Apple Software Update: what kind of program is it and can I get rid of it?

Many Windows-system users quite often find “apple” applets on their computer, completely not understanding where they came from and how to get rid of them. One such application is the Apple Software Update. What kind of program is this, let's try to figure it out. We also touch upon issues related to the appropriateness of its content in Windows.

Apple Software Update: what is this program?

To begin with, many users come across this utility only because they pre-installed some "apple" software products designed to work in Windows-systems.

apple software update

iTunes, Apple Windows, Bonjour Apple Software Update. , .


. , Apple, , , .

, , . , Windows. , , . , , - - Apple Software Update. , , Windows, . , , , . , .

Apple Software Update?

, , ( iTunes - ).

apple software update

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Apple Software Update. , . , . , , Apple . Windows? , . iTunes. ? ?


Apple Software Update. , , .

apple software update

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iObit Uninstaller, ( ) .

apple software update


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, , , iTunes . . .

apple software update

, Bonjour , Apple ( ).

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, . : ? , , iTunes , -, . , . , , Bonjour - , , , , , , - Apple .

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