Arthritis in a dog: treatment and prevention

Unfortunately, beloved pets often suffer from various ailments. One of the common diseases is arthritis. It develops in dogs for various reasons. Veterinarians register this ailment not only in older but also young individuals. In our article, we want to talk about what are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs. The treatment of the disease depends on the type of arthritis.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis refers to pathological changes in the joints. This disease causes the appearance of chronic pain, which reduces the quality of life of dogs.

dog arthritis symptoms and treatment

An animal suffering from a disease will not experience the joy of walking. Treatment of arthritis in dogs should be started immediately after the detection of the disease. The veterinarian will help diagnose. Where the focus of the pathology is located is shown in the photo above. The symptoms and treatment of arthritis in dogs will be discussed later in our article.

Types of Arthritis

Most often, arthritis is found in older dogs. In addition, dogs-athletes and representatives of large breeds are affected. The following types of arthritis are distinguished:

  1. Genetic. Most often, the disease manifests itself in dogs of artificially bred breeds. In such animals, a predisposition to the destruction of cartilage tissue is laid at the genetic level.
  2. Purulent. Such a process occurs in the case of pus formation in the joint. This is a very dangerous form, since we are talking about the activity of pathogenic bacteria. Without treatment for arthritis in the dog, sepsis may develop in this case. And this, in turn, is fraught with the most sad consequences.
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs (we will discuss the symptoms and treatment later in the article) is another type of ailment in which the animal's immunity begins to produce antibodies to its own proteins. It turns out that the body attacks itself. First of all, this concerns cartilage tissue. Over time, the cartilage can become very inflamed, and then become so thin that the bones wear out. It becomes difficult for the animal to move around. The joints swell so that they do not bend.
  4. Dystrophic. This type occurs due to metabolic disturbances. As a result, tissues are rapidly destroyed.

Causes of the disease

As with any other ailment, the symptoms and treatment of arthritis in dogs (as well as in other animals) are interrelated. And of course, first of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the development of pathology.

Arthritis arthrosis in dogs treatment

They are completely different for different types of disease:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis is not so common. The most susceptible to it are miniature and dwarf animals, whose age does not reach even four years. This suggests that arthritis is manifested in such dogs at a young age. Unfortunately, not one, but several joints can be affected at the same time, since antibodies quickly spread throughout the body with blood.
  2. The cause of arthritis can be trauma. For example, an animal can hit hard, resulting in a violation of the integrity of the joint capsule. This leads to the appearance of edema. A bacterial infection may also join. However, functional traumatic arthritis occurs when the capsule remains intact, but ligaments suffer. A cavity appears in which blood and edematous fluid accumulate. Treating arthritis in dogs in this case is very simple. After some time, the processes are restored and the disease goes away by itself.
  3. Other reasons. Even slippery floors can trigger arthritis. The animal’s legs move apart, resulting in sprains and bruises. Infectious arthritis due to injuries is common. In this case, bacteria enter the joint from surrounding tissues. In addition, the cause may be overweight, because it gives an extra load on the joints.


What are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs? Treatment boils down to eliminating the cause and alleviating the condition of the animal.

In general, symptoms can be divided into four groups. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail:

  1. Weight gain. This is one of the most unusual signs. Although the phenomenon is understandable. It is difficult for the animal to move, so it tries to lie more. This leads to the appearance of obesity. The situation with already thick passes is even more complicated. In addition to obesity, dogs may also have diabetes or heart problems.
  2. Enlarged and sore joints. Inflamed tissues always increase in size. The joint becomes painful, it bends badly. The dog cannot turn or bend its paw. But jumping is impossible at all. This is one of the most obvious symptoms of arthritis.
  3. Temperature. When you touch the tissues near the composition, it is felt that the skin in this place is hotter than at other points. Sometimes there is a slight increase in body temperature.
  4. Difficulty in movement. For the animal, it becomes a real challenge to overcome obstacles in the form of stairs and sofas. It’s hard for dogs to rise and fall. It is also difficult for animals to stand up after prolonged lying. Exacerbations occur during periods of magnetic storms. And to rainy weather paws begin to whine.


Dog veterinary arthritis treatment should only be prescribed by a veterinarian. Do not use products intended for people. They may harm the pet and not help in solving the problem. This disease is difficult to treat in people. But the situation with dogs is no simpler. Veterinarians have very few dogs available for treating arthritis in dogs. Therefore, very often prescribed warming ointments (but not with a purulent process), antibiotics. The warming gel for horses helps a lot. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Dog rheumatoid arthritis treatment

However, only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis. The prescribed treatment depends on the type of arthritis. Self-medication is not worth it. Treatment is a whole range of activities. It is worth saying that sometimes in the early stages, folk remedies help. Treatment of arthritis in dogs is prescribed after determining the causes of the inflammatory process. If the vet allows you, then you can use alternative methods. For example, nettle, which is a good anti-inflammatory, is sometimes used. Compresses with lavender and juniper oils mixed with water are also used.

The treatment of dogs with rheumatoid arthritis has its own characteristics. Usually, veterinarians prescribe anabolic steroids. This allows you to stimulate the immune system. It is very important to use painkillers. They are used together with anti-inflammatory drugs. Painkillers are needed only until the pain is relieved.

