Veteran of labor, position and title in Russia

Veterans of war and labor in our country have always expressed honor and respect, since any person who devotedly devoted his work or defended his homeland is a worthy role model. Every labor veteran whose status and legal status is enshrined in the constitution has the right to receive certain benefits, as well as discounts on utility bills and other services. However, this title is not assigned to everyone, since a person must rightfully earn this status by his own work.

In the Russian Federation, all issues related to the title of labor veterans are regulated by a special Regulation on awarding the titles of Veteran of Labor, approved by the Ministry of Justice of our country. The Regulation on the title of Veteran of Labor provides for the award of such persons with an experience of continuous work of 40 years for all women and 45 years for all men. If a person began his labor activity before reaching the age of majority and found the Great Patriotic War, then the status is awarded with a working experience of at least 40 (for men) and 35 years (for women).

In addition, there is a special list of professions in which work is associated with harmful working conditions, which include hazardous work, underground work (mines, mines), as well as work with difficult working conditions. Citizens of such professions retire earlier, and also have certain benefits.

To obtain the title of a labor veteran, a person must apply to the local executive committee and attach documents to him that can confirm his right to appropriate title. Such documents are the work book, medals and orders with the appropriate supporting papers, departmental labor awards and various insignia that were awarded to a person during his work. After submitting the entire package of documents for registration of the title “Veteran of Labor”, the special commission is obliged to review and collegially decide on assigning a person the appropriate status or make a reasonable refusal.

It should also be emphasized that the title of “veteran of labor” position can be assigned exclusively by the executive bodies of the executive committee, and no enterprise can independently carry out this procedure. A labor veteran whose position guarantees his right to enjoy the benefits granted has the following advantages:

  1. Monthly monetary compensation for local urban communication services in the amount of about 250 rubles.
  2. Most public transport is free of charge (except for taxis and minibuses).
  3. A 50% discount on utility bills (electricity, gas, water heating, and so on).
  4. A 50% discount on rent if a labor veteran is registered there.
  5. Free annual ticket to the sanatorium for treatment, which is fully paid by the state. To receive it, a person must contact the district department of social protection with an appropriate statement.
  6. Providing food in urban canteens at the expense of the city budget.
  7. Free production of some dentures, as well as dental treatment.

Thus, any labor veteran whose position is proved by an appropriate certificate is entitled to receive appropriate benefits. It should also be emphasized here that from year to year the attitude of the public service towards veterans is improving, and if a person falls into the category of beneficiaries, the executive committee almost never refuses such a person to register him as a labor veteran. This gives us hope that soon all veterans of labor and war will not only receive well-deserved benefits, but will also reach a good standard of living.

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