Self-configuration of the Promsvyaz modem - what could be simpler?

For access to the Internet, a connection through ADSL modems has long been used. It provides high network speed, although it requires special equipment.

The article will discuss the popular model of the Promsvyaz M-200 ADSL modem manufactured in Belarus. The nuances of operation and configuration of the Promsvyaz modem will be considered.

Appearance and completeness

The modem is made in a plastic case. On the front panel there are eight LEDs that are responsible for indicating the status of the modem:

  1. Power - lights up when the modem is connected to the mains.
  2. ADSL - indicates the presence of a signal.
  3. Internet - lights when connected to the Internet.
  4. LAN1-LAN4 - signals the connection of devices to LAN ports.
  5. WLAN - lights up when an active WiFi connection.

Promsvyaz modem

On the rear panel are:

  1. Modem power button.
  2. WiFi on / off button.
  3. LAN .
  4. .
  5. WiFi.

, (reset).

: , – , .

" -200" Internet. Wi-Fi. .

"". , .

, "" ZTE ZXV10 W300. , – . .

LAN , , .

""? IP- . - admin.

Promsvyaz WiFi

The password will be the same, this is the factory setting. An important clarification: if, for some reason, after typing in the browser IP, an authorization message does not appear and a message is displayed informing you that the page cannot be opened, it is best to bring the modem settings to the factory settings by pressing the reset button from the bottom.

If everything is in order, the Promsvyaz modem settings window will open. By default, the Status menu is immediately displayed, where you can view the current parameters of the modem and connection: the IP address of the modem, the current DSL connection, DNS servers, the firmware version of the hardware, the time elapsed from connecting to the network.

Promsvyaz modem setup

The following main menu items are available for working with modem settings:

  • Interface Setup - setting the basic parameters of the modem (for any level of users);
  • Advanced Setup, Access Management, Maintenance – ( ).

, Interface Setup.


- "" Internet Interface Setup. :

  1. VPI VCI – , (, 0 33).
  2. ISP – , PPPoA/PPPoE ( Router mode) Bridge mode. - , . Bridge mode , .
  3. Router, , .
  4. (Connection) – Always On ( ).
  5. IP Address. ( ), , IP ( Dynamic).

How to configure a Promsvyaz modem

"" Save .


, , "" . LAN Interface Setup.

? :

  1. Main IP Address – ( –;
  2. Dynamic Route – ( );
  3. DHCP Server – IP- ( , ). LAN, IPTV;
  4. DNS – IP- DNS- ( DNS ).


WiFi " -200"

? . WLAN . WiFi, Interface Setup Wireless.

Then everything is simple. In the Access Point parameter, select the Activated item. In the Multiple SSIDs Settings menu, specify the following values:

  1. PerSSID Switch - set Activated.
  2. SSID — The name of the wireless access point is indicated here.
    WiFi setting on the Promsvyaz modem

Next to Pre-Shared Key is the security key required to connect to WiFi.

Promsvyaz is a modem with a high-quality WiFi module, which has shown itself to work only from the best side.

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