In recent years, Dota 2 has become one of the most popular multi-player entertainment in the world. In fact, there is no plot here, there is no continuous promotion of the character - each time you start all over again, and each time you need to re-level the hero. What makes “DotA” so special, because at first glance everything looks pretty boring and monotonous? Indeed, from the outside it may seem so, but in reality everything is quite different. Firstly, you constantly play against different opponents, and each of them has its own approach to the character. Secondly, there are a lot of these characters in the game, so you can try them all and more than once. Thirdly, you yourself improve in the process of the game, and over time, you begin to competently pump a character, distribute his skills, and select the necessary things.Well, of course, it should be noted that Dota is in a constant state of development. This means that this game is not ready - objects, heroes, skills and so on are constantly added to it. Therefore, every day it becomes only more fun. But it is always difficult to start, so now the guide to the Duma will be considered. "Dota 2" is full of different characters, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the good old power is what has always attracted gamers. And this is what Doom can offer you.But it is always difficult to start, so now the guide to the Duma will be considered. "Dota 2" is full of different characters, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the good old power is what has always attracted gamers. And this is what Doom can offer you.But it is always difficult to start, so now the guide to the Duma will be considered. "Dota 2" is full of different characters, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the good old power is what has always attracted gamers. And this is what Doom can offer you.
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