There are very few people in the world who, of their own free will, live alone. Most sooner or later create families, raise children and grandchildren. Family life is complex and diverse at any stage. It does not depend on the age of the children and the spouses themselves. There is always a set of problems and obstacles. However, moments of happiness and joy can cross out everything bad and give strength to further life.
It is sad, but we are all getting old. Quiet family life replaces violent emotions and passions. This is especially felt when already adult children leave home, start an independent life, get married and get married.
Old age comes unnoticed. She cannot be stopped. But years are not all that it brings to the person. Cessation of work, poor health, limited physical abilities - all this is typical for older people. At this time, family life and loved ones begin to acquire even greater significance.
With retirement , a person frees up a lot of time for thought. At this age, many begin to rethink some events and take stock. And here two options are possible: a person is satisfied with his life and vice versa.
In the first case, a person appreciates his labor activity. He is pleased with life, he is pleased with children and grandchildren, he respects himself and others. Such people are always in a good mood and have the strength for new achievements. All positive emotions are reflected in close people. Family life goes on. Such elderly couples can often meet in the park and on the street. They, as a young man, hold each other's hands and everything shows that they are happy.
Unfortunately, there are other cases. Failures in a career, health problems, unhappy personal life happen to many. It is very bad when with such results a person comes to old age. Such elderly people become angry and moody. It’s difficult to get along even with close relatives.
In any case, elderly people need attention and care. They deserve respect and are worthy of a happy old age.
Family life is not only the relationship of husband and wife, it is also the relationship of fathers and children. It can be complicated by various circumstances and disagreements. This should not stop children from taking care of their parents.
Retired people have a need to feel needed and meaningful. They seek to help children: financially, housework, childcare.
Despite their age, the family life of the elderly is no less interesting. They have a more reverent and touching relationship. They understand each other well and even become similar in appearance. Increased care and attention can be explained by the fear of losing each other.
Sooner or later, one of the spouses is faced with loneliness. Society does not notice the elderly. Subsequent generations are too busy with work and personal affairs, they do not care about other people's problems. If a person in old age remains completely alone, then, at best, a nursing home awaits him.
Dissatisfaction with life entails an early physical decrepitude, which may be accompanied by mental disorders. Lonely old people take less care of themselves and their housing.
Older people value attention and care. For them, family relationships are very important. Even if the children cannot come to their parents often for some reason, the latter must be sure that they are not forgotten and loved. It gives vitality and self-confidence. For them, this is the highest award.
Those who decided to refuse to care for their parents should remember their childhood, when mother, sparing no time and energy, loved, fed, dressed, washed and so on. In addition, do not forget that children take an example from you, and what fate awaits you in old age, you can guess.