The breed of East Siberian husky appeared in the difficult climatic conditions of the Far East and Siberia, its representatives were widely used by man for professional hunting of game, furs and even such a large animal as a bear, elk and reindeer. In addition, the Siberian husky is a trouble-free sled dog, tirelessly working in a harness in any weather.
East Siberian Laika is the largest Siberian Laika. In the forties, the hunting expert Abramov K.G. first described dogs of this breed. And in 1949, a standard was developed. As a result of the merger of Amur, Lamud, Evenki, and other in-breed similar groups of dogs, a hunting eastern European breed arose. Unique in-breed types of dogs were the result of isolation of settlements in the vast expanses of Siberia. These include "karamistaya" and "Tunguska" likes.
Siberian husky, like many working breeds, is a product of natural selection. Severe wildlife conditions withstood only the most hardy, strongest and smartest representatives, and only one of a dozen dogs showed suitability and ability to hunt. Despite the absence of purposeful breeding work to breed the East Siberian breed, according to experts, about 80% of hunting huskies are purebred. Researcher A. Hertz, studied the number of the breed in the sixties of the twentieth century, it has 70 thousand purebred individuals. Professionally began to breed East Siberian huskies in the seventies of the twentieth century, in the Irkutsk and Leningrad nurseries. Until now, this breed has not been sufficiently studied and appreciated by connoisseurs and connoisseurs of hunting dogs.
Outwardly, this Siberian husky differs from its closest relatives in large sizes. Its height reaches 56-64 cm, and weight is from 18 to 23 kg. She is strong and muscular, has slightly stretched proportions, strong jaws, a wide, rough skull, straight-set, protruding ears. The tail of the East Siberian husky is folded on its back into a ring, it is able to lift it in the form of a sickle.
The colors of the breed are varied: dogs are zoned gray, spotted, with specks, white, gray, black, red and dark red in all shades. Small specks of various colors on the limbs are allowed. The coat of a purebred representative of the breed is hard to the touch, coarse, bristling, the undercoat is thick and soft. East Siberian husky puppies , as a rule, develop more slowly than puppies of the West Siberian and Russian-European breeds.
The character of the dog is balanced and calm. She lends herself perfectly to training with a serious and focused attitude towards her upbringing (after all, a close relationship with the wolf makes itself felt). For the East Siberian husky, the most ideal conditions are a country house with a large yard, where it could move freely. If you decide to keep a like in a regular city apartment, you will have to spend more time walking with a dog, which is preferable in a park or forest. Because this active breed needs systematic physical activity.
The content of the likes is not too burdensome for its owners. The dog is obedient and smart; it does not require large expenditures. Representatives of the breed are not very picky in food; what is left of your table will suit them. However, to ensure proper and proper feeding of husky puppies , it is necessary to include dairy products, cereals, meat, vegetables and offal in their diet so that the dog remains healthy and active for many years.
Laika is a very friendly dog, it requires love and attention, so before you start a puppy, evaluate your real capabilities not only material but also moral.