Что такое "Автокад" (AutoCAD). Система автоматизированного проектирования и черчения

All processes in the world are so automated that it is no longer difficult to find some kind of tool for creating projects. What is "AutoCAD", few know. Usually, graduates of construction universities have clearly heard about him. Even those who work with the application daily may not know all the subtleties of working with it.

About the program

So, AutoCAD is a whole software system that is designed to work with the design and drawing of two- and three-dimensional projects. The program is automated, which gives the engineer many opportunities. For the first time, what is "AutoCAD", learned in 1982. It was then that the first version of the program appeared.

what is autocad

Since this is a whole system, there are a number of applications that are based on it. These conditional additions can be used in various fields. There are separate utilities for engineering, construction, architecture, etc.


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AutoCAD program

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AutoCAD 2018. Windows 7, 8.1 10. 32 64, «» 64- . 4 , 8 .

1 . 1360 768, DirectX 11. 4 . , , 8 , 6 .

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