How to choose a filter for a small aquarium: review and recommendations

As a rule, people who decide to first get fish or other marine life begin with a small aquarium. It takes up little space, saves money, it is easier to decorate. But even a small capacity requires the installation of certain accessories. In the article, we will consider what filters there are for a small aquarium and why they are needed.

Why do I need a filter

The popular belief is that a small aquarium needs little maintenance. This is not entirely true; it is more problematic to care for it than for a large one. It is necessary to ensure the correct temperature and composition of water. It is the filter that supports the small ecosystem of the aquarium and gives its inhabitants the necessary conditions for life.

Small aquarium: do I need a filter?

The main objective of the filter is to purify water from the waste products of fish, garbage, feed residues and prevent its flowering by saturation with oxygen. Even the smallest filters for the aquarium must pass from 8 to 15 of their volumes of water per hour, while not forming strong flows. Ideally, if the equipment is compact and combined with design, and the smallest inhabitants of the aquarium do not get stuck in the catchment.

External filters

External filters for a small aquarium include those that are outside the tank and connected to it with special tubes. To prevent the inhabitants from getting into the device, its water conduits are equipped with a protective net.

Filter material

Depending on the model of the external filter, it involves mechanical, biological or chemical treatment of water. It is important to note that such devices provide better water purification than indoor installations. They allow you to adjust the movement of the fluid flow or disperse using a special tube with small holes. Due to this, the pressure is divided into small streams. Advanced filters for a small aquarium have a built-in heater and sterilizer that eliminates bacteria directly in the water by exposure to ultraviolet rays.

All kinds of tubes and hoses of the device are hidden by protective covers. The filter is serviced approximately every three to six months. In any specialized store, a wide range of products is presented that allows you to purify water from unnecessary particles and most chemical elements.

Internal filters

Such devices are installed inside the tank, they do not protrude beyond it. They consist of two main parts - a pump and a filler. A sponge is used as the second; water passes through it. Internal filters for a small aquarium are also suitable for medium-sized containers.

Internal filters for a small aquarium

The advantage of such devices is the mechanical cleaning of water. Due to the fact that they do not perform many other functions, these models are more durable, reliable, low cost and almost silent.

The disadvantages are the need for regular cleaning, low biological filtration. Among other things, such a filter is rather bulky; it’s hard to hide it behind the decorative elements of the aquarium. More powerful models form a current that small fish can often not cope with.

Popular models of internal and external devices

Among the wide variety of filters for a small aquarium on the market, it is worth highlighting the most popular devices:

  1. Mounted filters (backpacks or waterfalls) are used when it is not possible to use more powerful devices. These devices are more suitable for very small aquariums. The so-called waterfalls are both external and internal. The undoubted advantage of such a filter is the minimum flow, which is formed by falling water and in this way promotes aeration of the aquarium. One of the main disadvantages is the inconvenience of filling the filter with special filtering components.
  2. Mini filters with glasses are one of the most popular devices on the market. Their convenience lies in the ability to fold all filter materials into a glass. Fully equipped makes it possible to regulate and direct the flow of the filter. As a drawback, a rather loud buzzing at work is noted. Despite the compactness of the aquarium, it is undesirable to buy this filter of a small size, since it will not fulfill its function in full.
  3. The air-lift filter for a small aquarium is classified as an internal device. His work is based on the movement of air in any direction under water. Air rises through the outlet pipe and creates a draft, and already under its influence, water passes through the filter material and is cleaned. The airlift filter acts as an aerator and cleaner. The disadvantage of the device is the ongoing murmur of water, although some even like it.

Filter material

Manufacturers equip filters for a small aquarium with a minimum set of filter components. For this reason, auxiliary materials must be purchased separately. Sponges or synthetic winterizer are suitable exclusively for mechanical cleaning of water from large debris, organic matter and feed. Biological filtration is provided by more complex, highly porous elements that attract bacteria.

External filter for a small aquarium

It is important to note that a large number of algae and large species of aquarium inhabitants need a cleaner of greater power than indicated on the package. Simply put, the larger the fish, the better the filtration should be to ensure the required level of water purity.


When discussing whether a filter is needed in a small aquarium, experts unequivocally give an affirmative answer. They warn that in the models of internal and external filters there is one of the significant differences - this is the performance that must be taken into account.

The smallest aquarium filters

In general, the quality of the device is evaluated by performance. The higher it is, the more water is able to pump the filter for an hour. Accordingly, the water in the tank will be cleaner. In the manufacture of filtering devices, the volume for which they are designed is primarily indicated.

The main characteristics when buying a filter are its performance and the rate of calculation of the volume of water in the aquarium.

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