Fashion for small dogs appeared in the country in the early 90s, when new trends from the West came to us. At first it was adopted by the wives of wealthy businessmen, but then such breeds were appreciated by ordinary people. And today, how much does a Pomeranian cost, is of interest to many, since this breed is ideal for urban maintenance.
This is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Spitz can often be seen scurrying around at the feet of their masters in the rich homes of Hollywood stars and politicians. Moreover, they often contain not one, but several dogs of this breed at once.
The history of the breed
Although Spitz is considered to be a native German breed, he owes his miniature appearance to the British. But first things first.
So, the ancestors of the Pomeranian Spitz were bred in Germany and differed in larger sizes than the current representatives of the breed. This allowed the use of dogs for traditionally protective purposes - they guarded boats, vineyards and just houses.
In general, there are several branching breeds, among which the Pomeranian is the smallest, and the largest is the Wolfspitz (keeshond). But the character of all breeds has been preserved, so that they can carry out to some extent watchdog functions.
Partially this explains the fact that the representatives of the breed retained a protective character trait. After all, despite its size, all Spitz bark at strangers, and some even large dogs of other breeds. Consider this when walking and do not allow such situations.
Breed formation
But the real development of the breed occurred in England, where the Spitz were exported in the middle of the XIX century. At that time, Queen Victoria ruled in the country, whose growth was only 150 cm.
For this reason, a fashion for everything miniature arose in the country, because, as you know, subjects always try to make the powers that be pleasant. This fashion also affected the Pomeranian Spitz, breeding began in order to reduce its size. By 1900, breed standards were set, and later adhered to them.
It is worth noting that the queen herself was an admirer of this breed.
Appearance and character
Anyone who thinks how much a Pomeranian spitz puppy costs in Russia should not forget that this breed has standards of appearance and color. All this should be taken into account when choosing a puppy, and for any deviations from the purchase, you should refuse.
As with any dog breed, Pomeranian boys are slightly larger than girls. The average weight of the Spitz is 1.5-3.5 kg, the growth varies between 18-22 cm. Moreover, deviations to the smaller side in the height and weight of the dogs are extremely undesirable.
The body itself has a square shape, the legs of the dogs are short. But at the same time, the Pomeranian is very mobile and loves to run.
The muzzle is flattened, somewhat reminiscent of a fox. It has a thick coat that makes it look like a little teddy bear. The neck is elongated, and the chest is wide.
Initially, the predominant color of the breed was white, but later began to breed dogs and a different color. How much does a Pomeranian cost, also depends on its color.
Since the breed belongs to the long-haired, albeit miniature, it requires regular care. In particular, you need to comb the wool 2-3 times a week from an orange fur coat, then you will practically not notice the wool on the carpet and upholstered furniture.
As for molting, it occurs at different times. So, at the age of six months, the puppy changes its coat to an adult, so do not be surprised if the dog at this age will shed heavily. And even more so do not blame it all on the lack of vitamins and other reasons.
In girls, molting occurs during estrus and after the birth of puppies, as the body spends a lot of microelements during pregnancy.
Also remember that by winter the orange fur coat becomes thicker, which means that with the onset of spring it is worth waiting for the molt.
You should contact a veterinarian only in those cases when bald patches are observed and the hair falls out in shreds. But you can independently review the pet's diet and include more vitamins in it.
Keeping and raising a puppy
Regardless of which parents the puppy is from and how much the Pomeranian spitz costs, the dog must be brought up and trained correctly from an early age. It is also important to educate yourself, not trusting this business to an outsider.
Spitz is a naturally intelligent breed, and she masters all teams well. But remember a simple rule: you need to train with the help of encouragement and you never need to punish the puppy with physical methods.
Regarding the content, there are many myths about the breed, as if it requires special care. This is not true. Caring for a Spitz is not more difficult than for any other long-haired breed, and you can bathe a dog 4-7 times a year with a special shampoo.
Given the mobility of the orange, it requires daily walks lasting up to 3 hours.
The average life span of a Pomeranian is 12-15 years and directly depends on the quality of its nutrition and health care. Therefore, carefully monitor the diet of the pet and regularly get vaccinated by the veterinarian.
What to look for when buying?
When choosing a puppy, see not only how much the Pomeranian Spitz costs in Russia, but who his parents are and where the puppy comes from.
Of course, the best solution would be to purchase from an experienced breeder or in nurseries that specialize specifically in breeding this breed. Also look at the reviews of previous customers, how they speak about the breeder. And look for such reviews not on the site of the nursery itself, but on the network. This will avoid big regrets in the future.
But no matter how you choose the seller, ultimately you are the one to buy the puppy. Therefore, study not only how much a Pomeranian spitz puppy costs in rubles in your region, but also what to look for when examining it. Here is a short list of things to focus on:
- Look at the puppy's face, it should not be elongated. Also pay attention to the bite - the teeth should be even and pointed, and the jaw should work correctly.
- Inspect the animal’s hair - a healthy puppy will not have dandruff in the undercoat. If it is present, then this indicates an improper diet and a lack of vitamins in the body.
- Check if your puppy has an inguinal or umbilical hernia.
- The eyes should be clean and shiny, there should be no mucus in them. This indicates the health of the animal.
- Touch the nose - it should be cool, without secretions.
- Open your mouth and examine the tongue and gums - they are pink in a healthy puppy.
- Do not take a very small puppy, wait until he is one and a half to two months old. It is from this age that the puppy begins to eat mainly solid food.
Why is the price different?
Pomeranian Spitz is not a rare breed in our country, but one of the most common. But despite this, a number of factors influence how much a Pomeranian spitz costs, this:
- his pedigree;
- the purpose for which it is bought;
- region of purchase;
- promising puppy.
If you just buy an orange as a pet, then it will cost you much less than if you plan to participate in exhibitions with it. The most expensive Spitz are those that have full compliance with pedigree traits and excellent health. These are future pedigree producers and potential pedigree champions.
Puppy cost
So, how much is a dwarf Pomeranian Spitz (this is the second name of the breed), and how to choose the best puppy for you?
Starting prices on sites with photos of puppies start at 20-25 thousand rubles and reach 45-55 thousand. Naturally, the price reflects the elite of the puppy, but this is provided that it is sold by a kennel or breeder with a positive reputation. Beware of buying a Spitz just by an ad in a newspaper, there may be an overpriced price, as well as possible breed defects.
Approach your choice thoroughly, because you are not acquiring a toy, but a friend who will eventually become a full member of your family.