A newborn baby in any family brings joy and a happy laugh. Newly made mothers are very timid and literally keep their eyes on the child. They do not sleep at night, looking closely at their baby, and try to examine their baby until the last mole. However, from time to time, mother notes with dismay that her child is convulsively shuddering, hiccuping and crying. Frightened, she rushes to look for information - why the child often hiccups And what does it mean?
Hiccup nature
In order to understand the reasons for children's hiccups, you need to remember why this process happens in adults and what it threatens. We often hiccup, but this does not last long, so sometimes we do not notice the beginning and end of the process, especially if you are passionate about anything at that time. Hiccups, in fact, are convulsive contractions of the diaphragm arising from irritating factors.
The causes of hiccups can be:
• Binge eating. Alas, this is the most common irritant causing seizures.
• Cooling. Cold is a fairly common cause of hiccups.
• Fright. Yes, fright can also cause seizures.
• Swallowing air. Accidentally swallowed air can often cause this nuisance.
However, everyone knows that hiccups are a pretty fast-passing thing that disappears in just a few minutes.
Hiccups in children
The answer to the question why an infant often hiccups - lies on the surface: for the same reasons as we are. Attacks arise from hearty food, from hypothermia, from air, etc. The main thing is to understand what affects the occurrence of this trouble.
For example, swallowing air may be due to the irregular shape of the nipples on the bottle, through which the baby receives food. Or the cause may be the baby’s incorrect position during feeding. These 2 reasons happen most often, the elimination of which will save mommy from such problems.
Sometimes hiccups can occur after bathing the baby in the bath. Usually, in such cases, the newly made mothers for a long time can not understand what’s the matter, if the child is a week old, often hiccups after bathing. The problem is that babies have very delicate skin, and even a slight change in air temperature can make them shudder in hiccups.
How to help baby
Some women, still carrying a future baby under their hearts, prefer to study in advance all the information that will be useful to them in the future, and are engaged in preliminary preparation for the upcoming care of the baby. Some questions they worry about the entire pregnancy - why the child often hiccups, for example, and how to deal with it. Here are some helpful tips on this:
• Keep an eye on your baby while feeding. You can not give the child a chest, holding him in a horizontal position, since he is more "full" of air than milk. You should also carefully choose a newborn pacifier with which it will feed. It should be ideal for feeding your baby.
• Avoid loud noises, bright lights, and other annoying factors when you are a kid. By doing this you will prevent the occurrence of fright and bouts of hiccups.
• After bathing, wrap your baby in a warm blanket. It is advisable to perform this procedure as quickly as possible so that the baby does not have time to freeze.
• Do not overfeed the child. The fact is that a crowded stomach presses on the diaphragm, which causes its convulsive contraction. Feed your baby in smaller portions. Very often this problem arises with older children, therefore, so as not to suffer from the question - why does a two-month-old baby hiccup often - do not try to force food into the baby.
• Give the baby a few drops of lemon juice under the tongue or a little freshly chamomile. This should affect the process of hiccups and stop it. It is worth remembering that this miraculous remedy should be used only in the most extreme cases.
Here are some tips that will help you in the process of caring for a tiny lump, upon which you will not have a question - why the child hiccups often.
What is strictly prohibited
It is not recommended to scare the baby in the hope of getting rid of hiccups. This method not only does not justify itself, but also is capable of great harm to the baby. The fact is that after severe stress, the child will begin to suffer even more with hiccups. Such situations are not uncommon. Moreover, from a sudden fright, a child can be so scared that you will later have to treat him for stuttering as well.
In order not to ask later the question - why a month-old baby often hiccups, one does not need to listen to “good” advisers, whose roles may often be grandmothers or compassionate neighbors.
Hiccups as a dangerous symptom
Sometimes hiccups can serve as a kind of bell that encourages parents to be alert. It should be remembered that normal hiccups should stop within 20 minutes. If a seizure lasts more than half an hour - this is an alarm.
Often repeated attacks indicate that not everything is in order with a small organism. So, why does a baby often hiccup?
If you carefully checked and removed all the factors that could affect the occurrence of seizures, but this did not help, you must urgently contact the pediatrician who is registered with your baby. The fact is that prolonged and painful hiccups can be evidence of such pathologies:
• typical poisoning;
• high blood sugar;
• mental disorders;
• malignant neoplasms in the brain;
• infection;
• pinched nerve of the diaphragm;
• parasites in the intestines.
Only after the full delivery of all the necessary tests, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and give a thorough answer to the question - why does the child hiccup often. Do not be scared from the above list, it is possible that the baby had a pinched diaphragmatic nerve during childbirth - this situation is most common.
When to see a doctor
If you are alert for the above symptoms, you should watch the baby for several days. 3 days is enough. If hiccups indicate pathology, then it will be accompanied by pain in the child - he will scream and cry at the same time.
It is also worth paying attention to the duration. As already noted, a normal attack lasts up to about half an hour, and in the last minutes everything goes away and the baby does not notice that he is hiccuping. If this happens loudly and excitedly, sign up to the pediatrician.
Hiccup Prevention
A newly minted mother may even notice in the maternity hospital that the baby is often subjected to seizures. This can alert her and make her anxious. Yet why do newborn babies hiccup often? What causes this?
Our body is designed in such a way that all the organs and functions performed by them are interconnected. Hiccuping, in fact, helps excess food digest faster in the stomach, and is also sometimes a signal of some need. For example, in a liquid. Or warm.
Scientists have long proved that the baby begins to hiccup while still in the womb, and this is a perfect normal natural process. Do not focus on seizures. However, if you are still worried about periodic hiccups, then there are certain preventative measures that are well known to doctors.
Hiccup Prevention
For example, after each feeding, you need to achieve belching in the baby. For this, there are special techniques that can be learned even in the hospital. Nurses and neonatologists will be happy to tell you about them and teach you how to use it.
You also need to ensure that the baby does not want to drink. Sometimes intense thirst is a source of seizures. Therefore, in time give your child some water, and you won’t have a question - why does the child hiccup often.
It is advisable to pay more attention to ensuring that the baby is not in the cold for a long time. This can lead not only to attacks of hiccups, but also to hypothermia and, as a result, to colds.