What is PDM: decryption, weapon characteristics and damage done in the game

What is PDM? It seems to many that this term seems familiar and understandable, but its meaning has deep roots and can help immediately determine the effectiveness of the tank. Although even in this situation, the situation is not at all simplified, because in the game World of Tanks: Blitz this figure is not decisive. But we will not confuse you very much and simply begin to gradually reveal all the nuances that are associated with this terminology.

How does this term stand for?

First you need to understand what PDM is. In fact, this is a simple indicator that indicates how much damage a tank can cause per minute. It sounds complicated at first, but gradually you will begin to understand its meaning and immediately be able to compare all the equipment you have. If we talk about professional classification, it sounds like “Damage per minute” and is calculated by multiplying the maximum damage of the weapon by the number of shots in a short period of time.

PDM tank power

As an example, we can mention a combat vehicle, which is capable of taking 200 strength units in 9 salvos. If you carry out mathematical calculations, you get 1800 damage. Now you know what PDM is and how to calculate it. But the classification of the concept does not end there, then we continue the careful analysis.

What is he responsible for?

Are these understandings and calculations really necessary? In fact, this is important, since it is possible to determine in advance the most effective weapon. If the tank has a lot of damage, then this already speaks of its effectiveness. But it's still too early to make a final decision! After carefully comparing PDM damage per minute, you must carefully study all other characteristics. And as soon as all the information is verified, you can proceed to the selection of equipment for the next battle.

PDM damage per minute

Thanks to this indicator, it becomes possible to choose the most convenient tool. It is enough to carefully calculate all the characteristics, and the comparative picture will immediately show which module is more effective. Therefore, do not lose the opportunity to carefully study the capabilities of the tank, and then show excellent performance in battle.

Which tanks do the most damage in minutes?

I would like to talk completely about the PDM of all WoT: Blitz 5.5 tanks, but this information will be extremely "difficult" in terms of perception and reading. The game has a lot of equipment and it will be difficult to talk about each one, so we have compiled a list of the most effective models that you should pay attention to. We tried to take into account all the available equipment, including premium ones, so you can get comfortable and start studying (the numbering goes according to the tank level, and the numbers indicate the maximum damage per minute):

  1. L. Tr - 740.
  2. FT AC - 1052.
  3. T-46 - 1959.
  4. M5 Stuart - 1547.
  5. Pz. IV - 2280.
  6. Jg. Pz. IV - 3566.
  7. SU-152 - 4192.
  8. AT-15 - 3156.
  9. Jagdtiger - 2945.
  10. About. 263 - 3325.
PDM what is it

Now you have information regarding the most PDM tanks. True, disagreements may arise, as some data may not be as accurate. Immediately, we note that these indicators were calculated on the basis of conducting the battle and collecting statistics, which allowed us to come to this conclusion. It is not possible to prove the effectiveness of the tank by mathematical calculations alone, more practical data are needed. Similarly, one should not forget about various situations in battle and the use of shells of different types.

Is this indicator always decisive?

PDM for WoT: Blitz tanks, although important, it will not always help you decide the outcome of a battle. In some situations, you may need speed, do not forget about armor penetration and many other factors that are also important in the game. If you forget about them and just focus solely on damage, then the performance is unlikely to prove itself. Still, the computer game is balanced and some of the shortcomings of one indicator are compensated by something else. Therefore, for a more objective assessment, it is better to study all the information about the tank in order to make the right choice.

PDM battle outcome

Where can I see information on DPM?

What is a PDM in tanks? Now you can easily answer this question. It remains only to figure out exactly where you can see the necessary information. As we noted above, to calculate the damage per minute, it is necessary to carry out mathematical calculations. First, you need to get all the data that is in the game client itself on the page of any tank. Just click on it and detailed specifications will appear in the hangar window.

Another way to obtain information is the official website of the game project. It has a special Wiki page where absolutely all information regarding the characteristics of each tank is collected. You can carefully study it and carry out all the necessary calculations. In this case, you need only a calculator and you do not need to try to look for automatic calculations by characteristics, since they are not always relevant and correct.

PDM Information

Can this indicator change?

And now about not the most pleasant direction regarding the probability of a change in this indicator. The fact is that the game constantly receives various patches with balanced edits, which are aimed solely at changing the installed technical data of the equipment. Simply put, developers sometimes purposefully change the characteristics and try to balance a particular tank. Sometimes a situation occurs that the player really liked the model and he can play on it. But after the patch was released, it’s no longer possible to effectively apply the old tactics, since some data about the model has been changed. Fortunately, this can be monitored, as the developers officially announce the planned changes.

PDM indicator

And this means that not a single indicator in the game has a strong foundation and can change in the future. Do not worry and be very worried about this, as such adjustments are favorably reflected in the balance sheet, creating adequate conditions for tank battles. If this did not happen, then in the game there would be unbalanced elements that would discourage the desire to play.

Is this indicator so serious?

Now you know what PDM is, and you can cleverly manipulate the information received. True, there is one caveat - do not rush to spend a lot of time on this. Such in-depth knowledge will be useful only to those users who are configured for a serious game. If you spend time in tanks just for fun, then you do not need to spend energy on such calculations. They do not guarantee victory, in most cases everything will depend on the randomness in the game. For example, a team will not always do what is necessary for a favorable outcome. The tank may be damaged by some modules, which will change the PDM indicator for a while, and so on. To achieve victory, you need to consider many factors, constantly fight and strive for the best result. Enjoy the game and great fights, tanker!

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