The norm of NPV in children: table. Respiratory rate

One of the actions performed during examination by a pediatrician is the calculation of respiratory movements. This seemingly simple indicator provides important information about the state of health in general and the functioning of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system in particular.

norm cdd in children table

How to correctly calculate the frequency of respiratory movements (NPV) per minute? This is not particularly difficult. But with the interpretation of the data there are certain difficulties. This is more true for young parents, because, having received a result from a child several times higher than their own, they panic. Therefore, in this article we still offer to figure out what the norm of NPV in children is. The table will help us with this.

Features of the respiratory system of the child

The first thing the expectant mother has been waiting for so long is the baby’s first cry. It is with this sound that his first breath occurs. By the time of birth, the organs that ensure the baby’s breathing are not yet fully developed, and only with the growth of the organism itself does their maturation occur (both functionally and morphologically).

The nasal passages (which are the upper respiratory tract) in newborns have their own characteristics:

• They are quite narrow.

• Relatively short.

• Their inner surface is tender, with a huge number of blood vessels (blood, lymphatic).

pulse in children

Therefore, even with minor catarrhal phenomena , the child’s nasal mucosa quickly swells, and so little clearance decreases, as a result - breathing is difficult, shortness of breath develops: small children still cannot breathe through their mouths. The younger the child, the more dangerous the consequences may be, and the faster it is necessary to eliminate the pathological condition.

Lung tissue in young children also has its own characteristics. They, unlike adults, have poorly developed lung tissue, and the lungs themselves have a small volume with a huge number of blood vessels.

Rules for calculating respiratory rate

Measuring respiratory rate does not require any special skills or equipment. All that is needed is a stopwatch (or a watch with a second hand) and compliance with simple rules.

A person should be in a calm state and in a comfortable position. If we are talking about children, especially young children, then the calculation of respiratory movements is best done in a dream. If this is not possible, the subject should be distracted from the manipulation as much as possible. To do this, it is enough to grab the wrist (where the pulse is usually determined) and in the meantime calculate the respiratory rate. It should be noted that the pulse in children younger than a year (about 130-125 beats per minute) should not cause concern - this is the norm.

inhale exhale

In infants, it is strongly recommended to calculate the frequency of respiration during sleep, since crying can significantly affect the result and give deliberately false numbers. Putting your hand on the front abdominal wall (or just visually), you can easily carry out this study.

Given that breathing has its own rhythmic cycle, it is necessary to observe the duration of its calculation. Be sure to measure your NPV for a full minute, rather than multiplying the result obtained in just 15 seconds by four. It is recommended that you do three counts and calculate the average.

The norm of NPV in children

The table shows the norms of respiratory rate. Data are presented for children of different age groups.

respiratory rate per minute

As you can see from the table, the respiratory rate per minute is higher, the younger the child. Gradually, as they grow older, their number decreases, and by the puberty, when the child is 14-15 years old, the respiratory rate becomes equal to this indicator in an adult healthy person. No gender differences are observed.

Types of breathing

There are three main types of breathing in both an adult and a child: chest, abdominal and mixed.

The breast type is more characteristic of a female. With it, inhalation / exhalation is provided to a greater extent due to movements of the chest. The disadvantage of this type of breathing is poor ventilation of the lower lung tissue. Whereas with the abdominal type, when the diaphragm is more involved (and the anterior abdominal wall visually moves with breathing), the upper lungs experience a lack of ventilation. This type of respiratory movement is more common in men.

But with a mixed type of breathing, a uniform (equal) expansion of the chest occurs with an increase in the volume of its cavity in all four directions (upper-lower, lateral). This is the most correct type of breathing, which provides optimal ventilation of the entire lung tissue.

Normally, the respiratory rate in a healthy adult is 16-21 per minute, in newborns - up to 60 per minute. The norm of NPV in children is given in more detail above (table with age norms).

bpm per minute

Rapid breathing

The first sign of respiratory damage, especially with infectious diseases, is increased breathing. In this case, there will certainly be other signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, wheezing, etc.). Quite often, with an increase in body temperature, the respiratory rate increases and the pulse of children increases.

Sleep hold

Quite often, in young children (especially infants), short-term respiratory arrests are noted in a dream. This is a physiological feature. But if you notice that such episodes become more frequent, their duration becomes longer or other symptoms occur, such as blue lips or nasolabial triangle, loss of consciousness, you must immediately call an ambulance to prevent irreversible effects.

cfd measurement


The respiratory organs in young children have a number of features that contribute to their frequent damage and rapid decompensation of the condition. This is primarily due to their immaturity at the time of birth, certain anatomical and physiological characteristics, incomplete differentiation of the structures of the central nervous system and their direct effect on the respiratory center and respiratory system.

The younger the child, the less lung volume he has, and therefore, he will need to make more respiratory movements (inhale / exhale) to provide the body with the necessary amount of oxygen.

norm cdd in children table

To summarize

It should be remembered that in children of the first months of life respiratory arrhythmia is quite common. Most often, this is not a pathological condition, but only indicates age-related features.

So, now you know what the norm of NPV in children is. The table of average indicators should be taken into account, but should not panic with small deviations. And be sure to consult your doctor before making hasty conclusions!

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