Everyone knows bras with a special effect that visually enlarges the chest. Everyone has long been accustomed to such an element of clothing. In addition, women use it constantly. Not so long ago, panties with a similar effect appeared in stores.
Why is such a thing necessary?
A false ass, reviews about which girls leave positive, will help the fair sex to achieve the desired volume, if it is not enough.
It happens that for a certain case a woman wants to put on a close-fitting dress or jeans in a figure. By adding a few centimeters of volume through special pants, the girl becomes visually much more attractive. Briefs with false booty are made in such a way that under clothes they will not be noticeable.
The birthplace of such an element of clothing was China.
The novelty was to the taste of customers, and at first there was a large sales volume of this type of linen. The overhead priest gained particular popularity among girls and women of Asian countries. The fair sex of these races does not differ in large forms. Therefore, they really like the priest’s waybill.
Alternative methods
There are several ways to increase your ass. Firstly, you can go in for sports. Secondly, go to a medical institution and have an operation. Plastic surgery costs some money. Therefore, not every woman can afford a silicone ass. The waybill by means of underpants is an affordable purchase.
Is it possible to make this kind of linen on my own?
First of all, you should know what the priest waybill is made of. In fact, everything is quite simple. False ass is made of foam rubber. Foam rubber, which is used in production, is absolutely safe and has a light structure. It attaches to the fabric.
If desired, you can make a false ass with your own hands without difficulty. Especially if a woman has skills in this area. But you should know that the cost of such linen is low. Therefore, it can be bought. On sale, as a rule, there are several sizes, so a woman or a girl can choose the right panties for herself.
We make
In non-standard cases, you can easily figure out how to make a false ass with your own hands. Everything is done quite simply. Take quality inserts that should be soft and elastic to the touch. Also need fabric for underpants. Make a base out of it. Then, on the received panties (you can use ready-made ones), on the wrong side, attach pieces of fabric where the inserts will be located. Then secure them with a thread. Then flash it. Then you will have pockets inside. In them you and insert the purchased liners.
Other booty booty
In addition to panties with a magnifying effect, manufacturers offer jeans and leggings with a similar foam tab. These items of clothing are sewn from materials with an elastic effect. Therefore, on a woman, such trousers will look very natural and natural.
Shapewear helps women and girls achieve a perfect figure. But I want to give advice on the fact that you should still go in for sports. Since it is possible that a relationship arises between a man and a woman, and then corrective underwear will not save. Therefore, it is recommended to bring your body in good physical shape.
There is an opinion of experts, which suggests that ugly pop does not happen. They argue that it is possible to emphasize the merits of the figure in the most advantageous way and to hide the flaws, if necessary. There are also certain statistics that indicate that men first pay attention to the woman’s ass, and then to her breasts.
In this regard, many girls want to highlight their particular body part in order to be most attractive to guys.
It often happens that women make up their own shortcomings. Or someone's incorrect commentary makes them think about it. To begin with, the girl is recommended to assess the condition of her priest herself. It is necessary to stand in front of the mirror sideways and visually draw a horizontal line in the middle of the thigh. Namely, divide the ass into two halves. If the upper and lower parts look the same, then do not worry, everything is in order with the booty. In case the lower half sags, then it is recommended to take corrective measures.
Sport exercises
The easiest and most effective way to make your ass more attractive is to pump it up through special physical exercises. This can be done both in the gym and at home.
Slender girls should know that the priest consists of muscle mass. Therefore, to increase its volume, special exercises are required. It is also necessary to choose exercises whose action will be aimed specifically at increasing the volume of priests. This set of physical activities should be performed at a slow pace. In this case, the muscles should be in maximum tension. The effect will be noticeable if the exercises are performed regularly. It’s better to do it every day. The minimum number of workouts per week is 3. With such a frequency of performing physical exercises, after a short period of time, the priest will become elastic, dense and increase in volume.
The best option for achieving the best result will be a visit to the gym. There, under the supervision of an instructor, a woman or girl can achieve the results she needs. The trainer will also give recommendations on proper nutrition.
Home workouts
In the case when there is no way to go to the gym, you can do it at home. At home training, certain recommendations should be followed.
1. Before performing physical exercises, as well as immediately after training, you must eat food that contains protein. It should not be eaten in large portions, it would be better if eating food is fractional.
2. It is also necessary to adhere to such a rule that after eating, at least an hour should pass, and then you can move on to physical activity.
3. Squats are considered the most effective exercise for the buttocks. They must be deep. This load element should run slowly. It is necessary to make a delay at the lower point.
4. Another effective exercise is lunges. This type of load is also performed slowly. If the physical form allows, weights can be used. It is necessary to ensure that the angle of the bent leg is equal to ninety degrees.
5. Weighting agents can be used in various forms. For example, dumbbells or water bottles. You can also put on special weight on your legs.
6. Leading the leg back with a delay. The delay should be a quarter of a minute. Do not be zealous. Since it can harm the body. It will be better if the exercises are performed slowly and correctly. Thus, the maximum result will be achieved.
7. Also good for buttocks are swinging legs. To perform these exercises, you need to get on all fours. Then alternately perform the swings. Initially, they are performed with a straight leg, then with a bent upward and so on. You can make rotational movements with one and then the other leg.
8. Each physical exercise is recommended to be repeated 15 times. Thus, the maximum effect will be achieved.
Recommendations for the selection of clothing
There are cases when a woman has a good figure with attractive shapes, but improperly selected clothes spoil the whole impression. It could also be the other way around. A girl or woman has flaws in her figure, but she can present herself in such a way that only her advantages will be visible.
This can be achieved through properly selected clothes. For example, if the representative of the fair sex has a flat butt, then she is recommended to wear trousers with patchpockets. Wide belts and flared jeans will also be appropriate . Another good option for a flat butt will be a classic cut pants with arrows. A tulip skirt is also suitable. She will give a rounded shape to the figure. If you can’t choose your own clothes, you can contact a specialist.