Persistence at startup - what is it? How to edit startup programs in Windows

Quite often, users of stationary computer and mobile systems, trying to speed up equipment by disabling startup components, encounter an incomprehensible Persistence Module process and try to “kill” it, without understanding what it is. Let's try to briefly talk about the process itself, and also consider general recommendations for disabling services and components downloaded with the operating system.

Persistence at startup: what is it?

Based on the general concept that applies to all startup items, the Persistence service is a system process that starts with the system.

persistence at startup what is it

Igfxpers.exe, System32 «». , , Persistence . , . .

Persistence: ?

, Persistence, igfxpers.exe, nVIDIA, , Intel.

how to remove startup

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: «Persistence - ?», , () . , - ( ).

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startup team

, , « », (Ctrl + Alt + Del) taskmgr «» ( , Win + R). - «» (Autostart), , . , igfxpers.exe.

persistence module

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Windows 10 « ». msconfig, , , , . .

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persistence what kind of program is this


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, «» Windows (). AVG PC Tune Up.

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CCleaner 360 Mobile Security. , , , , . .

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Igfxpers.exe ?

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, Igfxpers.exe .

: , , (, 2006 , 640 480 7- ). Igfxpers.exe . , . .

, ( , ), nVIDIA Tegra .

persistence at startup what is it

, . «» . Persistence . ? , Igfxpers.exe. Win32:Malware-gen, .

, , ( , , ), , , Malware, Adware Spyware. , Igfxpers.exe.

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