What authentication means: the definition, meaning and types of devices for authentication

We invite you to learn about the word popular in the modern world, which is of great importance for every person who has an electronic device and is actively using the Internet. What does authentication mean? We suggest that you deal with the concept, its varieties, types of devices and systems for which this phenomenon is characteristic.

What does authentication mean?

Authentication procedure . This is the simplest definition of a term. The word comes from the English. authentication - "authentic, real."

What does authentication mean? Here are a few common definitions of the word:

  • Authentication of a specific user by comparing the password entered by him (for a specific login) with the code that was stored in the system database for that login.
  • Confirmation of the authenticity of emails when comparing a digital signature with the sender's public key.
  • Checking the checksums of the file for compliance with the amount that was declared by the author of this document.

What does authentication mean for domestic realities? In Russia, the term basically means authentication in the world of information technology. The security policy of such systems, the degree of trust implies the presence of both mutual and one-way authentication. Most often, cryptographic methods are used for its implementation.

what authentication means

Similar concepts

What does “authentication data” mean? Information required for user authentication. In this vein, the term is often confused with two similarities - authorization and identification. However, there are key differences between these concepts:

  • Authorization - a procedure for granting a user certain rights to perform certain activities. Also, this can be called the process of confirmation, verification of these rights when trying to perform any action.
  • Identification - the procedure for recognizing a subject by its identifier (information, data that uniquely identifies the user in the information system).

Legislative regulation in the Russian Federation

What does authentication on the phone mean? This is the process of determining the identity of a user when they use a mobile device. In our country, authentication of this and other types is regulated by a special state standard - GOST R ISO / IEC 9594-8-98.

The content of this act is as follows:

  • Defining the format of authentication data stored in directories.
  • Description of obtaining authentication information from directories.
  • Establishment of prerequisites for the methods of formation and further placement of authentication information in directories.
  • Determination of methods acceptable for application programs in the process of user authentication.
  • Methods that offer various methods of protection during this process.

The Russian standard governs two types of authentication:

  • Simple. Uses a password for user authentication.
  • Strict. Use of identity cards created by cryptographic methods.
what authentication data means

Authentication System Elements

Let's see what two-factor authentication means . This is called user authentication, which takes place in two stages. For example, the first prompts you to enter a username, password, and the second - a special code that comes to your mobile device tied to your account.

Both one-step and two-factor authentication systems will include the following elements:

  • Subject. A person whose authenticity will be determined during the authentication process.
  • Characteristics of the subject. Distinctive authentication features.
  • The owner of the authentication system. A person who controls the operation of this complex, is responsible for its activities.
  • Authentication mechanism. The set of principles of this system.
  • System access control mechanisms. Granting certain access rights to the user entity.
What does authentication on the phone mean?

Three Authentication Factors

What does Wi-Fi authentication mean? We turn to the advice of specialists on connecting to the Network. It is believed that this is the definition of user authenticity necessary for them to gain access to the Internet through the Wi-Fi system. Most often, authentication requires entering a specific code provided by the provider. Sometimes you need to specify a mobile phone number, which later comes the password for access.

Any type of authentication (on a Wi-Fi network, on a mobile device, etc.) is a combination of three factors:

  1. What you know (password). Secret information that only an authorized object has. They are a combination of numbers, a secret word, a collection of characters for the castle, and so on. Sometimes it is a PIN - a personal identification number.
  2. What you have (device for authentication). Keys to the lock, personal seal, certain data files, smart cards. A similar item is most often inserted into the device. For example, a SIM card in a smartphone or tablet.
  3. What is your integral part (biometric data). Portrait, fingerprint, retina of the user's eye. It is the easiest authentication method: you don’t need to remember anything (like a password) or carry it around (like authentication devices).

Types of Authentication

What does “authenticate” mean? Verify your identity in one of the predefined ways. Today there are many. The most common and significant will be the following:

  • By electronic signature.
  • By passwords, codes.
  • Using SMS.
  • Biometric
  • Through geographic location.
  • Multifactorial.

Let's get to know each type of authentication in more detail.

What does two-factor authentication mean?

Via electronic signature

What does “authentication required” mean in this case? It is supposed to introduce an electronic signature by users:

  • Simple. The electronic signature is generated by entering a specific code or password.
  • Unskilled. It is obtained as a result of cryptographic data conversion using an electronic signature key. Defines the person who signed the document, allows you to detect changes made to it (document) after signing.
  • Qualified. In addition to the signs of an unskilled signature, it has the following characteristics: the verification key for this signature is indicated in a special certificate, the means for its creation and use are regulated by the federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

By password

What does “authentication” mean on a tablet? Most often, this is the introduction of a specific password that allows you to use the device:

  • Reusable. The easiest way: enter the username and secret code generated when registering the device, account by the user.
  • Disposable. An introduction to access the device is a code profile that is valid only for a single login. Accordingly, when reused, it is required to request a new such password from the service provider.
what does wifi authentication mean


One of the most common authentication types used by online resources. Assumes following the following algorithm:

  1. A person enters his username, password.
  2. If they are correct, then a special one-time code comes to the mobile device’s number pre-associated with the account.
  3. Next, the user needs to correctly enter this combination of characters in a specific window, after which he can successfully use the resource - authentication has passed.

Biometric authentication

A very popular user authentication method used today by manufacturers of laptops, smartphones, tablets and so on. Currently, there are the following methods of biometric authentication:

  • By fingerprint.
  • The geometry of the hand.
  • On the iris of the eyes.
  • According to the thermal image of the face.
  • By voice.
  • By handwritten signature.
  • By speed, password entry interval on the keyboard.
what does authentication on the tablet mean

By geographic location

Two areas of user authentication can be distinguished here:

  • By GPS. Proof of a person’s authenticity is based on his location. Most often, data from a space navigation system are used for this.
  • The user's exit location on the Internet. Geolocation is determined by the location of the servers, as well as wireless access points.

Multi-factor authentication

Under this concept is an extended, combined method of authentication of a user. It can combine two or more of the above authentication methods.

The most common example: using a SIM card in a tablet or smartphone. The first stage of the check is to place the card in the device, the second is to enter a specific pin code.

Another variation: biometric authentication (fingerprint) and entering a digital password on the keyboard.

what it means to authenticate

This concludes the conversation about authentication in the modern world, its factors, elements, regulation. Among all the methods, the most advanced are the biometric type, authentication at the location of the subject.

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