To treat traumatic arthritis in a dog, antibiotics are often prescribed to help suppress bacterial infections. Much depends on the severity of the condition.

In addition, veterinarians prescribe special chondroprotectors, which contribute to the restoration of cartilage, their strengthening and protection.

After the examination, it is sometimes found that arthritis is caused by several reasons. In this case, complex treatment will be prescribed. But you should not rely only on the effect of medicines. Of course, drugs will ease the condition. But a whole range of measures is required to help improve the situation.

Additional treatments

For more successful therapy, veterinarians recommend daily exercise. A set of exercises will tell the doctor. But the owner must train his dog and observe his behavior. The animal should not be hurt during training. At the first symptoms of the onset of pain, it is necessary to stop classes.

This therapy is designed to strengthen muscles, but it should be very soft and gentle. But excessive intensity, on the contrary, can only aggravate the condition. Very often with severe arthritis prescribed swimming. In water, muscles are much easier to strengthen.

Dog Arthritis Treatments

Dogs are additionally prescribed massage courses and physiotherapy. Surgical intervention is required only in extreme cases, for example, if there were serious injuries, fractures or rupture of ligaments.

Usually, veterinarians warn of possible complications, as well as the fact that one treatment course will not be enough. Even if relief comes and the pet feels well, it should be checked at the veterinarian at least twice a year. Repeated courses of therapy may be needed to avoid relapse.


Treatment of arthritis in dogs of large breeds should certainly be accompanied by weight control. It should not increase. Arthritis does not pass without a trace, so in the future you will have to provide proper nutrition and care for your pet.

Once and for all, you need to review the dog’s diet. Potatoes, grains and tomatoes should be excluded from it. For a sick pet, eggs, ginger, seeds, exotic fruits are good (make sure that you do not have an allergy). Diet is necessary for the reason that the animal should not gain weight, which exacerbates the condition of cartilage.

Arthritis in dogs symptoms and treatment photo

Pay attention to the dry feed you are using. Keeping a diet with them is not so simple. The fact is that almost all of them contain potatoes or cereals. Therefore, you should choose those brands that use tapioca or yams for the manufacture of feed. You can try such a diet and see how the dog will feel.

Canned food is less harmful to animals suffering from arthritis because it contains less carbohydrates. Canned food can be a good food option for miniature dogs, because their high cost does not so deplete the home budget.

Some veterinarians recommend adding a little apple cider vinegar to the water, which alleviates the condition of the animal.

Natural supplements

If your dog is suffering from arthritis, you can try using natural anti-inflammatory supplements that will help cope with the disease. It is worth paying attention to salmon oil. It contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only useful for the body, but also reduce the inflammatory process. It is best to use cod liver or salmon oil. Fish oil is also relevant, but its level of omega-3 fatty acids is lower.

Some herbs also help reduce inflammation - yucca root, nettle, hawthorn, turmeric, licorice. They are used as a folk remedy for the fight against arthritis in dogs. Please note that herbs cannot be used simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Improving conditions

Animals with arthritis need to improve their conditions. For the dog, it is necessary to highlight the warmest place, which is remote from the drafts. The dog should sleep on orthopedic mattress, which should be covered with a warm blanket. Such a berth would be ideal for the animal.

Dog traumatic arthritis treatment

It is very important to reduce physical activity. Walking should be reduced. Do not make the dog run or jump if he does not want to. The walk should take place in a calm rhythm. The sun and fresh air along with minimal stress are very important for your pet's health.

Preventative measures

It is easier to take preventative measures than to deal with the disease later. It is necessary to monitor the weight of the animal. Exceeding normative indicators suggests that the pet is at risk. Excess weight also provokes the development of other diseases: diabetes, pancreatitis and others.

Pet loads on walks should be normalized. Remember that heavy movement forces the musculoskeletal system to wear. But to deprive the pet runs is not worth it. In all, moderation should be observed. Small loads lead to weakening of the muscle corset and increase in body weight.

It is always necessary to monitor the diet of the dog. The menu should contain only healthy foods that help cartilage to stay supple.

There should not be slippery surfaces in the house or apartment. Slippery floors should be covered with wardrobe trunks or cover. As a preventative measure, pets over six years old should be taken to the veterinarian at least once every six months.

Arthritis or arthrosis

The most dangerous diseases that scare breeders are arthritis and arthrosis. Dog treatment always begins with an examination and examination, during which a diagnosis is made. There are differences between these two ailments, although many people confuse them. Arthritis is accompanied by swelling of the joint, pain, crunching during movement. The disease is quickly treated when performing a set of measures. The success of treatment depends largely on how quickly and timely it was started. Arthritis does not appear in very young pets. But in animals older than two years, the risk of developing an ailment increases.

Treatment of arthritis in large breed dogs

Arthrosis appears only when arthritis has been severely started. It is often diagnosed in aging individuals. The most common cause of arthrosis is joint dysplasia. The disease is common and hereditary. Representatives of large breeds - dogs, shepherd dogs, labradors and St. Bernards are especially affected by it. But small pugs, Pekingese and Chihuahuas are not immune from an unpleasant ailment ..

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