The best folk remedy for cough for a child

One of the common symptoms that accompany many diseases is coughing. Not only adults, but also children suffer from it. Exhausting sore throat, tickle can cause a lot of trouble. What if a child has a cough? What to do at the same time, and what means can help him?

folk remedy for cough for a child

You can alleviate the condition of the patient yourself. For this, a time-tested folk remedy for cough for a child is used. There are a lot of similar recipes and some of them are very effective.


It is used in many areas of human life. Women restore hair and skin with its help, prepare excellent dishes and so on. In addition, onions are an excellent folk remedy for coughing in a child. It is completely natural and does not give any side effects. There are several ways to use it:

  1. Chopped onions are mixed with a glass of milk. The mixture is infused. After that, it must be warmed up and drunk. It should be borne in mind that the taste of the resulting infusion is unlikely to please the child. In this case, it is mixed with honey and given a tablespoon.
  2. A pound of onion finely crumbles, mixed with a liter of water and brought to a boil. After that, the water is insisted for about three hours. After this, honey is added (approximately 100 grams). The syrup is stored in the refrigerator and is drunk four times a day for a third of the sakan.

what to give the child from coughing


If you are tormented by the question "what to give your child from coughing," then remember a simple and tasty remedy that our mother’s grandmothers loved very much. Mogul-mogul was once popular not only as a folk remedy for coughing for a child, but also as an excellent treat. Even the most fastidious baby will not refuse such a medicine. Cooking it is very simple. Take two yolks, two tablespoons of honey and the same amount of butter. Everything must be thoroughly ground and given to the child four times a day half an hour before meals, two teaspoons.


Radish syrup can cure even a running cough. This is an excellent folk remedy for cough for a child. There are several options for how to cook it:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the radish on a juicer and add honey to it.
  2. Radish is cut into plates and filled with honey. The juice will appear in a few hours.
  3. In the radish, a depression is made in which honey is poured. The appeared juice is drained and the recess is again filled with honey.
    child cough what to do

If the child is allergic, honey should be replaced with sugar. Syrup is given to children every two hours for a teaspoon.

Medicinal herbs

A very popular folk remedy for cough for a child is various infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. They can be used independently or as part of fees.

A tasty and healthy remedy is sage with milk. For it, you need to mix a glass of milk and a tablespoon of sage, bring to a boil and insist ten minutes. Then the milk must be filtered and add a teaspoon of butter and honey. Drink such milk before bedtime.

Thyme infusion is simply and quickly prepared. A glass of boiling water is taken a tablespoon of herb. You need to drink it two tablespoons five times a day.

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