The ERIP system “Settlement” is provided and supported by OJSC “Non-Bank Credit and Financial Organization ERIP”, which provides all the necessary technical and legal tools for electronic payments for service providers.
OnLine and offLine connectivity is provided. In the first case, the service producer interacts through an aggregator, that is, through an organization that provides a range of services and services for interaction with AIS “Settlement” for an additional fee. In the second case , the service provider performs the connection to the ERIP Settlement system itself, filling out legal relations with OJSC NKFO ERIP, developing and debugging its own tools for interacting with the server using Banking and Financial Television CJSC.
General terms of participation
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If we are talking about a solid store, about payments that are too large for SMS payments, and the staff has a qualified programmer, the best option is to independently connect to the ERIP. This is much more than legal documents, technical difficulties, but the organization can fully secure its place in a single settlement and information space.
For many objective reasons, it makes sense for each organization to think about its presence in the ERIP.