Life in the world after a nuclear war is not only fraught with all sorts of dangers. Quite often, when passing the game Fallout 4, the Russian dubbing of which appeared recently, you will encounter a banal lack of resources. Indeed, most types of weapons or armor cannot be modified without any material. And without improved equipment, it’s impossible to explore some areas of Fallout 4. A bolt is one such resource. This guide will tell you how to find this item in sufficient quantity.
Fallout 4. Where can I get the bolts?
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Having obtained the right amount of things containing this valuable resource, you must go to any of your settlements in which there is a workshop. Once in place, open the “Workbench Menu”. This can be done by pressing the "V" key. Next, you will need to move all the items containing the bolts to your inventory and save them there by pressing the “T” key.
After all these steps, you will extract resources from the trash. This is the fastest way to parse things. If you want to dig a little, you can throw them all on the floor, and then disassemble each separately. This method takes a lot of time, but it is worth using if the trash contains several types of materials, and you want to get some specific one.Cheat code for bolts Fallout 4
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