How to play mom on April 1 at home?

Spring is exactly the time of year in which the largest number of holidays takes place. The most fun and joyful of them is April 1. On this day you can have some fun. How to play mom? Most likely, this question occurs to every child!

how to play mom

What are the draws for?

Many people do not want to understand the meaning of such a holiday. For them, this day becomes the strangest and most incomprehensible. There are several reasons why psychologists recommend staging pranks.

how to play mom on April 1

  • Cute and harmless jokes unite the family. All members of the cell of society will laugh heartily and will long remember this joyful moment at the dinner table.
  • Practical jokes promote the production of the hormone of happiness. If you arrange them at least once a year, you can extend your life and those of your loved ones.
  • Such surprises should be arranged not only during the holiday, but also at another time. Our life is so boring and monotonous, it is worth filling it with pleasant moments.

As it turned out, practical jokes are a useful thing that will bring a lot of positive emotions. Now it’s worth talking in more detail about how to play mom on April 1.

Small scam with an alarm clock

The holiday of April 1 fell on a weekday? Great! A mission called "How to Play Mom?" You can start exercising in the morning.

how to play mom at home

To do this, at night, while parents are sleeping, you should translate all the hours in the house exactly one hour earlier. It is also advisable to temporarily rebuild the channels with the broadcast time on the TV.

In the morning, the usual situation will happen: mom wakes up at the signal of an annoying alarm clock, sets off for breakfast, washed her face and starts to get ready for work. There will be no limit to her surprise when she comes to an empty office and notices that the working day will not begin soon. Of course, such a situation will bring few pleasant emotions, but the young parent will remember the harmless joke of his young children for a long time. It is not recommended to transfer the clock to a later time, otherwise mom may have unpleasant problems at work.

Elusive Magnet

How to play mom at home? Simple enough! To implement the draw you will need only a small magnet.

how to play mom on April 1 at home

It takes a little refurbishment of the table, which usually gathers the whole family. Under its surface you need to attach several magnets. It is worth noting that it makes sense to make this joke only with a sufficiently thin countertop, otherwise it will not work. Now it remains to wait in her room when mom tells her to go to the table.

What will happen? Parents will begin to take cutlery in their hands, but they will cease to succumb to their action. It will take a lot of time for them to understand what is the matter. The main thing is to maintain maximum calm at this moment so as not to betray yourself. This draw is not recommended if there are hot dishes on the table, otherwise you may get a burn.

Some cute toothpaste draws

Toothpaste is that part of the daily routine with which pranks are organized in the pioneer camp. If the idea of ​​how to play my mom on April 1 does not occur to her, then one of the options with her participation will be very welcome.

how can you play mom

  1. If the parents are fast asleep, then at night you can penetrate into their bedroom and draw on the face a real masterpiece. Not with paints, but with a tube of toothpaste. In the morning they will be pleasantly surprised when they find this caricature on their faces. So that they finally understand what’s the matter, the inscription “From the first of April!” Should be written on the mirror. This rally should be held only on the day when the parents do not have to rush anywhere so that they have enough time to clear their face.
  2. On a tube of toothpaste should pull the plastic wrap. Then you need to close it with a lid and cut off the remains with scissors. If everything is done efficiently, then the parents will swear greatly, not understanding why they are unable to squeeze the paste onto the brush.
  3. There is the easiest way to create such a joke. To do this, it is enough to glue the tube to the bottom of the cup with glue. Parents will also be indignant.

Toothpaste is a familiar attribute for every person. With it, you can create many jokes that will be remembered for a long time. It’s enough to just hide it in a secluded place so that mom’s morning ceases to be ordinary.

Taste pranks

For many teenagers, the question of how to play mom on April 1 at home is problematic. In fact, even in your usual place you can find a huge number of items from which you can make a draw.

how can you play mom

What does mom do every morning? Of course, he enjoys a cup of tea or coffee. You can make this pastime unusual for her! To do this, it is enough to "confuse" a salt shaker with sugar. The parent will be wondering how this could happen!

You can also cook a delicious dessert with a very spicy, sour or salty filling. After its preparation, it remains to intrigue the household and monitor their reaction to this treat. Such a harmless joke will require a lot of time, but will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Strike Beauty

There is another interesting method of how to play mom without leaving home. To make the morning as saturated as possible, you need to deal a real blow to beauty. While your beloved parent is sleeping, you need to carefully penetrate her bedroom and paint her nails in completely different color shades. To make the rally even brighter, you can additionally pour all the nail polish remover. Work colleagues will definitely appreciate the children's sense of humor. You can also just hide the makeup so that mom could not find it. But a more interesting joke will turn out if each item is glued to the dressing table.

how to play mom on April 1

Not soap soap

What could be better than watching how the parents fell victim to a joke, but do not understand what is happening? It is worth arranging rallies in the morning, when they cannot concentrate on certain things. How can you play mom without unpleasant consequences? It is necessary to realize a small prank with the participation of ordinary soap. The work ahead is painstaking. It is necessary to take a piece of hygiene products and cover its surface with a thick layer of varnish. Next, let it dry and put in a soap dish. In the morning you should get up in a secluded place and observe the situation. Mom will start to wash her hands habitually, but she won’t understand why soap doesn’t want to wash herself.

Standard jokes

During a normal conversation, you need to make the most intense look so that mom herself begins to guess that something is happening to her child. Her question about what happened needs to be answered in advance. You can think of anything you want, for example, to report an early pregnancy, expulsion from college for poor progress, subpoenas to the police, and much more. It is important to make the face as sad as possible at the time of the conversation. As soon as the parent believes, you should smile and congratulate on the most fun holiday.

There are lots of ways to play mom on the very first day of April. However, it is worth making jokes in such a way that everyone has fun: the creators of the draw, participants and observers. It is best to hold this event on a day off or in the evening, so as not to spoil the parents' mood during the training camp. If they do not have a sense of humor at all, then it is worth abandoning such an idea.

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