Wild kitten: how to tame your hands and tray?

Pets have long become an integral part of our lives. Cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters appear in almost every family. Unfortunately, the negative consequence of this phenomenon is often manifested - stray animals.

Start of problem

Some consider it normal to hold a pet, and then throw it on the street. Due to the neglect of animal sterilization, the streets are filled with puppies and kittens.

wild kitten how to tame

The fate of such animals is unenviable: most of them will not live up to a year. Often a person accidentally notices that a wild kitten has settled in the courtyard of the house. How to tame it to life in an apartment? Will he be affectionate and obedient? Such questions are asked by a concerned person and decides to pick up the foundling in the house.

The first steps

Experienced animal lovers are sure that raising a kitten from the street is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to follow simple rules. It is important to understand that changing behavior takes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to be patient. Before you think about how to tame a wild kitten from the street, figure out if you need it. The difference between pets - focus on people. The young, seeing a person from birth, smelling him, get used to trust and respond positively to the one who caresses and feeds them. Street animals, without a master, gradually forget about trust and love for people, therefore they begin to react aggressively. Therefore, seeing homeless animals on the street, a person first of all asks himself: is it possible to tame a wild kitten to the house, will he spoil the furniture and crap?

Catch a pet

Zoodefenders often face the problem of trapping animals. Since cats are afraid of humans, it becomes difficult to catch them. At the sight of a man, the flock rushes in all directions. To catch kittens, you can use a baby blanket (or a piece of thick fabric) or a fish net.

how to tame a cat

It is important to quickly cover the kitten and take it to the apartment. Prepare him a box or a house - any shelter. The toilet for a wild cat is best put in a prominent place. To get started, use the most common tray, so that the animal can sniff it unhindered. If possible, give your pet a separate room or close it in the bathroom, so he will feel more confident.

A bit about cat features

So, in front of you is a wild kitten in the street. How to tame an animal and determine whether it was always wild, or was it recently thrown out into the street? This is not so difficult to do. If you see a kitten or an adult on the street, look at it carefully. As a rule, those who have recently been thrown cling to people, meow at their sight and try to follow a person, their coat is relatively clean. Feral cats and kittens hiss, arch their backs and run away from people. Therefore, if you have the second option, get ready to spend a large amount of time adapting the animal. Some things can sometimes not be fixed. For example, a cat can always be afraid of strangers.

Important Procedures

When a street kitten or cat is caught, brought into the house, a number of procedures are necessary. To begin with, let him sit out for a while in a dark corner. Then get the kitten and examine it. Discharge from the eyes and nose, rash, areas without hair indicate an infection in the animal's body, so it should be shown to the veterinarian. If at first glance nothing is found, wash the kitten. This must be done due to parasites. For example, fleas. Type warm water in a basin and immerse the kitten there. It is best to use a special shampoo against parasites. The animal, despite its tiny size, can fiercely resist: biting, scratching and breaking loose. Try to finish the bath anyway.

how to train a kitten

When a wild kitten appears in the house, how to tame it to people is not the main problem. As a treatment for parasites, you need to give him a pill for worms. It is unlikely that the pet will perceive well the attempts to shove the medicine into it. Wrap the kitten in a sheet or any dense cloth, forcefully open its mouth and place the pill on the root of the tongue, then hold it by hand. The animal will be forced to swallow the medicine.

If you have a wild kitten, how to tame it in your hands?

Wild kittens are first scared of people and tend to hide in a dark corner. Do not discourage this. The pet can get into the box, under the bathroom, under the closet or in the kitchen table. Try not to touch it and do not disturb once again. When the baby is a little comfortable, calm down, start taming.

Place a bowl of food near the place where the animal settled. For starters, use mild cat food or a small amount of fresh meat. Fragrant food will sooner or later attract a starving animal, and he will leave his shelter. At this stage, it is important to make a positive impression on the kitten. So he will understand that a person brings food.

