Conversations with adolescents - the path to the development of friendly relations in the family

Raising a child is the most complex and responsible process in the life of each parent; it represents a targeted impact on the emerging personality in order to develop certain qualities in it. As for the upbringing of a teenager, the situation is much more serious here, because his growing desire for independence, self-expression and independence, as well as the advantage of the authority of his peers over the authority of parents can negate all parental work. Naturally, it is not easy for the older generation to accept such changes in the life of their family.

Nevertheless, there are some methods that allow, regardless of the standard of living and methods of upbringing in the family, to find a common language with their mature child. In addition to a focused educational process, as well as a sufficiently significant influence of the social, social and cultural aspects of life on the upbringing of a child, indirect methods highly influence. These include collaborative games, work, and conversations with teens. Undoubtedly, the style of communication adopted in the family plays a crucial role in the upbringing of the younger generation, but even the most trusting and friendly relations may not give the desired result if they are intrusive.

Conversations with adolescents on various topics play an important role both in the development of relations between two generations, and in shaping the character of a growing personality. The topics of conversations with adolescents can relate to various spheres of life, from the structure of molecules to the flight of a person into space, but do not forget that the main goal of any conversation should be conclusions regarding the structure of society and its place in this society. First of all, you need to remember that conversations with adolescents should in no case be negative (it is better not to make critical comments about the color of hair, clothes and music), especially since there are a lot of topics for conversation and there are certainly things that interest each specific child individually.

Even if a teenager refuses to talk, you can cheat and touch on a topic of interest to him inadvertently during lunch or a trip in the car, then the child himself will strive to continue the conversation. Parents should not despair if they could not immediately find a point of contact with their own child, they need to strive for this and everything will work out over time. Another secret to successful communication with teens is trust. You can ask your child for advice on an impending situation or try to draw up an action plan together to achieve a specific goal. Such conversations with adolescents not only bring together two generations, but also strengthen relationships in the family.

Respect in the family is undoubtedly one of the most important moments in the upbringing of the younger generation, and a teenager should feel this in the relations between all members of the family. Conversations with adolescents should be supported by actions, because children feel even the slightest falsity in a relationship. You cannot achieve the respect of your children if the parents themselves do not respect grandfather and grandmother and do not care about their well-being. Even preventive conversations with adolescents should be friendly and in no way suppress the child’s internal resistance. You can be categorical only at that moment if the life or health of the adolescent is in danger, in other cases you need to try to find a common solution to the problem, and sometimes take the side of the child. You should not start a conversation if any of the parties is upset or angry, it is better to postpone it until the mood returns to normal.

Talking with a teenager on a variety of topics, do not forget that he is already a person and you need to show respect to her, only then the conversation will turn out interesting and productive.

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