass of fresh carrot juice.
  2. Dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a liquid.
  3. Gargle at least 4 times a day.

Raspberries. This tool is used to gargle with laryngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. This recipe is suitable for nursing mothers.

  1. Two tablespoons of fresh raspberries need to be crushed in a mortar, so that the bones are crushed.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water, put on a fire, and simmer for 5 minutes on slow gas.
  3. Next, the broth needs to be infused, at least 30 minutes. But do not wait for complete cooling.
  4. Strain, gargle with a decoction 4-6 times a day.

We talked about how to treat sore throat with breastfeeding. Once again, I want to remind you of the possible consequences of self-medication and the need to consult with a doctor about each prescription.

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