Riddles are created to develop logic and thinking, which is especially important for young children during the growth period. It is at the moment when the child already has a store of knowledge and absorbs new information like a sponge. Currently, there are a huge number of puzzles on various topics. In this article, we consider puzzles about the sun for children of different ages.
Shines brightly
The sun for children is something warm, round, kind and positive. But at the same time unattainable and mysterious. Preschool children do not yet possess information that the Sun is a star that is located millions of cosmic years from Earth. It is for the smallest that fit the lighter riddles about the sun with the answers that will be given below:
- Not a lamp, but it shines, not a flame, but warms. Like a ball, yellow, round as a desert.
- There will be no day without it.
- It always burns and does not go out.
- Something yellow is burning in the sky, for all living things it is like a magnet.
Hearing such riddles about the sun, the kids will certainly understand what is at stake and are happy to guess the answer.
But, as we know, the sun can be dangerous to humans. Children know that you can’t look at him for a long time, because your eyes will hurt. And in the summer, parents say that they need to wear caps and hats from the sun. Also, you can not sunbathe for a long time, so parents smear the kids with a special cream and cover their shoulders. All this, of course, remains in the memory of the children, so it will not be difficult for them to guess riddles about the sun just on this topic:
- Who from the sky paints people brown without colors?
- You can not look at it for a long time, but you can feel it in the afternoon with skin.
- A yellow apple flies in the sky, it decorates the skin in red.
- Do not want to cry - do not look at it in the sky.
- It looks down on everyone, but it is not possible to discern it.
Such riddles here will be useful and will become educational in some way.
Insert word
Riddles exist in various forms. The ones above are guessed as a question that children should answer. There are puzzles that need to be completed independently. It is very exciting and entertaining for children. Especially at holidays and events, when you can finish the riddle with the answer you can chorus. Below are puzzles about the sun of this shape.
To the whole world you shine down
Fly around the whole planet.
And you knock on the window
We call you ...
That is, at the end of the riddle, the children answer “sun”, thereby ending the quatrain.
How bright it is
It takes care of everyone
Gives us warmth and light
Lays down gently on the cloth,
Yellow big ...
Such puzzles develop a child's sense of rhyme, because puzzles are composed as small poems.
Even the Cro-Magnons knew what hung over them ...
Such poems and develop the memory of a little man, and foster a love of such creativity. This will help in the future easier to remember longer works.
And now we will look at longer riddles about the sun, which can be called small stories.
A drop of dew asked the leaflet: cute, green and beautiful, but what is this big yellow ball visible in the sky and when will it disappear?
- Droplet, you will disappear in a day. Tomorrow a new dew will appear on me. And the luminary that illuminates my life in heaven and never disappears is called ...
Riddles on the theme of the sun are interesting for children. Light bunnies, rays and more. Here is an example of such a riddle:
Something wakes people in the morning through the glass,
But it’s not near, but very far away,
Without him it would always be dark
And with it - warm and good.
The answer to this riddle is the sun.
There are many more such examples. And everyone can compose them independently. The main thing is that your child should be interested in unraveling such verses, learning and remembering them.