Amadins: maintenance and care. Birdwatching Tips

Today, the popularity of cats and dogs as pets has declined slightly. Modern pet stores offer their customers hundreds of diverse animals. People are increasingly starting to start various amphibian and feathered pets. A vivid example of such birds are the Amadins, the maintenance and care of which, although they require some effort, but pay off a hundredfold with their sweet twittering and friendliness.

Amadins maintenance and care

Amadins are birds from a large family of finch weavers. They attract their owners with a very colorful and bright plumage, ease of breeding and a friendly, unpretentious character. In addition, they live long enough. The average life span of such a bird can reach ten years.

Amadins: care and maintenance

In these wonderful birds, maturity occurs during the change of baby plumage to adult. It is very easy to notice at home, but this is not a sign of complete readiness for reproduction. Of course, they are already ready for the appearance of chicks, but in the vast majority of cases, if this process occurred very early, it can lead to the death of the female or her children.

Amadins zebra care and maintenance

For the successful appearance of offspring, you should create a pair of birds aged from a year to 4 years, but not older. Ornithologists say that Amadins, the maintenance and care of which can allow them to live quite a long life, are reluctant to breed after overcoming a 5-year age limit. In addition, you should carefully study the physiology of the birds and allow only those who are completely healthy and do not have any defects in the structure of the body, beak or legs to reproduce. Only healthy pets can bring a successful offspring.

Amadins, the maintenance and care of which are done correctly, will long please the owners with their melodious singing and beautiful color of feathers. To do this, the following requirements must be met:

  • keep the cage and inventory in order and clean;
  • carry out disinfection at least once a month;
  • clean drinkers;
  • flush the cage with hot water;
  • establish a quarantine cage for sowing sick birds.

Amadins care and maintenance

You can either buy a nest for amadins at a pet store or do it yourself. It must be hung from the ceiling with a wire. It should be located in a place where the bird can hatch eggs without interference.

Zebra amadins, the care and maintenance of which are quite simple, can produce offspring year-round regardless of the season, however, it should be remembered that it is much more difficult to create conditions for breeding in winter. Birds need a very long daylight hours and a fairly warm room.

It is enough to follow simple rules of hygiene, and amadins, the maintenance and care of which will not cause any special problems, will delight you and your children with their melodic singing for a long time. Their “grunting” never bothers, and friendliness can earn the love of even ardent opponents of pets. However, it should be remembered that communication with another living creature is vital for them, therefore usually these birds are acquired in pairs.

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