Frutonyanya porridge is a valuable product for children. Dairy and dairy-free, they do not cause allergies, enriched with various vitamins and minerals. They do not contain such substances as sugar, gluten and milk protein. Ideal for first feeding. Kids eat them with pleasure. In addition, cereals are easily absorbed by the body.
The line of food from "FrutoNyanya"
For thirty years, the Lebedyansky plant has been manufacturing baby food, including the FrutoNyany porridge. The products are absolutely safe and passed all clinical trials of the Institute of Nutrition RAMS. Approved not only by mothers, but also by the Zeta Health Research Center. Recommended by the Russian Union of Pediatricians.
Dyes, preservatives, artificial chemical additives and thickeners are not added to cereals during the manufacturing process. Approved for use from four months of age.
The FrutoNanny line includes:
- fruit juices and nectars;
- fruit and fruit and berry puree;
- drinking smoothies from berries and fruits;
- puree of vegetables, ideal for the first feeding;
- mashed meat;
- purified water for children;
- jelly;
- fruit drinks;
- milkshakes;
- vegetable nectars;
- milk and dairy-free cereals;
- liquid cereals.
All products are hypoallergenic. They have a low level of immunogenicity and do not cause allergies. They are reliable assistants in caring for a child.
Dry milkless cereals: assortment
Frutonyanya dairy-free porridge is ideal as a first feeding. Her hypoallergenicity is clinically confirmed. The composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals needed by the crumbs for full growth and development. It does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives or gluten, which can cause allergies in young children. Added prebiotics that improve digestion.
The range of this category is not rich and includes two types of products: buckwheat dairy-free porridge “FrutoNyanya” and rice. They do not require cooking, just dilute the porridge with hot water, observing the proportions indicated on the packaging, and the product is ready for use.
The package of cereals has a white-pink color and a round red label “FrutoNanny”. This design distinguishes products from the rest.
About milk porridges
FrutoNanya’s milk porridge has a richer composition compared to dairy-free. It is enriched not only with vitamins and minerals, but also with fruits, vegetables, berries. They significantly improve the taste of the dish. The range of these products is quite extensive, this is porridge:
- multigrain (buckwheat, corn, wheat, oatmeal);
- oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- rice;
- oatmeal with apples and bananas;
- rice with pumpkin and apricots;
- wheat with apples and strawberries;
- oatmeal with peaches;
- buckwheat with peaches and apricots;
- wheat with pumpkin;
Such porridge “FrutoNanny” improves digestion, contains only natural ingredients, is enriched with all necessary vitamins and minerals.
All milk porridges are packed in a blue box. Products without the addition of fruits and vegetables have a blue FrutoNanny icon, with vegetables and fruits an orange. This design makes it easy to find the right option.
How to breed dry cereals
Porridge Frutonyanya is tasty and healthy, and its preparation does not require significant efforts. The product must not be prepared for future use. Only once and immediately before feeding the baby. The remaining porridge is not subject to storage.
The daily volume of porridge for a child of 4-6 months is 150 grams, by eight months it rises to 180 grams, and in a year the baby is given 200 grams.
Porridge can be diluted with breast milk, water, an artificial mixture, whole, skim or diluted milk.
Preparation of baby food is carried out in four stages:
- Wash your hands thoroughly and make sure the dishes are clean.
- Pour 200 ml of boiled water at a temperature of 40-50 ° C into the prepared dish.
- Add three tablespoons of dry cereal to the water, without a slide. The excess should be removed with a knife.
- Mix the components thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
If you spend a product of 200 grams per day, then the packaging is enough to prepare six servings of milk porridge and eight - milkless. One-component cereals are introduced into the diet from the age of four months, multi-component - not earlier than six months.
Ready to Eat Porridge
Liquid porridge "Frutonyanya" is simply an indispensable product. It is convenient to take for a walk or a trip. It can serve well at night, when the child requires another portion of food, and there is no time to cook ordinary porridge.
Most products in this category contain inulin. This prebiotic, which not only improves digestion, but also stimulates the development of all the necessary bacteria in the walls of the digestive tract. Normalizes stool. Useful for children with constipation.
Porridge "Frutonyanya" ready is of two types: night and day. The first package has a dark blue color, and the second is white. Recommended for babies from six months of age. At six months they give 120-150 grams of liquid cereal per day, by the year the volume of product consumption reaches 200 grams.
Before use, the product is poured into the dishes for feeding. Heated in a microwave or in a water bath. Do not put porridge in the factory packaging in the microwave. Before feeding, baby food is mixed. If a child eats porridge from a bag, then it must be shaken well before use.
There are three types of porridge in blue packaging: rice, buckwheat and cereal (buckwheat, corn and rice), and three types in white packaging: oat, oat with banana and buckwheat with apples.
The company produces two more types of finished porridge in glass jars. These are thicker foods, not intended for drinking, they are eaten with a spoon. Before use, the porridge is transferred to the dishes and heated. Can be heated in a glass jar in the microwave.
