Bicycle for children with cerebral palsy: features, types, characteristics

Cerebral palsy (or cerebral palsy) is a complex congenital disease characterized by damage to certain parts of the brain. At the physical level, it causes disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, musculoskeletal system and vestibular apparatus. Symptoms are observed in the form of seizures, paralysis, intellectual dysfunction, hearing impairment, vision and much more.

Often such children receive disabilities and need periodic medical examination, treatment and rehabilitation. One of the methods to help strengthen immunity, maintain muscle tone and adapt in society is a bicycle for children with cerebral palsy. What are its features and benefits?

bike for children with cerebral palsy

General information

Today, cerebral palsy with traditional medicine is recognized as an incurable ailment. However, depending on the form of the course of the disease, children can grow up to be quite able-bodied people and forget about disability forever. But this requires special programs, which include a bicycle for children with cerebral palsy.

This device is significantly different from the ones we used to see. It was developed jointly by scientists, physicians and engineers. A special vehicle corresponds to the anatomical features of a sick child. It provides additional details: for example, a support back, fastenings for arms and legs, an elastic covering of pedals and handles. As a rule, a bicycle for children with cerebral palsy is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the illness of the kids.

orthopedic bicycle for children with cerebral palsy


From one year, kids begin to actively explore the world, and even a disease such as cerebral palsy is not a limitation for them. It was during this period that they can already gradually master vehicles. For example, a tricycle for children. Cerebral palsy is a serious illness, but such an ideal assistant in rehabilitation, like this special tool, will share the burdens brought by the disease.

  • Small models are designed for babies from 85 cm tall. Such devices are made of durable, high-quality materials and equipped with a wide, comfortable seat.
  • The torso of the child is fixed using seat belts. Thanks to this detail, bicycles for children with disabilities cerebral palsy can be used for paralysis of limbs or muscle weakness.
  • Another feature of such vehicles is the lack of fastening between the steering rack and pedals. This is very convenient if the baby cannot pedal himself, and parents or a health worker have to participate in driving.
  • The pedals are quite wide and covered with non-slip material. There are additional brakes, stoppers for the feet and cuffs for the hands.
  • Also, bicycles for children with cerebral palsy are additionally equipped with a luggage carrier at the back and a basket in front for toys, products and things.
  • The dimensions of such vehicles, of course, are several times higher than conventional models. The diameter of their wheels directly depends on the age and weight of the child.

With the development of transport, its design can be changed by liberation from unnecessary devices: clamps, belts, etc.

tricycle for children cerebral palsy


As already mentioned, a rehabilitation bike for children with cerebral palsy is a necessary link in the treatment and adaptation of babies in society. Walking in the fresh air tempers the child’s body, saturates the tissues with oxygen, gives a good mood, promotes the interaction of the child with peers. All this is a positive motivation for development and recovery.

Reviews of parents note that children with cerebral palsy are becoming more independent, curiosity, sociability are increasing, their horizons are expanding.

From the physiological point of view, for these children, the measured load on the muscles is very important and useful. Flexion and extension are a training base for weak children's muscles. In the process of mastering new transport, the child improves coordination and orientation in space. Experts recommend cycling with exercise therapy and swimming.

rehabilitation bike for children with cerebral palsy

Where could I buy?

Orthopedic bicycles for children with cerebral palsy are usually ordered from manufacturers who, when assembling the device, will take into account any wishes of parents and the anatomical features of the child. In production, an important role is played by the height, weight of the baby, the form of his pathology.

You can, of course, purchase a finished product. Most importantly, the child should be comfortable on it. The speed and quality of rehabilitation depends on this.


Unfortunately, such a useful and necessary product as a bicycle for children with cerebral palsy has a very high price range. In Russia, the average cost of a product is approximately 70-80 thousand rubles. Therefore, not every family can afford to buy it. However, there are separate parts for sale (for example, a steering rack or seat) that are much cheaper. There are cases when the unlimited love of parents and the desire to see their child healthy and happy were motivated to create their own designs. Using fantasy and skillful hands, they independently assembled specialized bikes from improvised tools and parts from familiar devices.

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