Gradually move the bowl to the center of the room. So you will force the animal to go further and further. Do not force events, give your pet time to get used to. Do not make him eat. He will come out during a severe famine. Don't know how to tame a wild kitten in your arms? Use meat slices or special food. When the frightened animal leaves its shelter, show him a treat on his outstretched arm. Driven by the urge to eat, he gently crawls and takes the food.

how to train a wild kitten to the toilet

You can try to stroke the savage. Do not make sudden movements, do not swipe at the kitten, gently stretch your hand and lower it to the back or muzzle of the animal. Do not rush things, if the animal is afraid, it is better not to touch it. Speak at that moment in a quiet and calm voice, as loud sounds will scare the baby.

If you don’t know how to train a kitten, ask experienced people for advice or rely on your intuition. Any phenologist will say that affection and patient approach can fix any animal. Therefore, try to take a wild kitten in your hands more often, stroke it and speak quietly and gently with it. Over time, he will get used to the warmth of his hands and begin to fondle in response.

How long will it take?

With the advent of a pet, a person has many questions: how to train a kitten, how long will it take, will he go to the tray? The most important of them is adaptation time. Even experienced zoopsychologists (animal behavior specialists) cannot guarantee any clear framework. The habituation process can take several days or several months. It is important not to rush things and be patient. In general, it is believed that if the pet is about two months old, then it will take a week to tame. The situation is more complicated with adult cats. Here it can take months to adapt, since it is difficult to introduce something new into the existing behavior of the animal.

How to tame a wild kitten to the tray without much effort

Almost all cat owners fear that their pet will start going to the toilet past the tray. Or even worse - in shoes or things. Due to the physiological characteristics of feline things after "use" it remains only to throw out, as the clothes are saturated with a specific smell, which can not be destroyed. Choosing a cat tray is not easy, as pet stores offer a wide range of products. To begin with, it is better to choose a regular rectangular-shaped tray with a lattice insert. This is especially important for a wild kitten: closed trays or containers with a high side can scare him away.

Do you solve the problem of how to train a wild kitten in the toilet? This will help patience and again patience. At first, the pet can leave puddles and piles everywhere. In no case should you poke his face or beat for it. Strictly scold the baby and take it to the tray. Having planted in the right place, explain what you need to do in it. A little trick: blot urine on the floor with a newspaper and put it in the tray. The kitten will smell its secretions and do its work where necessary.

how to tame a wild kitten to the tray

Why not use physical punishment? This will cause only fright in the kitten, he will become aggressive towards the owner and begin to tag shoes and things out of a sense of revenge. Therefore, before you tame a wild kitten to go to the tray, learn the method of carrot and stick. As soon as a pet makes a puddle, strictly scold it and take it to the tray. It is scientifically proven that animals clearly share intonation. Therefore, a displeased voice will affect them, and they will understand this as "you can’t do this." When the kitten comes down to the tray, stroke it and gently praise it, treat it with meat or a piece of delicious.

A few rules of communication

There is no single answer to the question of how to tame a wild kitten to the house. For each beast it is required to invent and try different approaches. There are several general recommendations for the adaptation of wild animals. Remember that the normal instinct of a street cat is to be afraid and bite as a defense. Therefore, in the early days, do not try to forcibly caress the kitten. Give him time to adapt. Try to gently and gently talk with your pet - this is enough for the first time. Get ready for the fact that the solution to the question of how to train the cat to the tray may be delayed. This also applies to training for the claw-tip, feeding from a bowl and much more. Act gradually, be patient, as a result you will achieve yours!

Consider the peculiarity of feline psychology: a closed door can be perceived by them as a threat and a trap. Therefore, try not to keep the kitten in a confined space for no particular reason (only if you are going away somewhere or you need to keep it locked up to adapt the animal). Allow the kitten to walk around and explore everything around. So he will get used to it faster and understand that nothing and no one is threatening him. Remember that cats attack humans and behave aggressively only when they want to protect themselves. Therefore, try not to react negatively to the kitten, some of its actions. Negotiate all misconduct in a strict, imperious voice.