Porridge "Frutonyanya": composition
All cereal products are great for first feeding. No exception - rice porridge "FrutoNanya." Useful and quick to prepare, they have the following composition:
- whole milk powder (only in milk porridges);
- fine grits;
- 12 vitamins and 3 minerals;
- prebiotics;
- fruits and vegetables, with the exception of one-component cereals.
All ingredients are natural. Such porridge not only satisfies hunger, but also enriches the body with all the necessary nutrients, improves the gastrointestinal tract.
The composition of ready-made cereals is slightly different from dry. Here, the main ingredients are:
- whole milk;
- cereal crops;
- inulin;
- maltodextrin;
- corn starch thickener;
- acidity regulator - sodium citrate;
- drinking water.
Ready-made cereals in glass jars contain:
- boiled cereals;
- berry and fruit puree;
- sugar;
- water.
The assortment of FrutoNanny cereals is huge, and everyone can choose the most suitable product for their baby.
Positive sides
The following advantages are distinguished in the product in question:
- Frutonyanya porridges are enriched with a vitamin-mineral complex;
- the presence of prebiotics that accelerate the digestion process;
- ease of preparation;
- quickly absorbed by the children's body;
- get divorced without lumps, forming a gentle and airy mass;
- contain only natural substances;
- no harmful components, such as preservatives, thickeners, colorants, sugar and artificial flavors;
- the taste of porridge is improved by natural fruit, berry and vegetable components;
- manages to save time spent on cooking.
Without a doubt, tasty and nutritious cereals from the FrutoNyanya company. Dairy-free buckwheat porridge stands out from the rest. It is rich in digestible vegetable proteins, contains many complex carbohydrates that charge the body with energy and give a feeling of satiety. It also contains fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, a lot of iron and vitamins of group B. Doctors recommend eating it with a low level of hemoglobin.
Packaged products in special packages do not require special storage conditions, so it is convenient to take it on a trip, to the country or to nature.
The disadvantages of instant cereals
Let us dwell on one negative point. It is based on a thorough grinding of grain. As a result of crushing, grinding, refining and heat treatment, raw materials lose the lion's share of useful substances. For example, the conversion of oats to flakes violates the integrity of dietary fiber, and, accordingly, instant cereals ground into flour are less useful for the body. For this reason, the manufacturer often enriches cereals with artificial vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and prebiotics.
Selection recommendations
Buckwheat and rice without milk milk, as well as other one-component (millet, oat), is the most preferable for the first feeding. Introduce the product into the diet gradually, starting with one teaspoon.
Porridge for children of the first year of life should not have sugar, as it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. Also prohibited are flavor enhancers, flavors and other chemical additives. The product must be enriched with vitamins and minerals necessary for the successful growth and development of the child.
You can choose porridge with or without milk. Here, each mother decides for herself, based on the individual preferences of the child. Dairy-free babies are advised with an allergy to lactose. At first, it is better to eat gluten-free cereals, as this substance often causes an allergic reaction. The presence of prebiotics, which are added to almost all cereals of the FrutoNanny brand, is also one of the important selection factors. They help the body absorb the product. Fruit additives improve the taste of cereals, but, in turn, can cause allergies, and are not suitable for all babies in their first year of life.
It is not necessary to introduce complementary foods earlier than 4-6 months, since only from this moment the baby's body is ready to process more solid foods.
Shelf life
If the integrity of the package is not broken, then such porridge should be stored in a dry, cool enough place, protected from the sun, at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C and humidity not more than 75%. The shelf life of such a product is one year from the date of manufacture.
An open pack is stored under the same conditions as unopened, but not more than twenty days. After each use, the bag should close tightly.
Grain Product Cost
The price of dry cereals “FrutoNyanya” fluctuates around one hundred rubles per 200 grams. Liquid porridge costs around 30 rubles. The finished product in glass jars can be bought for 45-50 rubles. The cost varies depending on the margin of the outlet.
Porridge "Frutonyanya": reviews
Porridges from the FrutoNanny brand have caused a lot of the most controversial reviews. It was noted that they are bred without lumps and easy to prepare. There are mothers who complain about the fresh taste and color of buckwheat dairy-free porridge. They say that it looks more like glue than porridge for children. It has a strange smell, despite the fact that its composition in comparison with other brands wins significantly. Milk cereals with added fruit cause allergies. Rice porridge, according to parents, is more suitable for children who are not prone to constipation. For someone, it causes constipation lasting up to four days.
For some, the FrutoNanny cereals became their favorite. Reviews mention that children are happy to eat them. The products are tasty and healthy, contain vitamins and minerals. All natural. They contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process. Do not cause allergies. Promote active growth and development. Easy to prepare and significantly save time.
FrutoNanya’s cereals provide a tasty, healthy and nutritious meal for children. They provide energy and saturate the body with all the necessary substances. They contain a large amount of carbohydrates. Provide a feeling of satiety for a long period.