How you feed your dog depends on its appearance, performance and life expectancy. Despite the fact that a huge amount of information is available today, many owners make the same mistakes. They pour the remains of borsch to their pets, and for dessert they offer bones or sweets. Stop, you are just slowly killing the animal. Before the furry pet crosses the threshold of the house, be sure to consult your veterinarian. He will tell you that the dog can not eat liquid soups, the acceptable diet is only fresh thick porridge with meat.
Many owners, learning about this, rush to make another mistake. They buy fat trimmings on the market, which often did not pass any sanitary control, as well as the cheapest cereals. This is barley, egg and millet. It seems that everything is correct, but the pet continues to hurt. What is the problem? The dog’s body in this case is overloaded with fats, the liver suffers, as well as the gastrointestinal tract, since these types of cereals are completely not absorbed. Let's dwell on this point in more detail. Today we want to tell you what cereals can be given to dogs.
Do no harm
In fact, the answer to this question is complicated by the fact that any breed, moreover, each of its representatives is unique. Therefore, speaking about what cereals can be given to dogs, this aspect must also be taken into account. Often, veterinarians simplify the scheme so that the owner is generally clear. Then they rely on the classical theory of raising carnivores. It is also used by ready-made feed developers. That is, from cereals in the diet should be present rice (brown, in larger quantities), and buckwheat (respectively, in a smaller one). But owners always think that this is too scarce a diet that does not meet the needs of his pet in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
You can’t talk about what cereals can be given to dogs without knowing the composition of the feed. Therefore, a little focus on the characteristics of the product. Rice groats contain a large amount of starch, sodium and phosphorus. This is a plus and minus, we can overload the body with simple carbohydrates, which is not entirely correct. Therefore, we buy only brown rice and do not boil it to a state of porridge. Speaking about which cereals can be given to dogs, I want to mention that any cut is much inferior to the kernel, so it’s better to pay a little more. Rice groats provide the effect of enveloping the intestines, it can be prepared in a mixture with buckwheat or vegetables. This is an excellent diet food.
Buckwheat groats are ideal for large breeds. In some cases, allergies can occur, but not too often. If your pet tolerates buckwheat normally, then it should become a regular guest in the diet. Ask any veterinarian what cereals can be given to dogs, German shepherds, and he will probably call her first. It is an ideal source of protein, potassium and magnesium, iron and phosphorus, which is absorbed with amazing ease.
Corn grits are rarely used in pet diets. It is absorbed worse than other cereals, but it contains useful trace elements and inhibits the development of putrefactive processes in the intestine. Be sure to soak the grits before cooking. It is suitable for feeding an adult Central Asian shepherd, but is not suitable for every day. Bread and crackers contribute to rapid weight gain, so these products can only be used as a treat.
How to cook porridge
It is prepared exclusively on water. The meat should be cooked in another pan, and the ingredients are mixed before serving. It is undesirable to use broths, this is a big load on the liver. Be sure to add salt to the food. Excess and deficiency of this element leads to paralysis of the hind limbs. You need to add salt in the same way as for yourself. Be sure to include unrefined vegetable oil in your diet. It is best to use mixtures of several cereals, since, for example, one cannot give rice to an animal, it leaches calcium from the body. In winter, add a tablespoon of bran before removing the pan with porridge from the fire, this is a source of B vitamins. You can add chopped fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, to the cooled feed mixture.
Correct ratio
Large breeds of dogs require a large amount of energy, so you need to pay special attention to food. It is very important to know what cereals can be given to dogs, shepherd dogs, because it is precisely they that are predisposed to inversion of the intestine. Oat and barley groats cause indigestion, so they can be given only in a mixture with wheat or buckwheat. Unfinished wheat, pearl barley cause severe flatulence. Once a week you can give Hercules flakes, which before this must be poured with non-fat broth and left for 10-15 minutes to swell.
Porridge should not prevail in the dog's diet. Ideally, meat should be 60% and garnish 40%. However, these percentages may include vegetables: grated carrots mixed with any fat, raw pumpkin, stewed beets, cabbage and zucchini.
Feeding the smallest pets
Another important question is which cereals can be given to dogs of small breeds. The baby cannot eat much, so you need to select products carefully. Exclude legumes, wheat, and corn grits. It is very important to digest them well, this will avoid indigestion. A small dog does not require a large amount of food. Often in veterinary clinics the question arises of what kind of cereals can be given to York dogs?
Choose buckwheat or rice, which is permissible to alternate among themselves. For a tiny stomach, these cereals will not become too heavy a load and at the same time give the body enough protein and nutrients. For an adult animal weighing up to 2 kg, 1 tablespoon with the top of finely chopped meat, and a similar amount of porridge will be required. Specialists advise making small “hedgehogs”. To do this, boil the cereal, better take the core, in clean water. Then add it to low-fat minced meat, grated carrots and a raw egg. Balls are formed from this and boiled in water for 25 minutes. An adult dog (2 kg) will need a hedgehog the size of a small apple.
Chihuahua Eating
This is also a fairly popular topic. The principle of nutrition is the same as all babies. Separately dwell on the topic of what cereals can be given to Chihuahua dogs, also does not make much sense, because the recommendations are common to all. Some veterinarians, however, advise you to completely abandon cereals if you have these funny creatures living. The basis of the diet can be vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits, as well as meat.
In any case, everything is very individual. General recommendations may be noted, but be sure to consult your doctor about feeding your unique pet. Are cereals good for dogs? Yes, no doubt, but they should not become the basis of the diet. A predator needs meat, even if it is the size of a small rabbit.