Many beginners who have just started their first aquarium, on the advice of experienced aquarists, buy a pair of guppies. This is a really good choice. On the one hand, the fishes are surprisingly unpretentious: they can live in at least a three-liter jar, be content with dry food. On the other hand, they are really beautiful, especially if you provide them with good care. Of course, beginner aquarists are interested in how many guppy fry grow and what this period depends on.
How long do guppies grow?
They grow surprisingly fast. It seems that they were born a week ago, and today they are already confidently swimming in the specially designated aquarium for them. It would seem - only recently it became clear where the male is, and where is the female, and here the latter already brings posterity.
On average, at the age of 2 weeks, you can safely plant them in an aquarium with adults - even the largest guppies will not consider them as an addition to the diet. Although if other live-bearing fish live here , for example, swordsmen or mollies, then it is worth delaying the transplant for up to a month - otherwise large and gluttonous individuals may well eat all the young without a trace.
Guppies sometimes become sexually mature at the age of 1-1.5 months. But this does not mean that it is time to use them as producers. The fact is that a non-mature female can not withstand the stress and die during childbirth. Even if everything goes smoothly, she can become seriously ill. Yes, and they bring at such an early age rarely more than 20-30 fry. Therefore, experienced aquarists who know how long guppy fry grow, try to protect the females from early mating. At 3 months they already bring a much larger offspring and childbirth is much easier.
But nevertheless, it is almost impossible to name the exact dates for the development of juveniles. This is influenced by a number of important factors that you must know about.
What affects the pace of development
If you are interested in how many guppy fry grow , then it is important to learn about how factors can speed up or slow down this process. Therefore, every novice aquarist should remember them and be guided in practice to achieve the desired result.
Of course, the temperature of the water is the most important factor affecting how many days the guppy fry grow. Pisces are cold-blooded creatures. The rate of reactions occurring in their body depends on the ambient temperature. Therefore, try to ensure that the water does not cool down to below 24 degrees Celsius. The optimal indicator is from 26 to 28 degrees.
Also, do not forget to change the water regularly. Removing debris and fish waste from the aquarium, suck through a hose and part of the water - 10-20% daily. Top it up with tap water, which settled for a day or two in an enameled bucket to get rid of chlorine.
A proper diet schedule is also very important. Like any other newborn, guppy fry should be eaten a little, but often. If adult fish are enough to feed a couple of times a day, then the kids need to provide 5-7 meals a day. Give a little feed so that they eat as much as possible.
Choosing the right feed
Since the conversation turned to nutrition, it is worth talking about it in more detail. After all, it also affects how many guppy fry grow . In the early days, it is recommended to use a boiled egg yolk, crushed and dissolved in water. It is small enough so that tiny fry a few centimeters long can eat tight.
As soon as they grow up, the diet needs to be diversified. If you use only dry food (daphnia, gammarus or even specialized, with vitamin supplements), then the pace of development will decrease. In addition, females in the future will bring fewer fry, will become sick more often. Try to provide them with better food - artemia nauplii, bred at home, or chopped bloodworms, tubule.
If you feed exclusively with dry food, then the maximum size of the guppy is reached only by 6-8 months, and among them there will be many sick and just dull individuals. With full-fledged live nutrition, as early as 4 months, guppies look real beauties and beauties - smart, vibrant, healthy and active.
Boys left, girls right
Knowing how many guppy fish from fry grow, you can determine the time of maturity. As mentioned above, this is approximately 4-5 weeks. It is from this time that they need to be seated. Otherwise, you will receive several dozen unripe mothers. Yes, they can give birth, although the offspring will be weakened and few in number.
You can distinguish juveniles of guppies not so much in color as in anal fin. In females, it remains a fin, while in males it folds into a tube - gonopodia. Carefully review all the females in the aquarium and timely males separately. It is enough to leave one so that he prematurely impregnates several dozen females, ruining all your plans.
Now you know how many guppy fry grow , at what age they reach maturity, and also something about the intricacies of grooming and feeding. Let's hope that you can put the acquired knowledge into practice, making your aquarium even more beautiful.