Is it worth worrying if a child sweats heavily in a dream?

Young mothers are very concerned about the question: "Why does the child sweat in a dream?" Could this be a manifestation of some deviations in the development of the baby or a sign of the disease? Today we will discuss this issue.

What is sweating?

the child sweats heavily in a dream

From a biology course, we know that sweating is a way of regulating body temperature. When the body needs to give off excess heat, it forms an additional amount of moisture to be separated, which, evaporating, helps it in the process of heat transfer.

This means that if a child sweats heavily in a dream or at the time of wakefulness, he has excessive heat generation or a violation of its return.

What does sweating depend on?

The degree of sweating is an individual feature of each organism. After all, even under the same conditions, someone immediately becomes wet, while someone does not notice any manifestations of overheating. So one of the reasons for excessive sweating of your child may be a hereditary predisposition to it.

But the most common reason is the non-observance of temperature conditions in the room where the baby sleeps. In a cool clean room with a temperature of no more than 22 ° and a humidity of at least 50%, your healthy child will not sweat!

the child sweats heavily in his sleep

Check the bedroom crumbs: maybe there are air-drying heaters? Or maybe your child is sweating heavily in a dream because you are wrapping him too much, worrying so that he does not catch a cold? But believe me, despite the imperfection of thermoregulation processes in babies, they do not need warm pajamas and thick blankets at all if the air temperature in the room is above 18 ° C! Overheating for a young child is no less dangerous than hypothermia.

The child sweats heavily in a dream : looking for a reason

Excessive heat generation at the time of sleep under normal conditions is unlikely: this can happen only after a very hearty dinner, which requires additional energy for digestion. So, if you did not overfeed the baby at night, he should not sweat.

An important reason for this phenomenon is also the peculiarities of the baby’s nervous system: if your child is excitable, then he sweats a lot, and his sleep is usually restless. Such children need special preparation for a night's rest: evening baths with the addition of sea salt or soothing herbal preparations, calm games before bedtime, muffled TV sound and a quiet conversation will help the baby to relax and sleep soundly.

why the child sweats heavily in his sleep

But if all the conditions are met, and the child sweats heavily in a dream, then most likely he starts a viral or catarrhal disease. However, in such cases, cough, fever, runny nose join sweating.

Sweating is also one of the signs of rickets (though far from the main one), thyroid dysfunction, or even heart failure. But, as you know, these serious diseases are manifested not only by the indicated symptom. Therefore, do not try to make scary diagnoses yourself. If you notice that the child is sweating heavily in his sleep (with normal temperature in the room and the absence of pronounced symptoms of any diseases), and this does not go away for a couple of months, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination to identify hidden pathologies.

Be healthy!

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