Docking of ears in dogs: age of animals and price of surgery

stopping ears in dogs

This veterinary operation has an ancient history. The first such manipulations were carried out back in the days of the Roman Empire. Dogs serving along with the legionnaires were shortened auricles to supposedly protect them from rabies. Hence the tradition that stopping the ears of dogs of fighting breeds (staffs, alabaev, Caucasian shepherd dogs, Dobermans and others) is a mandatory procedure. True, short ears gave them an advantage in battle - the four-legged fighter became less vulnerable to the teeth of the enemy. For hunting dogs, the reason for making the operation is similar, they also sometimes come to grips with the beast, all the more small ears are harder to damage, less likely to be foreign objects. And in most cases, the formation of the auricleit has to be performed surgically due to the requirements of breed standards. Recently, stopping as a mandatory procedure is losing its relevance. Many European countries even imposed a ban on exhibiting dogs with artificially set ears. However, a rather large percentage of animal owners still consider trimming this part of the body appropriate both from the point of view of aesthetics and from the point of view of necessity.

Indications for stopping the ears of an animal

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stopping ears in dogs cost

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stopping ears for dogs Price


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after stopping the ears

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stopping ears in dogs age


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