Youth Day. Scenarios for the celebration of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums

Youth Day is one of the most popular holidays in educational institutions, especially among children of middle and older ages. Its history is quite young, but all schools, lyceums, gymnasiums undoubtedly have their own traditions of the event.

How do we spend a holiday

youth day scripts

The main difficulty, perhaps, is the date of the holiday - June 27th. Some of the schoolchildren may be on vacation with their parents, in camps, someone got a job or went to visit relatives. Therefore, when writing scripts for Youth Day , the organizers (class teachers, educational teachers, etc.) must specify in advance which of the students in the respective classes will be able to take part in the planned action. What can be offered? Surely among the students there are guys who are seriously engaged in any kind of art or sport. If there are talented artists, you can organize exhibitions of their works in the school lobby.
youth day holiday script

Developing scenarios for Youth Day, the organizers should instruct the children in advance to draw posters of relevant topics. They will set the tone for the whole holiday. Wall newspapers from different classes (from the 7th to the last) and statements about young people will not interfere. They will decorate the main stand of the institution. You can hold a competition for the most interesting and informative wall newspapers. You ask, for whom is this all organized? Naturally, for the children and guests themselves - their parents. Such events are of great educational importance, because they allow dads and mothers to look at their children as if from a distance, to discern in them creative personalities, quite independent and mature. But back to our task: Youth Day, holiday scenarios. Its main task is to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves as much as possible.
Youth Day Scenario

This is necessary so that the guys feel themselves as the masters of the holiday, and the main heroes of the occasion. Of course, among schoolchildren there are those who study at a music school. Having previously discussed the program with them, you can instruct to prepare a small concert, which will include solo or collective performances. From the rooms, combining them, adding poetry and artistic prose, you can easily compose a literary and musical composition. It is only important to observe the line so that the Youth Day, its scenarios do not turn into a familiar and boring obligation. Accompany the concert with an interesting slide show related to the theme of the event. By the way, the holiday will even win if the school directors agree among themselves, and the concert will be held with the departure of artists to another educational institution. Or speakers will host guests.If we are talking about rural educational institutions, a concert can be held at the stadium or main square for all villagers. How to diversify Youth Day? The scenario of the holiday may well contain competitions like "Come on, girls!" or “Come on guys!” sports.
holiday unites youth!

If the school has a dance club, the place will be the evening of the ballroom dance competition, which flows smoothly into the disco. Or KVN between classes, between teams of students and teachers or students and parents. Everyone will be satisfied with such events: both the youth themselves and the older generation. It is quite likely that sports will be included in the Youth Day scenario: wrestling, football match, boxers fight. A wonderful tradition will be the planting of flowers along any street or alley in the park. And if there is an opportunity for a large company to go to the forest or nature to the lake, then we can assume that the holiday was a success. The same song numbers, many dance ones, have a place to be to the guitar around the campfire, to the melodies from car tape recorders or stereo systems. And how much romance, romance! The one that is so inherent in youth!

As you can see, there are many options. The main thing is to set a goal to conduct everything as interesting as possible, to discuss with the participants themselves. Come with a soul. And then such a youth holiday will succeed!

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