Skype is a popular and widely used program for remote support. Such popularity is due to the relative stability and moderate quality of work, as well as the availability of wide (free) paid functionality. As with every program, something can happen with Skype, because of which it will eventually have to be rebooted. The reasons, as well as the possibility of a restart, will be considered in the framework of this article.
Software reboot
This is the easiest way. How to restart Skype using only its capabilities? So, here is the program itself. Now look at the lower right corner. Look here for the skype icon. If it is not visible, then look for another button that looks like an equilateral triangle. Click on it. Find the program icon. Click on it with the right mouse button. A menu will appear, and in it you need to find the button that says "Exit". Click on it. An exit confirmation window will appear. If you are sure, agree. Then you need to restart the program. The answers on how to restart Skype on a laptop and on computers will be the same. Some differences may appear only when using different operating systems. But this method works on all popular designs.This is a little more complicated and is used in cases where the previous method cannot be used for some reason (most often they mean freezing of operating systems or the program itself). So, you must simultaneously hold down the keys Ctrl + Alt + Delete. A window will appear in front of you where you need to select the "Run Task Manager" button. A window will open on the "Programs" tab. Here we search for "Skype", select it and select "Remove task". Then you need to confirm your intentions, and the program will close after 5-10 seconds. Then it remains only to reboot it. It is unlikely, but still possible, that the program does not close. Then in the same task manager you need to go to the “Processes” tab, again find “Skype” and click on the “finish” button. And the program will be closed after a split second.This method is not suitable for applications that are currently used by the system. But Skype does not apply to such programs, so there should be no problems with it at this stage. After closing it will be enough to start it again.. , , , , . . "" "" «» ( ), . «» « » «». . , , "" . , , . , .
Why might you need to restart Skype?
So, we considered three options for restarting Skype. But what could be the reason for such actions? If an error occurred when Skype was installed on the computer, or various add-ons and extensions were installed that ideally should make the work better, or just a system problem arose and at the very end - a banal update came up that asks for a reboot. As you can see, there can be quite a few possible reasons. But the methods we have examined how to restart Skype are more than enough for any occasion.What to do if rebooting did not help?
If after a restart there are a number of unpleasant moments, then this means that the error lies somewhere deep. If there are extensions, first you can try to clean your computer from them. If there are none, then the problem may lie either in the software and hardware component of the machine, or in the application itself (as a result of improper installation or malicious actions of the virus). Therefore, the above answers to how to restart Skype will not help because these actions are simply not required. Here you need to completely remove the program and reinstall it. The data of each user is stored on remote servers, so you can not worry about them. The only thing you need to remember is the login and password (if they were saved in the program, and you cannot type them from memory). When the program is reinstalled,all that remains is to enter access data, and you can use all the best practices. Also, another option, when rebooting is an ineffective solution to problems, is a computer that is weak in its capabilities. So, for a program, it is advisable to use machines that have at least 2 GB of RAM (although a quarter of this is enough for work).Conclusion
So, we examined how to restart Skype and in what cases this will not help. It is recommended to start from the very first method, gradually moving to others (if the previous one could not help in solving the problem).