Mumps in a child: symptoms that can help recognize the disease

Mumps, commonly known as mumps, is one of the most common childhood illnesses. How does mumps manifest in a child? Symptoms of this disease, as a rule, can be observed in children aged 3-5 to 10-12 years. Kids who are less than a year old have practically no chance of getting sick, as they are protected by innate immunity.

mumps in a child

Like other viral infections, mumps makes itself felt by elevated body temperature (up to 38-39 degrees). The mumps in a child, the symptoms of which we are now discussing, also cause general weakness, lethargy and malaise.

The most indicative sign can be considered the formation of swelling in the salivary glands near the ears. Sometimes this symptom appears on both sides, but more often - with only one. Due to this swelling and swelling, it becomes painful for the baby to chew and open his mouth wide. To the touch, the formations have a pasty consistency, can be painful, but the skin over them is not affected. So begins the pig in a child.

Symptoms that may arise in the future are a deterioration in well-being, the occurrence of headaches and discomfort in the abdomen. They are associated with the fact that the outlet of the duct of the salivary gland is strongly swelling and inflamed.

mumps in children treatment

In some patients, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands are affected, among other things (that is, testoid formations also occur in the region of the lower jaw and chin). They are pretty painful. On the 4th-5th day of the course of the disease, the glands increase most of all, and then gradually, by the 10th day, the swelling decreases in size.

The flow of saliva necessary to cleanse the teeth and mouth from plaque and saturate the baby's teeth with minerals is disrupted. As a result, the risk of caries and the appearance of gingivitis (gum inflammation) increases significantly . Mumps in a child, the symptoms of which we consider in this article, can also be accompanied by infectious stomatitis. This, again, is associated with a violation of the antibacterial function of saliva.

How is mumps treated in children?

mumps disease in children

Treatment of the simplest form of the disease, when only the salivary glands are affected, is carried out at home. The child must be isolated from others, regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. It is advisable to observe bed rest. Inflamed glands should be kept warm. Experts advise alternating oil compresses with half-alcohol. Consideration should also be given to moments related to nutrition: it is better to give the baby pureed, semi-liquid and liquid foods, avoid spicy and spicy foods. Drink as much liquid as possible: warm boiled water, herbal decoctions, teas and juices. It will be useful to rinse the oral cavity with a solution of baking soda, which will reduce the activity of viruses.

With more complex forms of the disease, the intervention of a specialist is required, who will be able to determine what caused the complications and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Mumps - a disease that occurs very often in children - should not cause much excitement in parents. Follow all recommendations of pediatricians - and in 10-12 days your child will recover!

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