Pet socialization

How to tame a cat to its presence and how to socialize it? It all depends on the age of the pet. If the kitten behaves quite wildly (gets into a corner, meows loudly and hisses), it would be advisable to put it in a cage. Try to always speak affectionately with him, feed delicious pieces of food. Your first priority is to let him get used to the person. As soon as you see that the animal began to react neutrally to you - let it out of the cage, give it the opportunity to walk around the apartment. It is important to equip a nook in the room. You can buy a special house in the pet store or put a box, carrying. In a word, any item where a kitten can hide is suitable. Enclose any dangerous places: cracks, windows, doorways. By its foolishness, the kitten may try to run away. Therefore, do not leave open windows and doors in his presence.

how to tame a wild kitten to the house

Gradually accustom the cat to your presence. This is best done using goodies. Each time you enter the room, bring along pieces of something tasty. Call your pet by name, talk to him gently and give treats. In the early days, just throw a piece to the kitten's legs, later ensure that he takes it from your hands. It is useful to sit on the floor, so you become the same size as the cat, and he perceives you as a friend.

Some errors

Sometimes novice pet owners make mistakes in taming a pet, and this leads to sad consequences. For example, if you look a cat directly in the eyes, it will perceive it as a challenge and a threat, therefore it will show aggression as a response. Taming the animal should be regular. Since cats have episodic memory, they need to conduct training classes on a daily basis. Get ready for the fact that the first steps will take about three weeks.

Keep socializing

Since all domestic animals live by instinct, you can use this for the purpose of manipulation. For example, how to tame a cat if he categorically does not make contact? Blackmail him with hunger. To do this, give him the opportunity to eat only in your presence. Bring a bowl of food, place it next to you and wait. Sooner or later, a feeling of hunger will make him come up. As soon as he eats, pick up a bowl of food. The kitten should have round-the-clock access to clean water.

Another trick for luring a kitten out of the shelter is to smear sour cream or yogurt on the tip of your finger. Attracted by the smell of refreshments, the animal will come out of its "mink". After some time, the pet will begin to calmly react to you and take a treat from your hands. At this stage, you can try to gently pick it up. This does not require anything complicated: as soon as the kitten approaches you, pat it on the head and gently take it in the chest area, raising it to the level of your face. Be careful: if the animal breaks out, resists and swears, it is better to let it go. Try again in a few days. If the kitten favorably perceived being on hands, stroke it and give a treat.

An important part of the socialization of any animal is joint games. Pet shops provide a wide selection of diverse toys for cats. You can start by buying an ordinary fishing rod with a mouse at the end. Kittens usually like to catch a toy and bite it. It is important that the animal associates the game with pleasant emotions, so do not scold or scold the kitten at this time. To tame the hands, you can use a little trick: playing with a fishing rod, try to throw "bait" on your lap. So the kitten will get used to you jumping.

Is it possible to tame a wild kitten

Unfortunately, some behavior problems may not disappear over time. For example, a cat can shun strangers all his life, and there's nothing to be done about it. It remains only to take the pet for what it is. It is scientifically proven that sterilization makes cats and cats more benevolent and reduces the level of aggression. Also, such operations protect against a number of diseases.

Take the kitten in your hands at least once a day, call it by name and caress - so you will tame it faster. Over time, you can introduce him to a large number of people so that he gets used to them. Ask friends to gently pet and give him goodies. Try not to allow loud sounds, music, bright light in the presence of a wild kitten. With clearly aggressive behavior, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives. They will help relieve anxiety in the animal and calm it.

If you have a wild kitten at home, how to tame it, suggest tips from other owners of furry pets. Be patient and do not demand an instant change in the behavior of the animal. Also get ready to sacrifice furniture or some of your things, as a kitten can ruin them in the process of adaptation.

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