Ovulation. Symptoms

What is ovulation, the symptoms of this process are known to almost every woman. However, how to feel ovulation, to find out the period of ovulation in women? All of these questions will be answered in this article.

Ovulation is the exit of a finished and mature egg from the ovaries directly into the abdominal cavity. Such an egg is already capable of fertilization. In general, ovulation is a certain period of the menstrual cycle of any representative of the weaker sex. This process occurs regularly every twenty to forty days. Everything here depends on the characteristics of women of childbearing age. If a woman has established a constant rhythm of ovulation, after an abortion, he undergoes significant changes. It also happens within a year after the birth of a child, forty years old. As for the fortieth anniversary of a woman, after this age the body prepares for the menopause. During it, ovulation simply simply stops, the menstrual function fades. Setting the ovulation period for any woman is very important, as this will help determine the most suitable time for fertilization.

Ovulation. Symptoms of this important process are short-term pain in the lower abdomen. The most objective signs of this process are strong vaginal discharge and a decrease in basal temperature precisely on the day of ovulation. The day after it, the temperature rises sharply. In general, there are a lot of signs of ovulation , but they are not always recognized in everyday conditions. The absence of such an important process as ovulation indicates serious violations in the body of a woman. In order to restore it, you must definitely contact a specialist. Ovulation, symptoms will appear only after the gynecologist identifies the cause of their absence.

According to statistics, more than fifty percent of women experience huge sexual excitability on the days of ovulation. Naturally, the probability of conceiving a baby during this period is very high. It is difficult for spouses to refrain from sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation. In addition, with severe stresses, unrest, which is characteristic of irregular intercourse, additional ovulation is possible. It is always worth remembering and using contraception at such moments.

Menstruation begins at the age of about eleven to fifteen years. However, in different girls, this process begins at different times. The appearance of menstrual flow and serves as the beginning of the onset of childbearing age. From this moment, each girl should carefully monitor the duration and regularity of this process. If menstruation does not occur on time for any reason, you need to contact a gynecologist to eliminate serious violations. Doctors say that most serious illnesses can be cured if a girl, girl or woman seeks help immediately when disturbing symptoms appear.

How long should menstruation last? The answer is not simple. As mentioned above, it all depends on the physiological characteristics of women. Ideally, menstruation lasts from three to five to six days. This process is repeated every twenty eight days. In some women, such a cycle lasts only twenty or less days. For others, the menstrual cycle is thirty-five to forty days. In addition to all this, the duration of this process often varies within one week. Such minor changes should not cause women anxiety and concern. All this is within the normal range.

In order to learn more about what ovulation is, the symptoms of this process and much more, you need to contact a specialist in this field.

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